Asking all them questions

Authors note!



'She will never find me here this will be the last place she Will or i will ever think of .' Beastboy thought to himself. He was in a unknown quiet place. It was dark and quiet and uncomfortable but no one even noticed him....yet at least.

"Rae...Raven " Cyborg said quickly as he noticed Ravens death glare."Are you sure B will be here at of all places?" Cyborg asked

"Yes, I can feel his emotions and i can also sense my Cloak " Raven replied

"How can you sense your cloak?"Cyborg asked

Raven rolled her eyes and answer his question "Because it's mine my scent, my memories, and my emotions.Think of it all are bald up in the cloak" Said Raven

" Let's just hurry this up so, we can go home" Robin said starting to become impatient

"Yes, Robin you are the right, I'm I the correct? " Star asked

"Great!"Robin told her and gave her a thumbs up


'Maybe I should go out and get some food? But, with if they find me? Nahh, I'm in a libary? There is windows everywhere doe? Maybe She won't be that mad? Or I'll just stay on here?' Beastboy thought to himself.

"Or Raven can throw you out the window?" Said a deep fimular voice

"Or send you to another dimension? " said another voice just more stern.

"Or be the kind?" Said an famine voice

"Or get out our book basket? " said a non fimular voice.

Beastboy looked up and seen The Titans look at him with a Harsh glare Ravens was the worst and then Raven said "Or all above? Besides Starfire suggestion."

"How about none? Except for getting out the basket. Yeah so, imma go get some tofu and act like this never happened." The changling suggested as he got out the basket.

"Really." Raven said in her monotone voice

"Yeah!" He replied and then you can hear the words 'Azarath Metron Zinthos' those words were being spoke. Sorta in a song like tone.

Beastboy can fell himself falling and he Stared to scream. He quickly turned into a green bird after he had relized what was happening to him. Beastboy flapped as hard as he can to get to the portal that lead him to were he is now. He was right there but he was to late.One of his wings was caught in the portal a little when it closed he let out a screech still I his bird form.


Beastboy let out and turned into his human self and fell.


On the other side the unknown man who had told Beastboy to get out of the basket was walking over to the Titans and politely said to them,

"Hi their Titans, I'm Bob and can you guys please be quiet this is a Labiry and my apologies." He said sounding a little scared

"Whatever." Raven said in her monotone voice again.

"What friend Raven really dose the meen was to say was the, yes." Starfire said as she flew over to him and gave him a smile

"Uh, Thank you for C-c- Cooperating." Bob stuttered and the kindly said goodbye and walked away.

After he left Robin said in a whispering voice "Raven where did you send Beastboy?" He asked

"Another dimension, duh!"Cyborg commented.

"Your not helping Cy." Robin said glaring at him.

"Yes, this is the important we need to work as a team to stay strong and fight the crime." Starfire added

"Dose it matter? "Raven said she knew it did but she still wanted to ask but, she was  going to regret it.

"Yes, it dose very. His a Titan!  He is apart of the team! His our freind! No, his like our family!" Robin said getting worked up. It was rare occations when he got angry at Raven. The same was for Starfire, Robin hadn't noticed it but he had slighlty rasied raised his voice as well.

"That was pont-" Raven was cut off by the people in the libary 'shhing' them and followed by a quiet.

"Whatever." Raven said as she walked off. So, their goes a fusterating, a little guilty, and counfused Purple head right out the door.
