The Hunted

In one of the hunter tents, Peter Ludlow leans over the satellite recon pictures of the island, planning the next day's assault with Dieter and Dr. Burke, their paleontologist. There are small wooden dinosaur models scattered around the photos, indicating where certain species can be found.

Burke: The good news is we're already more than sixty percent of the way through our manifest for this trip - -

Ludlow: And the bad news?

Burke: That evidence of thanatocoenses I thought I saw from the helicopter was in fact the remains of the ankylosaur herd. A predator must have driven them off the cliff, so I'm afraid they are, once again, extinct. And our veterinarian inadvertently sedated two hadrosaurs right into a coma - -

Ludlow: That's inexcusable.

Burke: Not really, tranquilizing is an inexact science, it's completely dependent on the metabolism of the individual animal and since no one had any - - any - -

He trails off. A low rumbling sound can be heard outside, and the little wooden dinosaur start shaking on the board. They look at each other. The rumbling gets louder. Outside, someone shouts; on the board, the little dinosaurs start hopping and bouncing from the vibrations, the shouts outside turn to screams, they turn and look at the back of the tent and the triceratops bursts right through the canvas! Hunters go flying as the tent-covered triceratops, its horns tearing through the canvas, rumbles across the camp. Men shout in alarm, the triceratops bellows in anger and confusion, chaos reigns. In the crush of people running every which way. Sarah is swept off in one direction while Nick is buffeted in another. They Shout, but cannot be heard over the fray. The triceratops, blinded by the canvas shroud, stomps right through the fire in the middle of the camp AND THE TENT BURSTS INTO FLAME. Now really upset, the animal panics and lashes out in all directions, blasting through tents, demolishing and/or setting ablaze anything that gets in its way. Its considerable hindquarter slams into a parked jeep. Sending it rolling across the camp. The jeep flattens the largest tent and slams down on its side. Its broken gas line sprays gas over the ground, the gas hits one of the dozens of small blazes the triceratops has left in its wake, and the flame shoots up the ribbon of gas. The jeep explodes. Out in the jungle clearing, Roland and Ajay, up in the tree, leap to their feet as a fireball rises up from the camp in the distance. Suddenly, the entire burning jeep comes flying over the treetops and crashes to the jungle floor nearby.

Roland: What in God's - - !

Back in the camp, the rest of the newly-freed animals now storm through the camp. The blue laser barriers bounce crazily and go out as the sending units are trampled underfoot by the fleeing animals. At the edge of camp, Nick takes advantage of the downed lasers to slip past the borders of the camp and disappear into the jungle in one direction, while Sarah vanishes in the other. The burning tent, which was the equipment tent, now detonates in a series of smaller explosions. Dieter and several others are knocked to the ground by the series of concussive blasts. He drags himself up onto all fours, charred and bruised. A burning tire roll's slowly past him, spinning to a stop at Roland's feet. Dieter looks up at him.

Roland: Last time I leave you in charge.

Nick breaks out into the jungle clearing, the same one where Ajay and Roland had their blind. He sees the baby tyrannosaur chained to the stake. It BLEATS in pain and Nick notices its wounded leg hanging at an odd angle.

Nick: Sick Bastards.

With one strong tug, he pulls the stake out of the ground. Back in the camp, Roland surveys the destruction. The fire has spread and several tents are now tongues of flame flapping in the air, the animals are gone or going, and their personnel are scattered and terrified. PETER LUDLOW, breathless, face smeared with dirt and smoke, staggers up to Roland.

Ludlow: What in Christ's name is going on?!

Roland: Isn't it obvious?

He holds up the snapped padlock from one of the animal cages.

Roland: (cont'd) We're not alone on this island.

Sarah races back up onto the ridge trail, where the green AAV is parked. Nick bursts around from the other side of the car.

Sarah: Nick, thank God, I didn't know if - -

She opens the door.

Nick: Wait, don't –

With a piercing shriek, the BABY TYRANNOSAUR, now in the back of the AAV, flings itself at the open door, jaws snapping just short of her nose. Sarah shriek and slams the door. Down in the hunters' camp, Roland hears the commotion up on the ridge and looks up.

Roland: Do we have anyone up there?

Back up on the ridge, Sarah shouts at Nick.


Nick: It has a broken leg! Get in the car before they hear us!

They leap into the front sear of the car. Back at base camp, Malcolm, (Y/N), Jasmine and Kelly come into the trailer. Malcolm goes straight to the elaborate radio console and hits a series of switches. The console blinks to life, a large dial in the middle illuminating the frequency selector. Malcolm sits down and hits the volume switch. LATIN MUSIC comes over the speakers.

Malcolm: Damn, it's not set on the frequency.

Kelly finds a log book on the shelf in front of him. She RIPS the velcro straps off and opens it.

Kelly: Look in here.

The AAV slaps through the jungle foliage. From inside the car, we can hear the baby tyrannosaur screaming in anger. The baby writhes on the back seat, screeching. Sarah leans over the seat, past the animal.

Nick: What you doing?!

Sarah: Closing the window! It's going to wake every predator in the jungle!

She leans over the enraged animal and cranks up its window. IT thrashes and cries. Outside, the listening jungle whizzes by. Up in the high hide, Eddie stands watching, scanning the jungle for any sign of his returning comrades. He yanks the night-vision binoculars away from his face as he spots the AAV, pulling up to the base camp a couple hundred yards away. He furrows his brow, watching them pull the wounded animal from the back seat.

Eddie: What the hell was that?

(Y/N), Kelly and Malcolm have the logbook open and are running a finger down a column of numbers. Jasmine stood back as she looked at them.

Jasmine: How many people does it take to find the right one?

(Y/N): To damn many.

Malcolm: Ah. Here.

He reaches out to the frequency modulator and turns the dial, whizzing through various noise and static on his way to the appropriate number. He's almost there when Sarah and Nick burst through the door of the trailer, carrying the screaming infant with them.

Sarah: Hi, Ian. No lectures, please.

(Y/N)'s and Malcolm's jaw drops open but no words come out as Sarah and Nick bring the baby rex to the metal dining table and hold it down.

Kelly: Wow!

Jasmine: That is so cool.

(Y/N) looked over at Jasmine and back at the baby Rex in complete shock and disbelief. He was speechless for a few seconds before he finally said something.

(Y/N): Are you fucking insane! Are you trying to get us killed!

Sarah yanks open a drawer of medical supplies, holding a small syringe. Her shirt is streaked with blood from the baby's injured leg.

Sarah: Hold him tighter, Nick!

Nick tightens his grip on the animal and Sarah makes an injection into its thigh, over its loudly voiced objections. Finally, Malcolm finds words.

Malcolm: I am aghast.

Sarah picks up a small ultrasound transducer and runs it over the animal's leg. A green and white skeletal image appears on a monitor next to the table.

Sarah: Okay, there's the metatarsals - - tibia, fibula - - there it is! See it? That's a fracture, just above the epiphysis.

Malcolm: What do I have to do with you people, hit you with a stick?

Jasmine, intrigued, peers closely at the monitor Sarah's using.

Jasmine: You mean that little black line?

Sarah: That little black line means death for this infant. The fibula won't heal straight, so the ankle joint can't pivot when he stands on his hind feet. The baby won't be able to run, and probably can't even walk. It'll be crippled, and a predator will pick it off before it gets more than a few weeks old.

Malcolm: Kelly, come on. Up to the high hide, you'll be safer there. (to Sarah and Nick) I'll be back in two minutes and I will personally put that animal out. (to (Y/N)) You and Jasmine should come with.

(Y/N): No shit. Come on, let go.

Jasmine: Right.

(Y/N) holds Jasmine hand as they leave. Malcolm leads them all quickly out of the trailer and across the camp. Nick and Sarah are still working.

Nick: Can you set it?

Sarah: (thinking) It has to be temporary, something that'll break apart and fall off as the animal grows . . .

The tyrannosaur, still in pain, shrieks again. With the soft whip of the electric winch, the high hide rises up to its full height again, now bearing Eddie, Kelly, (Y/N), Jasmine and Malcolm. Even up here, the baby rex's SCREECHES are plainly audible.

Eddie: What are they doing in there?

Malcolm: You're much happier not knowing.

From inside the trailer, the baby lets out a long, plaintive shriek which is answered by a roar from the jungle. One by one, Eddie, Kelly, (Y/N), Jasmine and Malcolm turn and stare into the night jungle. Malcolm grabs the radio from Eddie.

Malcolm: Sarah! Nick! Get that baby as far away from the trailer as you can, RIGHT NOW! Do you hear me?!

No answer. Enraged, Malcolm hurls the radio back to Eddie. There are ropes tied to the four corners of the hide, for quick descents, and Malcolm now hurls one of the ropes over the edge.

Kelly: Dad?

She grabs hold of him, holding on to his arm with both hands.

Malcolm: I'm sorry, Kelly, I have to go back there! You coming (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm coming.

Jasmine: What!

Kelly: No, stay here!

Malcolm: This is the safest place you can be, believe me! Kelly, please - - I'm sorry - -

(Y/N): He right, this is the safest place on this island.

He has to literally pry her fingers loose from his arm.

Malcolm: (cont'd) I'm sorry. Me and (Y/N) will be back for you.

Nick holds the animal while Sarah fits an aluminum foil cuff around its injured leg and paints it with a coating of resin. The animal thrashes again.

Nick: Give it more morphine!

Sarah: We'll kill it with too much, we'll put it into respiratory arrest! I'm almost done. Damn it, I need another adhesive, something pliable I can - -

Her eyes fall on Nick's mouth. She holds out her hand, urgently.

Sarah: (cont'd) Spit!

He spits his bubble gum into the palm of her hand. The baby rex CRIES OUT again.

In the High Hide, From the swaying jungle, there is another answering roar. And this one's closer. In the high hide, Eddie, Jasmine, and Kelly, stare trembling. In the distance, a flock of birds shriek and takes flight as the tops of some trees move, a whole section of forest suddenly coming alive, as if brushed by wind. But it's not the wind. They hear noises, thuds in the jungle. And then another section of forest trembles. Closer. Another flock of birds burst out of the treetops and swarms past the high hide.

Kelly: It's moving. Fast.

Jasmine instinctively pulls Kelly closer to her.  Eddie whispers urgently into the walkie-talkie.

Eddie: Sarah, come in!

As he talks, whatever is moving in the trees gets closer still, until the trees right under the hide stir as the animal passes right below them. There is a radio box mounted on the far wall of the trailer. The speaker buzzes urgently with Eddie's voice.

Eddie: (o.s.) Sarah, Nick, can you hear me?

On the table, Sarah is frantically molding Nick's bubble gum into place on the makeshift splint. But the baby rex, regaining its strength, is thrashing again.

Sarah: Hold it down!

Nick: I'm trying.

Eddie: (o.s.) Is anybody there?!

Nick moves to answer the radio, but Sarah shouts to him.

Sarah: Get the bottle of amoxicillin and fill a syringe! Quick injection of antibiotics and I can get it out of here!

Malcolm and (Y/N) runs as fast as they can, across the base camp and toward the trailer. Sarah, syringe in hand, makes an injection into the baby's thigh. Eddie's voice comes from the radio again.


The door to the trailer smacks open, startling them. Malcolm and (Y/N) lunges inside and, in the same motion, the door bangs shut behind him.

(Y/N): Will it kill one of you to answer the damn radio!

Malcolm: Mommy's very angry.

He runs to the infant and grabs hold of it, but a deafening ROAR sounds just outside of the trailer, followed immediately by a CRASHING sound. They whirl and look to the window, just in time to see the AAV tumbling by, rolling on its side! There is another roar and the baby, in Malcolm's arms, roars in response. Outside the window, the head of a full-grown TYRANNOSAURUS REX lowers and peers inside. (Y/N), Malcolm, Sarah, and Nick all freeze in absolute terror. The rex outside gurgles, making maternal cooing noises. The baby rex, calm for the firs time, gurgles back. But across the trailer, in the opposite window, ANOTHER T-REX HEAD SUDDENLY APPEARS. This one roars, deeply, a roar so low and loud it rattles anything in the trailer that isn't tied down.

Malcolm: Make that mommy and daddy.

Nick: What do they want?!

(Y/N): Oh you know, they saw there was new people in the neighborhood and wanted to check them out... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THEY WANT?!!

(Y/N) says the last part as he points at the baby Rex

Sarah: That's impossible, they can't have the sensory equipment to track it all the way here!

Malcolm: Current evidence seems to be to the contrary, wouldn't you say?! GIVE IT TO THEM!

Nick, hands shaking, grabs the shoulder video camera he used earlier. He scoops up a tape and tries to load it with trembling hands. Sarah and Malcolm lift the baby and carry it to the other end of the trailer. Outside, the two adult rexes stay with them, walking in the same direction, watching them through the windows. Seen from outside, the light inside the trailers clearly illuminates Sarah and Malcolm as they carry the baby rex. The adult rexes tower over the trailer, twice as tall and nearly as long. They walk slowly alongside it, hunched over, watching their infant.
At the door to the trailer, Sarah un-muzzles the frantic baby. Despite her fear, Sarah is trembling with excitement as well as she watches the animals move outside the windows.

Sarah: This isn't hunting behavior! Not hunting - - they're searching, Ian! They do want their baby! They do! This is proof positive of what I was talking about!

(Y/N): Woah! Really, I would have never guessed.  

Malcolm: I'm so happy for you.

Sarah: Ready?

Malcolm reaches for the door handle. Nick is still fumbling with the camera, his hands shaking so violently he can't get the tape in. Outside, the enormous rex head pause for a moment, staring surprised. Although terrified, Sarah actually starts to sing.

Sarah: (softly) Born free, as free as the wind blows. As free as the grass grows - -

Malcolm: Are you insane?!

Sarah: I swear to God, it works with lions sometimes! There we are - - your baby is free - -

The baby, excited, wriggles free of them and hands on the ground outside. Not wasting a second, Malcolm slams the door shut. The four of them freeze, not daring to breathe. Outside, they can hear the snuffling and cooling of the animals as they inspect their young and then the soft thud of their footsteps, growing fainter as they move away. From the wall, Eddie's voice comes over the radio, relieved.

Eddie: (o.s.) They're going back into the jungle.

Up in the high hide, Eddie, Jasmine and Kelly sag back against the railings of the high hide.

Eddie: Thank God. Thank God.

Malcolm's voice comes over the radio.

Malcolm: (o.s.) Kelly? Are you all right?

She takes the radio, her voice shaky.

Kelly: Uh huh.

Malcolm: (o.s.) Wait there. I'll come up in a minute. Don't move, understand?

Kelly: I understand.

Malcolm: Good. Can you get Jasmine on the line.

Kelly: Yeah.

Malcolm gets off the radio as he hands it to (Y/N).

Malcolm: Here you go.

(Y/N): thank you.

(Y/N) grabs the radio as he hears Jasmine on the other in.

Jasmine: (Y/N) are you there?

(Y/N): I'm here. Are you alright?

Jasmine: Yeah, me and everyone else here are alright.

(Y/N): Good. Good. Listen, me and Malcolm are going to come get you and Kelly in a little bit so just hang on intel then.

Jasmine: I can take care of myself you know.

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Be there soon.

(Y/N) hangs up the radio as he goes back to the group standing in the middle of the trailer. Finally, Nick gets the tape into his video camera. Malcolm slumps against the wall of the trailer. Sarah and Nick sit on the floor leaning against the opposite wall, completely drained.

Malcolm: That should be an interesting chapter in your book.

Sarah: Forget the chapter - -it's a whole new book. The debate over the parental instincts of Tyrannosaurus rex is now closed.

Nick: There's an unwritten rule when a news crew is in a war zone. You stop the van every two miles and decide whether or not you feel lucky. One "no" from anybody in the group and you turn around right there, no questions asked, nobody embarrassed. So. Do we go on?

All four of them say "no" at once, then burst out laughing. Malcolm goes to the desk and picks up the radio microphone.

But from the wall speaker, Eddie's voice breaks through, soft and empty.

Eddie: (o.s.) Oh, God. I am so sorry.

They look at each other. What's he sorry for?

Malcolm: Kelly.

(Y/N) gets up, opens the door, and steps outside. But almost immediately, he returns, backing into the trailer, very slowly. He backs up the steps and closes the door softly behind him.

Sarah: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hang on. This is going to be bad!

Before she can ask something huge smashes into the side of the trailer. The whole side implodes and they're thrown against the far wall. There is an earsplitting crack of electricity, the entire trailer rocks and sparks a brilliant blue, and then everything goes black, INCLUDING THE RADIO CONSOLE. Nick crawls over and looks out of the windows. Outside, the flank of one of the tyrannosaurs wipes past the window, revealing the second tyrannosaur, charging straight at the trailer!


They hurl themselves at the nearest solid object and hang on for dear life. The charging rex slams into the side of the trailer, which rocks up on one side. Bangs back down, and is quickly rammed again by the furious animal. This time the entire trailer rolls over, completely upside down. (Y/N), Sarah, Nick, and Malcolm let go of their precarious handholds and drop onto the ceiling. The tables, chairs, lab equipment, everything that's bolted down clings to the floor above them; everything that isn't RAINS DOWN ON THEM. But the rexes aren't done. The trailer JOLTS INTO MOTION, sliding forward. the upside down trailer, which is the rear of the two trailers, slides along the muddy ground, pushing up earth in front of it.

Sarah: They're pushing us!

(Y/N): Fuck! My head.

(Y/N) said as he rubs his head. Malcolm, frantic, crawls to a window to get a look outside. He looks down and sees the T-rex footprint in the earth outside as they move past it. He cranks his head to get a look at the direction in which they are being pushed. His eyes widen at something he sees outside the window.

Malcolm: Oh, God. They're pushing us over the cliff.

(Y/N): WHAT?!

On the word "cliff" Sarah snaps her head towards Malcolm, utter panic raking her face. The four of the crawl like hell towards the front of the trailer. The opposite end of the trailer reaches the edge of the cliff and starts to tip ever so slightly downward. Malcolm sees Sarah's torn and muddy backpack. His eyes light with an idea and scrambles over to it. Through the Windshield Of The Front Trailer, which is right-side-up, Nick can see the two rexes hard at it, pushing the front end of the trailer. Nick has pretty good grip at the top of the trailer, but Sarah can only cling to an air vent in the ceiling as stuff starts to roll and tumble past her, headed downhill. The angle increases, the trailer dips, and now stuff starts to free fall, right past her, some smashing her in the head. In the chaos, Malcolm manages to get hold of Sarah's pack and tears it open.

(Y/N): Please tell me the satellite phone is in there.

(Y/N) says as he hangs on to a cabinet. He finds her satellite phone, still attached to its heavy base. He hits a button and the green number pad lights up promisingly. The trailer continues to tip. Sarah, starting to be pulled downward, paws at the refrigerator, getting a grip on the handle. The door, held by a safety latch, doesn't open. Below now the trailer goes upright. The refrigerator bolts suddenly crunch free from the wall. The box strains on its power cord. Still clinging to the handle, Sarah swings wildly as it starts to come loose, swaying above her. The safety latch on the door gives, it swings open, and a shower of food bangs off of her as gravity empties the contents. Debris flies everywhere, some of it smashing into Malcolm, pounding the satellite phone right out of his hands. Sarah loses her grip and plummets through the new vertical trailer. She screams, covers her head, and smashes into the rear window. The glass spider webs, but does not break. Five hundred feet below, an enormous wave pounds the rocky shore. Above, Sarah is a tiny figure, sprawled out on the glass, held invisibly by the breaking window. In the trailer, Nick and Malcolm SHOUT to her.

Malcolm and Nick: SARAH! DON'T MOVE!

Sarah, stunned by the fall, blinks a few times, regaining her senses. She looks down, at the crashing surf so far below. For a person with a fear of heights, this is a real drag. As she stares, the rocks seem to move even farther away from her. She blanches; the world spins around her.

Sarah: Oh . . . please . . . no . . .

Her breath fogs the cracked glass. Slowly, she tries to get up, carefully pulling herself up to her hands and knees. But as she puts pressure on her hands, the glass cracks even more, tiny spider webs shooting out around her fingers. The whole glass panel sags, bowing out around the bottom of the trailer. Up above her.

Malcolm: Hang on! I can reach you!

(Y/N) looks over them as he sees the satellite phone, which is precariously balance on the leg of the kitchen table, its number pad still glowing green.

(Y/N): (cont'd) Nick! The satellite phone! Get it!

Malcolm starts lowering himself towards Sarah.

Sarah looks to her right, at a metal grating that runs along the wall of the trailer. She shifts her weight, leaning on one hand to reach for the grating with the other. Nick crawls down and reaches for the satellite phone, its antenna just six inches from his outstretched fingers. Malcolm crawls down towards Sarah as fast as he can. (Y/N) slowly makes his way down towards everyone.  Sarah leans toward the metal grating, and hairline cracks shoot out around her pivot hand, snaking through the glass. The splintered glass spreads like a disease, reaching the edge of the frame. Nick has two fingers on the phone, but suddenly the whole trailer shudders and the heavy phone tips off the table leg and falls.


The phone smashes into the glass below, completely taking out the back window. Sarah falls through, SCREAMING, but Malcolm lunges AND CATCHES HER BY THE HAND underneath the trailer, glass, food, lab equipment, and the precious satellite phone fall out of the broken window and SMASH on the rocks far below. Sarah dangles out of the bottom of the trailer, held only by Malcolm's tenuous grip of her hand. In the clearing, the trailers are split, like an L, the rear trailer hanging straight down, the forward on resting on the edge of the cliff. Satisfied with their work, the T-rexes turn and lumber back into the jungle. In the trailer, Malcolm struggles mightily to haul Sarah back up. She reaches up with her free hand and finally gets hold of the metal grating. On The Cliffside,
we realize the hanging trailer halted its descent because one corner of its wedged in the branches of a tree that grows out from the muddy cliff. But now those branches splinter. In the trailer, Nick sees the bellows, the connector between the trailers, stretch as the lower trailer jerks and dips lower.

Nick: Oh God.

Below him, Sarah pulls herself up inside and she and Malcolm mountain-climb through the trailer's kitchen. Sarah inadvertently kicks the faucet on as she struggles for purchase. Outside, the tree branch snaps and the trailer jerks, stretching down again. The bellows expands to its full length, stretching like a Slink. Inside, Sarah slips and loses her grip, dropping a few feet. She grabs hold of the sink, the flowing water spraying her face. In the jungle night, Eddie Carr is in the driver's seat of the jeep, racing through the jungle as fast as he can.

Eddie: Hang on - - hang on - -

The foliage smacks the windshield, then clears suddenly, revealing the endangered trailers on the cliffside ahead of him. The jeep bounces through the deep footprint left by the rex and skids to a halt. Sarah loses her grip on the sink and falls, smashing into the frame of the half-broken rear window again. Outside, Eddie bolts out of the car and runs to the front trailer. He shouts in through the broken front window.

Eddie: IAN! SARAH! NICK! (Y/N)!

In the rear trailer, The four look up from their precarious positions.

Malcolm: WE'RE IN HERE!


Eddie tries to go through the side door but it's jammed. Eddie then goes to the front as he crawls through the broken window.

Malcolm: Kelly. What did you do with Kelly.

Eddie: Their okay. Both Kelly and Jasmine are in the High Hide. WHO HERT! WHAT DO YOU NEED?



Malcolm: Yeah. Four double cheeseburgers with everything.

Nick: No onions on mine.

(Y/N): And some Dino nuggets.

Outside, Eddie turns and runs back to the jeep. He grabs a coil of rope, secures one end around a tree, and hurries back to the trailer. In the front trailer, Eddie dashes over the mess in the front trailer and crawls out into the extended connector. He peers over the edge, down into the second trailer, and tosses the rope.

Eddie: Catch!

The rope falls through the center of the trailer, its end dangling all the way out the smashed rear window. But the trailer SHUDDERS, starting to move again.

Sarah: We're sliding!

Eddie: Climb up if you can!

Outside, Eddie runs out of the trailer in time to see the wheels dragging forward through the mud as the weight of the dangling trailer pulls the whole thing toward the edge of the cliff. He runs for the jeep and grabs hold of the power winch on the front grill. Eddie races back to the trailer, pulling out a length of cable behind him. He runs up to the still-moving trailer, dives for its towing hook, the cable goes taut and he falls short. Just by six inches, but he's out of cable.

Eddie: Damn it!

Inside the trailer, Malcolm and Sarah are now together, clinging to the rope near the bottom of the trailer as it shifts around them. Nick is further up, also clinging to the rope. (Y/N) was behind Nick as he also started to clinging to the rope. Outside, dirt and rocks pile up around the wheels and spill over the edge of the cliff. Eddie, back in the jeep, reels out more winch cable. He turns and races back to the trailer just as gravity starts to LIFT THE FRONT END OFF THE GROUND! Eddie dives again, and this time the cable hook CLICKS securely into the trailer's towing hook. The trailer lurches toward the edge of the cliff and stops. But the jeep is jerked forward by the sudden pressure. In the trailer, Nick and (Y/N) clings to the rope in the middle of the trailer while Malcolm and Sarah try to struggle up it, but a sudden dip knocks them back, and their hands slide down the line. SCREAMING, they slide through the trailer and their feet SMASH through the remains of the rear window. Regaining hold of the rope at the very end, the two of them now find themselves hanging out of the rear end of the trailer, dangling over the rocky shore below. In the jeep, Eddie hits the gas and the tires slosh in the mud, trying to get a grip. The jeep pulls just enough to lower the front trailer back to earth. But the tires spin, fighting to hold in there. On the cliffside, Sarah and Malcolm dangle, desperate. In the Jeep, Eddie CHUCKS the shifter into four wheel drive and GUNS the engine. As the motor ROARS, the sound is topped by another ROAR, in the distance. And this one's not a machine. But Eddie doesn't hear it. He guns the engine again. There is another ROAR from the jungle. Eddie hears the one. He darts a look at the side view mirror. In it, he sees one of the TYRANNOSAURS bolt out of the jungle behind him. He GASPS and looks at the other side view. In it, he sees the OTHER REX racing toward him.
The tyrannosaurs STOMP forward to confront the ROARING jeep. The first rex bends over, CHOMPS down the rear tire, and lifts the car in its teeth. But the spinning tire ZINGS in the rex's mouth, burning it. Surprised by the fight in this foe, the rex loses its grip and the jeep BANGS back down onto the ground. Eddie, horrified, dives down under the steering wheel, to get away. The gas pedal pops up which makes the trailer pitch over the side of the cliff. But the rex STOMPS down on the jeep to prevent its escape. The trailers stop. Now the rexes lean down, over the jeep, and focus on Eddie, who still cowers under the steering column with it, leaving Eddie fully exposed. He SCREAMS and the second rex lashes in, seizing him in its teeth and tossing him out of the car. Eddie pops up into the air between the two rexes, both their heads flash at him at the same time, and in a split-second, he disappears between their teeth. Now completely ignored, the jeep rolls freely forward and the trailers drop over the edge of the cliff. Inside the trailer, (Y/N), Malcolm, Sarah, and Nick cling to each other and the rope as the trailers fall around them. The windows flash by as the trailers plummet, equipment BANGS and SCRAPES them, but they hold on to the rope, still tied to the tree, for dear life. Sarah's lucky backpack falls, its strap looping around Malcolm's neck, choking him. On the cliffside, the trailers slide the rest of the way, exposing the four, who pop out the space where the front windshield was. Dangling from the rope, they look up and see the jeep, which is now rolling to the edge of the cliff. It falls, past them, and the whole mess EXPLODES on the rocks below. Finally, it is silent, except for the sound of the surf. The four of them dangle there, suspended over their deaths. Slowly, they start the painful process of pulling themselves up.
But suddenly, from above them, a hand appears. Nick, who is closest to it, cranes his head back and looks up, sweat stinging his eyes, and sees Roland. Now two more hands appear over the edge of the cliff. Ludlow and Dieter. Grateful, Nick, Malcolm, (Y/N), and Sarah take their hands and are pulled to safety.

Hunters' Camp, Back in the hunters' now-demolished camp, the survivors of the night's two separate catastrophes combine their diminished supplies. They have a half a dozen large plastic containers of water, thirty-seven containers of food, ranging from ziploc bags to aluminum tin, a variety of weapons, most of them borne on the hips or shoulders of the HUNTER team, the charred and scraggly remnants of several pieces of now-useless electrical equipment, a flare fun and several flares, somebody's tattered paperback ("Crime and Punishment"), a box of Hershey bars, a carton of Marlboros, and Sarah's lucky backpack.

Roland supervises the assembling of the resources, which are displayed in front of him. Ludlow, Nick, Malcolm, and Kelly, held tightly by her father, are with him. (Y/N) had his arm around Jasmine as he looked at everyone. Sarah and Dr. Burke have found each other and consulting anxiously, heads nodding in agreement, while the others argue.

Roland: Our communication equipment's been destroyed. If your radio and satellite phone were in those trailers that went off the cliff - -

Malcolm: They were.

Roland: Then we're stuck here, ladies and gentlemen, and stuck together. Thanks to you people.

Nick: Hey, we came here to observe, you came to strip-mine the place! (to Dieter, who is staring him down) Back off.

Ludlow: At least we came prepared. And until you intentionally destroyed all our - -

(Y/N): Prepared? Five years of work and a hundred miles of electrified fence couldn't prepare the other island, did you actually think a couple dozen Marlboro men would make a difference here?

Nick: It's a looter mentality. All you care about is what you can take. You have no right.

Ludlow: An extinct animal that's brought back to life has no rights. It exists because we made it. We patented it. We own it.

Nick: (to Dieter) Are you looking for a problem?

Roland: (recognizing Nick) I know you. You're that little Earth First bastard, aren't you?

Sarah and Dr. Burke step in.

Sarah: Everyone, keep your voices down!

Ludlow: Earth First? What's that?

Roland: They're professional saboteurs.

Nick: Environmentalists.

Roland: Criminals.

Sarah: Listen to me, by moving the baby rex into our camp, we may have changed the adults' perceived territory!

Ludlow: Their what?

Burke: That's why they persisted in destroying the trailers, they now feel they have to defend this entire area!

(Y/N): We have to move. Right now.

Nick: Move where? Our boat, their airlift - - they're both waiting for an order we have no way to send.

Ludlow refers to the satellite photographs again.

Ludlow: There's a communication center, here, in the operations building. It's the main structure in the old worker village. Hammond ran everything on geothermal power, it was never supposed to need replenishing. It should still work. If we can get there, we can send a radio call for the airlift.

(Y/N):  How far is the village?

Ludlow: A day's walk, maybe more. That's not the problem.

Roland: What is?

Ludlow: The velociraptors.

After hearing that, (Y/N) holds on to Jasmine a little tighter. Malcolm looks up sharply. While Ludlow spreads out one of the satellite reconnaissance maps, Malcolm shepherds Kelly away from the conversation and mutters something to her quietly in the background.

Ludlow: (cont'd) Our infrareds show their nesting sites are concentrated in the island interior. That's why we planned on keeping to the outer rim.

Dieter: What are velociraptors?

Burke: Carnivores. Pack hunters. About two meters tall, long snouts, binocular vision, strong dexterous forearms, killing claws on both feet.

(Y/N): And the second smarts animal on this island.

Sarah: And the rexes may continue to track us too, if they perceive a threat to themselves or the infant.

Burke: No, you're wrong, they'll lose us once we're out of their territory.

(Y/N):  Don't bet on it.

Sarah: What about the olfactory cavity?

Burke: What about it?

Sarah: A tyrannosaur has the largest proportional olfactory cavity of any creature in the fossil record except for one. A turkey vulture. It could scent at up to ten miles.

Ludlow: I say we head for the village.

Dieter: I'm sure we can handle ourselves against these velociraptors.

Malcolm: I'm quite sure you can't. We should head back down to the lagoon.

Roland: And do what? Sit out in the open, next to a heavily used water source, and hope your boat captain decides to come back on his own?

Nick: He won't. He knows better.

Roland: Then we head for the village. We might find some shelter and we can call for help. The rexes just fed, so they won't stalk us for food. Predators don't hunt when they're not hungry.

Nick: No. Only humans do.

Roland: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Saddle up. Let's get this moveable feast underway.

The SURVIVORS set forth, marching through the jungle in a column. Two HUNTERS strap on small shoulder-mounted servo-flashlights. Wires run from the lights and end in sensor pads which they stick on the skin of their necks. Thus attached, when the hunters turn their heads, the servo-lights turn them, illuminating whatever direction they look in.

Malcolm puts one arm around Kelly, pulls her tight, and they set off. (Y/N) does the same with Jasmine. A full moon rises as the humid night air settles over the jungle trees. Below, the foliage trembles as the column of MARCHERS make its way across the island. Malcolm, one arm around KELLY, marches alongside PETER LUDLOW.

Malcolm: Say, I haven't had a chance to wish you luck with your new business venture. You're off to a very promising start.

Ludlow: My team is intact, Doctor. I'm sorry for the loss of your man. It's very easy to criticize someone who generates an idea. Someone who takes all the risks, who puts everything out on the - -

Malcolm: You know, excuse me for interrupting, but when you try to sound like Hammond, it just comes off like a hustle, doesn't it? It's not your fault, they say talent skips a generation. I'm sure your kids'll be sharp as tacks.

Ludlow: (fuming) Hammond's reach exceeded his grasp. Mine does not.

(Y/N):  Taking dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the whole long, sad history of bad ideas. I'm going to be there when you learn that.

(Y/N) says as he passes Ludlow.

Malcolm: He right.

The march continues, as the moonlight falls in great shafts between the thickening trees.

Near the front of the line, Nick falls into stride beside Roland. Roland notices him and rolls his eyes.

Nick: Hey. You're a lot smarter than that empty suit you're working for. What are you doing here?

Roland: Somewhere on this island, there exists the greatest predator that ever lived. And the second greatest predator must take him down.

Nick: Or - - what? It'll take over the government?

Roland doesn't bother to answer, or look at Nick. Nick looks over at Roland's gun, still slung over his shoulder.

Nick: (cont'd) You plan on using that?

Roland: If you don't shut up.

Nick: I meant on the rex. (reaches out for it) May I see?

Roland: (calmly, not even looking) Take that hand away.

Nick yanks his hand back. They march on. Nick's getting pissed off.

Nick: What's the matter with you? This animal exists on the planet for the first time in tens of millions of years, and the only way you can express yourself is to kill it?

Roland: You remember that guy, about twenty years ago, I forgot his name, but he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down almost dead. And they asked him, "Why did you go up there to die?" And he said, "I didn't. I went up there to live."

Nick: Yeah. The difference is the mountain didn't have to die.

As a purple dawn dissolves the night sky, the SURVIVORS stagger on, exhausted. Some are starting to tire, and there are spaces in the column. Roland notices.


Immediately, the marchers drop where they stood, absolutely drained. Sarah walks past Roland to sit on a rock beyond. As she passes, he notices the blood smeared all over her overshirt. A palm brushes against Sarah's back as she walks past, and now it is smeared with a few drops of blood. Roland sits next to her, sets his gun down, and gestures to the bloodied shirt.

Roland: You're injured?

Sarah: Huh? No, it's from the baby. I set its broken leg. Doesn't seem to dry in this humidity.

Roland nods, thinking. He takes off one of his boots and shakes out some pebbles.

Roland: You've been wearing it all night?

Sarah: Yeah. (pause) Why?

Across from them, Ludlow, holding the satellite map, calls out.

Ludlow: Roland! C'mere a minute.

Roland gets up and goes over to consult with him, taking the map away. Nick comes and sits next to Sarah.

Nick:  Making friends with Ahab?

Nick notices Roland's gun, untended, leaning against the rock.

Nick: (cont'd) Look! His killing stick!

(Y/N) rose any eyebrow as he brought out his gun and sat it on his lap. Behind them, Dr. Burke sits down on a rock. He does a double take, noticing something behind the rock. He leans over and picks it up. It's an oval shape about eight inches long, with a pebbled exterior. A dinosaur egg. Burke's face lights up, fascinated, and he carefully places the egg in a satchel he wears over one shoulder.

At the rear of the group, Dieter Stark pulls a wad of toilet paper from his pack, drops the pack on the ground, and turns to the hunter nearest him Carter, his driver, who has his back turned.

Dieter: Wait here for me, will ya Carter?

He steps off the path, into the jungle. But as we come around the front of Carter, we see he's wearing a Walkman, the headphones BLARING tinnily in his ears. Only a few feet off the path, its primary forest, the growth so thick that almost all sunlight is obscured. DIETER claws forward until he finds a suitable spot to relieve himself. He clears away a bunch of leaves and debris and raises his hand to his belt buckle. He freezes, hearing something we didn't. He glances around, head darting, alert to any danger. Nothing there. Just a few distant ANIMAL CALLS and a SCURRYING sound to his left. Dieter snaps his head in that direction. At first, he sees nothing, but as he moves closer, gun extended in front of him, he sees a small dinosaur, a COMPSOGNATHUS, the same kind that sniffed his boot earlier.

Dieter: It's not polite to - -

He pulls the steel rod out of a loop in his belt and touches it to the compy's back. The blue bolt of electricity CRACKS and dances over the compy's body and it convulses in pain.

Dieter: (cont'd) - - sneak up on people.

The wounded compsognathus scurries back into the jungle, whimpering. Dieter clambers through the foliage ten or twelve paces, pushes aside two large palm fronds, and steps out into more jungle. He stops, puzzled, not sure if he went back or forwards. He looks behind him. He pauses, recalculating the path he took coming into the jungle, MUTTERING to himself, gesturing with his hands, retracing his steps. He adjusts his angle slightly to the right and heads off in that direction. But after five or six hard-fought step, he stops again. Still nothing but jungle.


Dieter's cries are faint, but audible. The only Marcher near enough to hear him is CARTER, but the Walkman is blaring in his ears.

Dieter: (o.s.) (faintly) . . . Carter . . . me? . . .

Dieter hears that SCURRYING sound again, this time from his right. He adjusts his angle and SCRAPES through the foliage, moving faster and faster. Panicking, he tries to run, but the roots rise high out of the ground in the jungle, and he trips on one and falls flat on his face. He looks up. The SCURRYING sound comes again, this time ten times louder than before, like a hundred feet coming at him. Dieter GASPS as something rushes in at him. He whirls to his right. Whatever it is rushes in from that side as well. And the left. And behind him. Dieter scrambles up into a sitting position and laughs. He is surrounded by at least forty compys now, the same as the one he wounded. Slowly, he brings his gun around, to point it at them.

Dieter: Easy - - wait - - one more sec - -

As one, the compys SHRIEK and hurl themselves forward, covering Dieter's body. Their teeth and claws FLASH as they each try to grab a scrap of his flesh, tearing savagely. Dieter SCREAMS and flails, waving his arms and legs wildly. Some of the tiny animals lose their grip and sail off, SMASHING into trees or the ground. But dozens of others hang on, and Dieter falls over backwards, now lying on his back on the ground. Hysterical, he fights like hell to get to his feet, SCREAMING, shaking, swatting the compy loose. He spins, and that tactic seems to work, as the compys themselves begin to panic and drop off of him. But he also loses his grip on his weapon, which goes flying, landing in the thick foliage five or six feet from him. Losing the attack, the compys turn and dart away en masse, stopping ten yards away from him.


He waits, hoping for someone to call back. But no one does. The compys, however, turn and regroup, facing him in a line, hopping up and down, CHIRPING and SHRIEKING. Dieter bounds into the foliage, looking for his gun. But the compys follow him in and he's forced to flee, abandoning his lost weapon. Ten feet on, he stops, knowing he's screwed without the gun. He turns to face the pursuing compys. They stop.
Dieter charges them, SHOUTING, waving his arms. The compys stop. They stare back at him. There is a moment of quiet, then they start to hop again, CHIRPING and SQUEALING. Dieter, tired of this game, turns and runs away. The compys follow. Roland reaches past Nick, picks up his gun, and SHOUTS to the convoy.

Roland: Break's over, move on!

The exhausted marchers drag themselves back to their feet and start to march again. At the rear of the group, someone taps Carter, who is still listening to his music. Carter gets up, hoists his backpack, and marches away. Behind him, Dieter's pack is left, forgotten, on the jungle trail.
Dieter stumbles along, exhausted. He reaches the edge of a stream that runs under the foliage, and his feet slip on the stones. He falls, onto the rocky stream.

Dieter: Carter?! Somebody?! Anybody, please, I'M IN HERE!!

Behind him, the army of compys pours over the little hill he just crested. They disappear for a moment, down an incline and then swarm over his body. In a frenzy of splashing, Dieter shrugs them off and crawls away, through the stream. He gets to his feet but falls again, this time over a log. A geyser of water splashes up in the air behind the log as Dieter drops out of sight. The compys leap over the log and disappear from view too, throwing up their own geysers that shoot up into our field of view are pink. And then they're a deep, deep red. The march continues on, but the angle of the ground beneath the MARCHERS is changing. They're headed down. Toward the interior of the island. As the MARCHERS stagger on, downward, they hear a terrible GROWLING and SNAPPING from deep in the jungle as some unlucky prey struggles unsuccessfully for its life. Roland pulls his gun around, ever ready. They continue on.
