The Chase

In the control room, Arnold's still trying to figure out Nedry's sabotage.

Arnold: The "keycheck space -o" "keychecks off" "safety space -o". He turning the safety systems off. He doesn't want anybody to see what he's about to do. Now, look at this next entry, it's the kicker: "White_rabbiy .object" Whatever it did, it did it all. But with the keychecks off, the computer didn't file the keystrokes. So the only way to find them now is to go through the computer's lines of code, one by one.

Ellie: How many lines of code are there?

Arnold: About two million.

Ellie: Two million?

Arnold: Yeah.

Hammond: (to Muldoon) Robert. I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back my grandchildren.

Muldoon: Sure.

Ellie: I'm going with him.

Muldoon and Ellie leave. Hammond looks out the window at the pouring rain.

Arnold: John...

Hammond doesn't seem to hear him, as wrapped up in his thoughts as he is.

Arnold: (louder) John.

Hammond turns his attention to Arnold.

Arnold: I can't get Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry.

Dennis, still lost in the rain, is driving toward east dock.

Nedry: (frustrated) should've been there by now.

The Jeep splashes through a puddle as Dennis loses concentration of the road as he turns to the car door window. The Jeep approaches a white fence, and Nedry panics, tries desperately to steer the Jeep away. The Jeep crashes, and gets stuck on a fallen tree. Nedry gets out of the Wrangler, but realizes the wheels are stuck

Nedry: DAMN!!!!

He sees a sign pointing to the East Dock, which is straight ahead.

Nedry: There's the road!

Dennis, stressed out due to having a small amount of time left, goes to the front of the Jeep to grab rope he can tie to a tree at the bottom in order to get the Jeep out.

Nedry: (stressed out talking to himself) There's something here...tight...that thing there and...pull down this thing to there.

Dennis slips down to the bottom.

Nedry: My glasses!...I can afford more glasses!

Dennis makes his way to a tree to tie a rope around to get his Jeep to the bottom, and he stubs his toe.

Nedry: Oh, jeez!

Dennis looks at his watch.

Nedry: I got time. I got time! You can do this Dennis you can do this.

Suddenly, a Dilophosaurus starts stalking him.

Nedry: Hello?

The creature suddenly appears behind the tree Dennis is pulling rope to.

Nedry: (Nervous) Oh that's nice. Gotta go.

Dennis heads back to the Jeep, but the creature continues following him.

Nedry: (Scared) Nice boy...NICE BOY!

Dennis then grabs a stick, and starts poking at the Dilophosaurus.

Nedry: Hey here's a stick. See the stick? STICK STUPID!

Dennis throws the stick, but the creature has no interest in the stick as it continues to look at Nedry.

Nedry: No wonder you're extinct...I will run you over when I get back down

Dennis keeps walking to the Jeep, but the Dilophosaurus has no intention of leaving. Dennis looks back at it, and it prepares to spit acid at him by raising part of it's skin, and snarls at Dennis. It spits acid at him, but misses the first time. Dennis reaches the car door, looks back in the direction of the Dilophosaurus, and it is successful able to reach Dennis as the acid reaches his face, and starts burning his eyeballs


Dennis hits his head on the car door, and falls down. In the process, he loses his Barbasol can containing the embryos, which falls down the waterfall. He gets back into the Jeep, thinking he is safe, when the Dilophosaurus suddenly appears in the passenger side of the Wrangler. With nowhere to go, the creature is able to devour Dennis. Warranting his plan a total failure. Down below, the Barbasol can ends up getting buried under a flow of mud. Grant and Lex are now safely down from the wall. Grant is looking up at the tree the Land Cruiser, Tim and (Y/N) are in.

Lex:  (Still frantic) Timmy! (Y/N)!

In the Land Cruiser (Y/N) slowly opened his eyes as he heard his sister voice.

(Y/N): Lex...

(Y/N) whispered, he then tried to get up, but a shutting pain from his head stopped him as he laid his head back down. He put his left hand up to his head, but doing so he felt something wet. Removing his hand he saw that there way blood on it.

(Y/N): Great. I most have gotten a concussion when the Rex's flipped the car.

Tim: (Y/N).

You where in the back as you look towards the front passenger side and saw your young brother Tim.

(Y/N): Hey Tim.

As you looked at him you looked through the broken window as it was looking down at the ground. It then hits you that you're not up right, and are in fact sideways and you where on the back of the driver seat.

(Y/N): Tim... Where are we?

Tim: In a tree.

Back on the ground.

Grant: Now, Lex. Listen. Lex, I'm right here. I'll look after you. I have to go help your brother. Stay right here and wait for me.

Lex: (frantically screaming) He left us! He left us!

Grant: (firmly) But that's not what I'm gonna do. Okay?

Lex is still terrified, but nods.

Grant: Stay here.

Grant heads for the tree, as Lex scampers into a nearby drainage pipe.

Grant: (yelling up the tree) Tim? (Y/N)? Can you two hear me? I'm coming up. (starts climbing) I hate climbing. I hate trees. Way too high. Goddamn tree. (He finally reaches the Land Cruiser, and sees Tim inside, with his eyes closed) Tim?

Tim opens his eyes, seeing Dr. Grant

Grant: You okay?

Tim: (weakly) I threw up.

Grant: That's okay. Where your brother?

(Y/N): I'm here.

You then wave your hand at Grant.

Grant: Are you okay?

(Y/N): I think I got a concussion.

Grant: Okay. Let me get Tim out and it get you. Just give me your hand. (Grant extends his hand. Tim doesn't move) Tim, I won't tell anyone that you threw up. Just give me your hand. (Tim takes it and starts to move towards Grant) Here. I've got you. Okay, that's good. Over the rail.

Tim grabs the steering wheel, causing the wheels of the Land Cruiser to turn.

Tim: Don't pull me too hard.

Grant: Stand on the door. Hang on while I get your brother.

Grant got a little higher as he opened the back door and help (Y/N) out of the car. Grant then get back down towards Tim with (Y/N) following.

Grant: That's not too bad, right you two?

Tim: Yes it is.

Grant: It's like a tree house. Your dad ever build you one?

(Y/N): No.

Grant: Yeah, me too.

The three of them start to descend

Grant: Now the thing about climbing is, you never look down.

Tim: This is impossible. How am I going to do this? It's about...

Grant: I'm going to help you with your footing.

Suddenly a noise is heard above them. (Y/N) and Grant looks up and sees the Land Cruiser is starting to move down towards them.

Grant: Oh, no. Tim, go!

Grant and Tim start to descend the tree quickly, but the Land Cruiser continues to fall towards them. (Y/N) on the other hand through quick as he just moved out of the way of the car.

Grant: Go, Tim, go! Faster, Tim!

Grant soon realizes they're not going to be able to outrun the car to the bottom.

Grant: Tim, jump!

They both jump out of the tree to the ground, the car plummeting towards them. Grant lifts his arms above his head in a vain attempt to shield them from the falling car, but the car suddenly stops as it slams into a branch just above them.

Grant: Go, Tim!

As they try to run, the car begins to tilt towards them. Grant throws Tim to the ground and jumps on top of him to shield him from the car. By sheer luck, however, the car crashes down around them, them having been exactly where the shattered sunroof was.

Tim: Well, Dr. Grant... We're back in the car again.

Grant: Well, at least you're out of the tree.

Grant and Tim then got out of the car as Lex ran over and hugged Tim. She then looked around.

Lex: Where (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I'm right here.

Everyone looked over at the tree as you finished the climb down.

Time Skip

Muldoon and Ellie drive up in a jeep. They instantly realize one of the Land Cruisers is missing.

Ellie: Oh god. Where's the other car? Where's the other car? Alan?

Muldoon: Dr. Grant?

Ellie: ALAN!

Muldoon: GRANT!

As they look around, they soon find something unpleasant which is the remains of Gennaro.

Muldoon: I think this was Gennaro.

Ellie: I think this was, too.

They hear the roar of the T-Rex

Ellie: I think it's ahead of us.

Muldoon: It could be anywhere. With the fences down, it can wander in and out of any paddock it likes.

As they approach the wrecked bathroom, they hear a groan. They quickly dig into the mess and find Malcolm.

Ellie: (sees Malcolm's belt tied around his leg) He's put a tourniquet on. Ian? Ian?!

Malcolm: (weakly) Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend.

The roar of the T-Rex is heard again, and this time, it's closer.

Ellie: Can we chance moving him?

Malcolm: Please, chance it.

Muldoon helps Malcolm get into the Jeep, while Ellie continues to look around.

Muldoon: Ellie, come on!

Ellie: Hold on...

Ellie reaches the barrier at the side of the road, looks over it, and sees...

Ellie: The other car!

Muldoon and Ellie quickly descend to investigate the wreckage.

Muldoon: Dr. Grant?

Ellie: Alan!

They realize the car's empty.

Muldoon: They're not here.

Ellie shines her flashlight on the muddy ground. She sees four sets of footprints, two large and two small, heading into the paddock.

Malcolm, still in the jeep, becomes aware of a rhythmic pounding. His attention goes down to a massive T-Rex footprint filled with rainwater. It ripples with each pound.

Malcolm: Anybody hear that? You know what that is? It's an impact tremor is what it is. I'm fairly alarmed here. (starts frantically calling to the others) Come on, we have to get out of here. We have to go. Now. Now! Right now! Let's go!

Muldoon and Ellie race back to the Jeep and jump in. Muldoon starts the jeep and drives off just as the T-Rex bursts into view. Ellie screams in terror as the T-Rex starts chasing them.

Malcolm: Must go faster!

Muldoon looks in the rearview mirror. It says "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" and is full of T-Rex jaws.

Malcolm: Here it comes! Stand on it! Fifth gear!

Malcolm backs away, but ends up on the gearshift, sending the Jeep into Neutral and slowing it down.

Muldoon: Get off the stick! Bloody move!

Ellie: Look out!

They barely manage to get their heads down as a massive tree branch destroys the windshield. The T-Rex blasts right through it without slowing down, and rams the back of the Jeep with its head, knocking it up. Muldoon manages to get the Jeep back into gear and floors it. The T-Rex begins to fall behind, and eventually gives up the chase. Ellie and Muldoon breathe sighs of relief.

Malcolm: Think they'll have that on the tour?

The Jeep continues to drive through the rainy night.
