Breeding Facility

The party blasts through the forest, trying to keep up with Grant and (Y/N). They haven't even had time to ask.

Amanda: (to Paul) What's a raptor?

Paul has no idea.

Udesky: They don't look that big. I mean, comparatively.

Grant: If we came across one, we might live.

Paul: Well that's good.

(Y/N): But you never came across just one.

From the back.

Amanda: Wait! Where's Billy?

They all stop. The only one not there is.

Grant: Billy! Billy!

Amanda: (almost sotto) I thought we weren't suppose to yell.

Billy: Here!

He comes in from the left. Excited, he explains to Grant.

Billy: I got some great pictures of the nest. You know this proves raptors raised their young in colonies.

Furious with his student. Grant just keeps moving. There's no time to stand around and argue.

Billy: This speaks to a larger social structure, the possibility of Darwinian altruism. It changes everything.

A beat. Trying not to sound presumptuous --

Billy: We could co-write a paper.

Grant: Ah yes, the first rule of academics. Publish or perish.

Much fatigued, the six now mach upward towards a crest. Panting and flushed, they reach the top of the ridge and gaze into the distance. A jungle valley stretches before them. Not far off in a vast compound comprised of several buildings. One building alone seems to cover several acres. The weary group breathes a sigh of relief.

Paul: I bet there's a very good chance Eric's in
there. I'd bet my bottom dollar.

Udesky, Grant and (Y/N) all share dubious looks and continue down into the valley. The group emerges from the jungles and enters the compound. They walk through an overgrown parking lot, littered with abandoned vehicles. Some are lying on their side. Others are overturned completely. They're not going to be driving anywhere. A troubled Grant peers through a windshield, partially caved in, like some giant head butted the glass. As Grant is peering the windshield, (Y/N) is looking at everything as he starts have a bit of PTSD to what happened to him in the Lost World. Grant noises (Y/N) standing still breathing heavily as he comes up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. The bad thing was he put his hand on the shoulder that was bit in 97, and by doing so it caused (Y/N) to freak out as he started to get away from Grant. Everyone else saw this as they wound what was happening, Udesky then saw what was happening as he realized what was happening as he got behind (Y/N) and holds him as Udesky and Grant calm him down. After a while (Y/N) come back to as he looks around seeing everyone looking at him worry. (Y/N) turn to Udesky.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Udesky nods as he lets go. Grant then comes up to him.

Grant: What was that?

(Y/N): I think I may or may not have some PTSD due to what happened last time I was on this island.

Grant sighed as he looked at (Y/N) one last time 

Grant: Stay near me, we don't want you having another episode when you're face to face with something.

(Y/N) gave Grant a nod as Grant turned around and walked back to the group with (Y/N) behind him. The group finally approaches the front doors of an enormous building. As they head up the front steps, we see something in the distance behind them on the high ridge. To fast to see what it was. But too ominous to dismiss. Our friends now find themselves in a sparse, one quietly opulent corporate lobby now in the process of being reclaimed by the jungle/ Roots and ivy poke through the floor and walls. In the waiting area, the cushions of a sofas and chairs have been gnawed at and pulled apart. Dusty coffee mugs and filled ashtrays lie on the table. The water has turned brackish in a near by cooler. Sudden flapping. We look up and see birds nesting in the rafters. It is an eerie, haunted place.

Paul: (calling out) Eric! Are you here?

Amanda: Eric!

All listen for a response. Nothing. Paul and Amanda exchange a despondent look. Sitting on the reception counter is an official-looking telephone. Everyone has the same thought, but no one dares. Finally -

Amanda: What the hell.

Amanda puts the receiver to her ear. Nada. With Grant in the lead, they head deeper into the building. Unseen by the group, a fleeting shadow flits across the lobby's dirty windows with terrifying speed. A couple vending machines stand at the one end of this long hallway covered with vines. Paul notices them and pulls change from his pocket.

Paul: Let's see. I've got about a dollar seventy-five. How about you guys?

(Y/N): FORD!

(Y/N) throws an old piece of metal at the other vending machine smashing the window of the machine. (Y/N) come to the vending machine as he picking through the glass, he pulls out some candy bars and chips. He checks the expiration date.    

(Y/N): Thank God for preservatives.

He tosses the food to the others.

Paul now turns to his own vending machine and smashes it with his heal. The glass refuses to break. Grant, Billy and (Y/N) push through a set of doors to see a cavernous hatching facility filled with much of the same equipment we recognized from the first island, although the sheer size of this place dwarfs any of the facilities seen previously. As the group walks down the ramp and onto the floor, they begin to absorb the incredible array of technology: enormous cryonic freezer, their plug pulled years ago; empty incubators; tanks of formaldehyde with dinosaur fetuses and body parts. Machines with intricate tubing and wing arms stand beside conveyer belts cris crossing the room at different levels.

Amanda: This is how you make dinosaurs?

Grant: This is how you play God.

Billy looks around the lab. He can't help but be impressed.

Billy: Okay if I take pictures?

(Y/N): Go for it.

Grant nods. Billy sets his lucky camera back down on the worktable. Two years from now, astute observers of the DVD will not that Billy doesn't actually take his camera from the bag; he was carrying it because there wasn't any room inside. Billy pulls a new roll of film from the bag and zips it shut. Across the lab Amanda is passing a large cylindrical tanks with half-formed embryos floating in formaldehyde genetic experiments gone awry. Finally she reaches a gigantic manified Raptor head floating in the one tank. Something about this specimen catches Amanda's attention. She bends forward, getting very close to the glass. She peers right into the eyes of the nightmarish creature. Then an actual Raptor lunges at her form behind the tank. She screams. Fortunately the raptor can't get between the closely spaced tanks. Amanda runs.

Paul: Amanda!

Grant: Back out! Move!

And as the group races through the lab the Raptors find a larger gap between the tanks. (Y/N) leads the way, checking the door for possible escape routes or hiding places. Twenty feet behind, the Raptor rounds a corner, bolting after them. (Y/N) ducks in the closest door.

(Y/N): In here!

The group slams the door behind them and quickly takes in the room. There are several rows of oversized steel cages, apparently used for containing young dinosaurs. Many of the cage doors are standing open. The group races down a lone aisle. Close behind, the raptor bursts into the room, roars. As the Raptor gains ground, (Y/N), Udesky and Billy run into one of the open cages, slamming the door behind them. Grant, Paul and Amanda duck into another. Before they can swing the cage door shut behind them, however, the raptor slams into it, driving the door into the cage. They are forced back against a chain-like wall, trapped in a small triangle space by the advancing door. The angry Raptor is now inches away through the cage door. Then, suddenly, the raptor looks up. We follow its gaze. The top of their triangular enclose is wide open. The eager raptor climbs up the chain-like door. Catching the tail of an idea, Amanda grabs the door and nods to the others.

Amanda: Push!

They push hard on the cage door, swinging it and the raptor right through the opening of the cage. Now the raptor is trapped in a small triangular space, the door going right to the ceiling. Amanda slides the door's bolt through the chain like wall, temporarily trapping the dinosaur. The raptor struggles desperately, graveling and snarling, but the cage door seems to be holding. As everyone rushes back to the door. The raptor begins to make a low, haunting moan. As the others head for the door, Grant lingers a step, listening to the beast's simple melodic cry. It has the same tones as came from the model resonating chamber.

Grant: She's calling for help.

(Y/N): Come on!
