ð“Ēð“Ū𝓊𝓞ð“ļ𝓷 5: ð“Ģð“ąð“Ū ð“Ēð“―ð“Šð“ŧ'𝓞 𝓛ð“ēð“°ð“ąð“― 𝓕ð“ĩð“ē𝓎ð“īð“Ūð“ŧ𝓞 𝓒𝓞𝓝ð“Ģ𝓔𝓝ð“Ģ ð“Ķð“ð“Ąð“ð“˜ð“ð“–

So this is a content warning for the fifth part, as it contains some mature themes.

1. Abuse: Without spoiling too much, there is some abusive behavior between characters, physical, verbal and mental abuse is present in some chapters. The abuse will play a major part in this part, however!

2. Depression and Mental Illness: There are explicit descriptions of mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, and self-hatred, sometimes to a crippling degree. I've never really had any experience with mental illness, so it probably won't be very accurate! (Don't slay me)

3. Self-Hate and Suicidal Thoughts: This one kinda fits in with the previous one... again, don't attack me if it's not accurate. 

This part can seem kinda messed up at points, so hold on out and ride this out boys!
