𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 99: 𝓐𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝓶𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼, 𝓖𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓚𝓪𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷

February 15, 2016

Roman Imperial Palace, Vienna, Großgermanisches Vereinigtes Königreich

Konrad died last week. Peacefully, in his sleep. I had been mentally preparing for this day since I was officially declared his heir presumptive. Now it was time. I stood before a massive congregation of priests, generals, politicians, princes, dukes, duchesses and other such people to watch me crowned as Empress of the Holy Romans.

I had no idea what this new role would entail, but I knew how I would rule both America and the German Realm simultaneously. I would spend four months in Vienna, then New York, then Vienna, then New York-you get the idea. John Charles would use this time as part of his training to see how he handled the challenges of imperial rule.

"Josephine Anna Maria Preis, Sind Sie bereit, diese Rolle als Kaiserin des Heiligen RĂśmischen Reiches anzunehmen?"

The priest asked me if I was ready to take on the role of being Empress of the United German Empire. I thought for a moment, but I knew I could handle this new task.

"Ja, ja ich bin,"

I had said that I was.

"Nun gut... ich werde dir jetzt die Krone auf den Kopf setzen..."

I felt the cold metal of the imperial crown slowly lower onto my head.

"Ich erkläre Sie jetzt, Kaiserin Josephine vom Heiligen RÜmischen Reich!"

He declared me the empress of Germania. The room erupted in applause as I leaned back on my new throne. The home of my new empire. With this move, I became the undisputed strongest person in the world. No man or woman had even close to the power I now possessed. The armies I now wield will be unstoppable.

Napoleon, Sato, Eire, Constantine, all of them. They were in my shadow now... in essence my puppet.






February 18, 2016

German Imperial Army Headquarters

Debrecen, Großgermanisches Vereinigtes Königreich

I stood in front of the head of the German General Staff. Now that I was on the throne I needed to draw up offensives for the spring. The Germanic Empire was fighting a proxy war with the Russian People's Republic, the successor to the Russian Republic, a communist state. See, back in 2014, the Russians had invaded the Donbass, a part of the Kingdom of Ukraine, which was a German ally. Now, to avoid turning the entirety of Eastern Europe into a giant shell crater, German forces had been fighting in Ukraine, but just in Ukraine. It was a part of the plan to keep the war contained. That was until recently when the Russians had been raiding across the German border, and now the German people saught to strike back at the Russians, even if just temporarily. 

"Well... your majesty... we have sworn undying loyalty to you, now you must fulfill your promise as chief of the armed forces," General Erich Von Nachster stated coldly.

"Very well. What would major goals be for a spring or summer offensive?"

The general rolled out a large map that showed the German Empire and Russia. The map was heavily annotated showing frontlines, positions of armies and major supply points.

"Major points of interest would, of course, be Moscow, Lebedevgrad on the Volga River, Rostov and the oil fields of the North Caucasus,"

"Okay, and the three main armies are in the north, center, and south?"

"Ja, with smaller armies in South Karelia, Ukraine, Ruthenia,"

I nodded and looked over the map, using my mind, used to planning offensives and strategy. Moscow would cripple the Russians, but not defeat them. We needed their oil reserves seized so that their armor and heavy units become useless.

"So, Army Group South will, once the weather cooperates, make a bold drive south to Rostov. The Don River must be secured as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps. Then Army Group North will simultaneously drive north in two prongs. Motorized divisions will race to Murmansk and Archangelsk to cut off any inbound supplies and begin strangling Soviet supply lines. The Soviets will likely attempt to force these groups back and will divert reinforcements. This will weaken the defenses to face Army Group Center which will blitz forward and seize Moscow,"

Von Nachster nodded.

"Very interesting approach your majesty, an offensive like this will surely break the Soviets will to continue to fight,"

"Those are my general objectives. Army Group South should attempt to encircle and inflict massive casualties on the Soviets before driving on Lebedevgrad. It is a major city, so do not attempt to take it without significant forces and supplies,"

"Of course, we also mustn't overextend our forces when attempting to cut the Russians off from their oil and resources in the Caucasus,"

"Now, what is the supply situation like?"

The general shook his head, "Not good your majesty, there are national socialist rebels in the Ukraine and Ruthenia fighting against both of us, the Germans and the Russians,"

"How problematic are these rebels in general?"

"Very, they aim to establish a Ukrainian and Ruthenian ethnostate respectively and they are actively genociding any other group,"

"Genocide? Then we will give them a taste of their own medicine. I want bombers flying more missions over known rebellious areas, and occupation forces to increase. Are any foreign nations supporting them?"

"Caucasia madam,"

"I will try to get my grandson Shah Bahman to force them to back off in threat of an invasion. If not then we shall open bombing campaigns to force them down,"

"Very well ma'am, anything else?"

"I believe that is all, thank you for meeting with me general,"

"Of course your majesty, you have a safe trip back to Vienna,"

"Thank you, and please, please, please keep me informed General!"

He saluted, rolled up the map, and exited the room. I fixed my coat and headed out myself, back to the palace in Vienna.


February 20, 2016

German Imperial Palace

Vienna, Großgermanisches Vereinigtes Königreich

"As of midnight tonight and starting early tomorrow, the First American Empire will declare its full support for Germania and Ukraine, as well as military funding and support to the War in Donbass," 

I was televising a speech to both America, the Germans, and the rest of the world. Now that I ruled both America and the German Realm, it was only natural that both my empires fought a common enemy. After all, I firmly believe that communism is the spawn of Satan. His birthed disease on this world if you will.

"We call to arms the enemies of communism: Sweden, Persia, Japan, and any others. This is also your chance to seize any and all land of your choosing, but the choice is yours whether you wish to commit men to the fight. But, no nation will just be awarded land. They must pay for it via sacrifice and blood in order to have their wishes on ink and paper,"

This move will likely cause China to declare support for the Russians, which will lead to Japan and Persia joining in on the fray by supporting us and blockading the communists, draining their resources into submission. The war to contain communism and eradicate it has only just begun.

"Besides the war in Russia, I am proud to announce that the German Empire will join America in its energy reform plan. Because they are starting now, the plan will likely not be completed until the year 2051, whether or not my successors choose to continue with the initiative,"

If I rule the German Realm then they will follow my rules. Simple as that.

"I will also be establishing a proper succession plan. Since the crown prince, heir apparent to the throne of the Germans is only thirteen years old, he will not succeed the throne until he is eighteen years old. If I die before then, my son and heir will take the helm as Kaiser until that day comes. The prince will be prepared actively to take the reins of the empire, but until then, you are in my safe, capable hands, thank you,"

The camera lights flickered off.

"Good job your majesty, that was a flawless speech," One of my new advisors stated.

"Thank you, I would hope so as I've been doing this since I was fifteen years old,"

I stacked some papers on my new desk.

"You are dismissed," I state nonchalantly to the advisor.

He bowed and left the room silently. I stood up and walked out onto the balcony of the Imperial Palace. Unlike in New York, where the palace was smack dab in the middle of the city, this palace was located on the outskirts of Vienna. The day was drab, cold, and foggy, and I could barely see the capital city of the German Realm.

So far, this new position hasn't been all that terrible. Perhaps I was wrong about it. Perhaps I won't let Konrad down. He entrusted me with the empire he spent much of his youth putting his blood, sweat and tears into. He fought for fifteen years to preserve it after my father suddenly abdicated in 1943...

1943 eh... wow that's a long time ago... It's hard to believe that my father would be 104 in the modern-day. I doubt I would live even close to that long... I drank way too excessively in my youth, destroyed myself as I didn't know better, nor did I care. I would be lucky if I made it as long as Konrad did.

But for now, I am the chosen ruler of this land, and as such I will put my own blood, sweat, and tears into continuing my half-brother's dream...

Of a German superstate after centuries of disunity and division... that dream shall never perish unless the Russians somehow march into Vienna...
