Chapter 9: Arc 2- Flower Killer Case I

Late at night, Venion Stan, the youngest son of the Stan family, a potential heir, threw the glass of wine toward Neo Tolz, missing his target a bit.

Venion roughly breathes in frustration. The organization he joined rejected his proposal.

Neo, his lackey, trembles in fright seeing his boss is angry. When Venion is angry, he wants to see blood.

He wipes the blood on his cheek caused by the glass shard Venion threw a while ago. He makes sure he did not make any unnecessary noise, lest he poke a nerve.

"Go away. Let's talk again tomorrow. Make sure the documents I gave are secured."


Neo quickly replies, bowed down a bit, and went outside the room. As he walk away, he met Taylor Stan, the eldest son of the Stan family, another potential heir, and his friend Cage.

He gave them a glance before walking away. He did not bother them.

"Seems like your brother is irritated today."

"I think so."

Taylor and Cage did not think about it any further and continued to walk to their destination.

Venion calls someone. When it picks up, Venion starts to speak.

"Why did it rejected? Are they not satisfied?"

"It's not like that. We need to be vigilant, the police appear to pick up something about the organization because of some idiot kids." The person explains.

"Fucking hell, this would be my turning point for me to be the heir!" Venion harshly exclaims to the other person.

He could hear a sigh.

"Alright. Alright. Someone would get your proposal. Make sure your secret passage is open."

Then he hangs up, not replying. He lit a cigarette as he wait for the person to come into the room.

He did not wait for too long, the secret passage he installed in the room, open revealing the person wearing a hoodie and mask.

Venion eyes him before tossing the document at him. He could smell an unfamiliar scent on him.

The unfamiliar person gave him a letter before sitting on a chair.

Venion read the letter, his lips twitching before returning to his normal expression.

The unfamiliar person gave him a candle which Venion uses frequently. He always lit up a candle whenever he is about to sleep.

He gestures to the unfamiliar person to get out. The person complies, heading to the secret passage but he did not leave. The person waits for a moment.

Venion drank the wine in satisfaction.

"I would be the heir soon." He whispers to no one.

He decided to not eat dinner and proceeded to take a quick shower. When he finishes and wore his pajamas, he hops on the bed.

He lit up the candle the unfamiliar gave to him than sleep starts to creep in.

After a few minutes of closing his eyes, Venion stops breathing.

The unfamiliar person went in again then left a flower.

A Yellow Rose flower on the corpse.

He pick up the letter he gave to Venion then left the place using the secret passage muttering under his breath.

"You become too greedy, ignoring the orders of the higher-ups. The organization decides to kill you for good."

Knocking could be heard when the mysterious person left.

"Strange, Sir Venion did not visit Mr. Stan today. Maybe he is tired." The butler mumbles and went away not daring to barge in. Afraid of being the object of anger for his young master.

He went on to report to Mr. Stan.


Cale is solving the Rubiks cube he found in the office. He is focusing to finish it.

After a few minutes, he really solved it. He smiles triumphantly then gazes at Alberu, who right now is finishing his last paperwork.

As Alberu concentrated, Cale thinks.

He is aware, Alberu would need to do more paperwork in the future.

Being a trouble magnet, Cale always has been solving major cases in his hands. Not even once it was a minor case.

It was giving him a headache. Luckily, Cale has now a co-captain, which means, he could now yeet the burden to Alberu. Of course, he would help him sometimes.

The poor man appears not to have a complete sleep. He notices Alberu has been a very workaholic.

Hmmmm, that needs to change soon.

His eyes brighten mischievously.

"Are you going to cause trouble again? I know that smile of yours." Alberu utters, not looking up to Cale.

Cale touches his smile.

Oh, he unconsciously let out a smile.

"What do you think?"

"Do not think about doing it," Alberu warns Cale in a tired voice.

He puts down his pen on the table then closes his eyelids to rest. Alberu did not hear any sarcastic remarks from Cale but only soft footsteps walking toward him.

He still did not open his eyes, ignoring the weird feeling he felt.

He felt soft hands on the temples of his face, Cale starts massaging it. After that, he moves it to Alberu's shoulders. Cale could feel Alberu stiffen before he relaxes.

'Damn it felt good.' Alberu internally thought as Cale continue to massage his sore shoulders.

"Hmmm, there. Aah-ah. It hurts, do it slowly. Mhmm."

"Ahh, good. There."

Alberu was moaning in pleasure from Cale's massage.

"Ah, you're so good at this."

The trio, Eruhaben, Rosalyn, and Choi Han look at each other, a shocked expression on their faces. They were eavesdropping to know if both of their captains are inside, they did not expect to hear something like this.

"D-did we just hear them having sex?" Rosalyn stutters while asking.

"Ho. They have the audacity to do it here?" Eruhaben asks in disbelief.

Choi Han's eyes widen even more if they could. His hand on his lips expressed shock.

"Is it good?"

"Haaaa, ahhhhh. Yes-s, you're doing it right."

They could hear Alberu's whines outside the door. The trio gulps.

"Would we just barge in? Or knock first? I don't want to see them naked!" Rosalyn frantically asks.

She looks traumatized by the sounds Alberu emits.

They all could hear the satisfying whimpers and the low incoherent whispers of Cale. They could feel shivers on their spine.

Choi Han gulps before replying.

"Yes, knock first."

"But who would knock?" Eruhaben asks.

Rosalyn and Choi Han turn their attention to Eruhaben. Their eyes signaled he would do it.

"Why me!?"

"Hey, you guys do it!"

"Let us vote who would do it. Who votes for Eruhaben?"

Rosalyn and Choi raise their hands, Eruhaben sighs in disbelief.

"You, youngsters are bullying me," Eruhaben mumbles before readying himself to knock.

Choi Han and Rosalyn gave him a satisfied look, he frowns but still do it.

What else can he do? Two against one. Of course, two wins.

Knock knock knock.

Eruhaben knocks. The sound of moaning stops for a moment before they hear Alberu's voice.

"Come in."

The trio went inside, coughing a bit.

Choi Han could see Cale leaning a bit on the side of Alberu's. Cale looks a bit refreshed and has a content smile on his lips.

He glances a bit at Alberu's face, his face looks a bit flush and his lips are swollen.

'They really did it.'

'Oh my god!'


Their thoughts jumbled in their minds. They look at their captains with complicated expressions written on their faces.

Alberu's face looks a bit flush because the fan suddenly stops functioning. As for his swollen lips, he keeps on biting them a while ago.

Cale amusedly looked at them before shaking his head.

'They seem to misunderstand something but oh well, not my problem. '

Cale let it slide, waiting for what they are supposed to say. Alberu ignores the nagging feeling he felt seeing their gazes. He coughs.


"Captain, we receive a phone call from the Stan family. Their youngest young master appears to be dead."

"Call the others. We would go there right now."


They all arrived at their destination. The members are walking towards the Stan territory. Everyone discreetly looks backward to see their leaders strolling leisurely like they are visiting a tourist spot.

"Damn, why do they look like they are here on a vacation?" Bud scratches his cheek, huffing a bit.

"So true, they look so relaxed. It seems like we are not going to a murder scene." Jack replies back, fanning himself with his hands. It was so hot early in the morning.

"Hope it's not a bloody murder scene," Mary whispers a bit to everyone.

"Why? I like seeing red splatters in brutal murder scenes." Hannah grins.

Lock could feel shivers in his spine, hearing what Hannah stated. Who the hell would like to see blood? Only crazy lunatics will.

Lock shakes his head, not uttering a word.

"I want to capture the suspect and beat him up!" Toonka excitedly said. A little bit giddy in beating up the murderer.

"Tsk, if we could easily catch them. Murderers we caught are slippery as hell." Witira voices out, observing the territory around her.

"Heheheheh, I could feel this would be another major case." Clopeh has a glint of delight in his eyes. A bit happy they would handle another major case.

It would be recorded in history! He glances at their leader who right now is whispering low enough for them not to hear.

"Say, what do you think if our leaders got together?" Eruhaben started to ask, he cannot forget what he heard a while ago.

Everyone except Rosalyn, Choi Han, and Clopeh look at him like he grew two heads.


"Nah, not gonna happen."

"Hey, did you eat your breakfast?"

"If pigs would fly, maybe."

"Captain would not hit on the commander!"

"What the fuck?"

"Yah, are you drunk?"

"Ohhh, it would create a legendary moment!"

The trio looks at each other before not saying anymore.

They could still hear the disbelief grumbles of others. They let out a sigh.

It would be such a surprise for them if ever Cale and Alberu announces their relationship. For now, they need to steadily inject it into their minds. They take it into their hands to pave the way.

As they are lost in thoughts, on the other side.

"Hey, why did the trio look at me weirdly?"

"I think they misunderstood something."

"Misunderstood what?"

Alberu sees Cale's shrug indicating he does not know anything too. His forehead creases before he smoothens them after. Alberu put it at the back of his mind.

He would think about it later. In the meantime, the case must be the top priority. As he gazes at Cale, Alberu could tell, this bastard is the type of person who handles major cases in his hands.

As he knows, Cale is a magnet for trouble, he already feels the migraine from doing more paperwork. He is itching to smack Cale's head, instead of smacking, he ruffles his red hair.

"Hey, what are you doing to my hair!?"


"I did not do anything yet?"

Cale huffs then fix his hair to look presentable. Alberu chuckles a bit seeing Cale fixing his mess-up hair. They all walk inside to see the family of the victim.

Cale looks at his members under his command. Seeing the look their commander gave them, they slightly nod their head and proceed to go where they are in charge off. Bud and Choi Han stood behind Cale.

They are the ones who would look into the corpse. Mary and Lock are in-charge of talking to the victim's family. Cale waits for Alberu.

Alberu let the others look for any clues and talk to the people present except for Rosalyn and Eruhaben who instead would go with him. The two groups separated to do their tasks.

Cale and Alberu's group went towards the path where Venion's corpse is as the butler led them.

Bud starts to ask.

"What time did you discover he is dead?"

"Around six in the morning officer."

"Any suspicious person?"

"None officer. Everyone here is afraid of young master Venion because of his fiery temper." The butler dabs the sweat forming on his forehead with a handkerchief.

They arrived in the room and went inside.

"Officers, I would leave first."

The butler left them.

"Is he suspicious?" Rosalyn asks letting her eyes roam around the room.

"No. He looks genuinely afraid of Venion. He would not dare to kill him." Bud replies walking towards one of the bookshelves.

Everyone scattered finding the clues they need.

Alberu and Cale walk towards the cold corpse.

There is no blood around, everything seems normal but one thing is peculiar. A yellow rose on top of Venion. No pain could be seen on Venion's face.

That means.... he died in his sleep but what would be the cause of it? Venion has a disease?

"Cale," Alberu called out on him.

He hums in reply looking at the corpse and the nightstand.

"Seems like it's the flower killer."

"Yeah, seems like it. A flower is his trademark after all." Cale replies, something caught his attention.

Alberu frowns a bit sighing and beckoning the others to come. They followed his order and walk toward them. They look at the corpse.

"Cause of death?"

"I think it is poisoning. I don't know what poison though."

"It's the flower killer again?"

"Of course, could you see the flower there right?" Bud points to the flower.

"What does it mean anyway?"

"Yellow rose symbolizes friendship. It also has a negative meaning."

"What is the negative meaning?"

"Jealousy and greed."

"Woah, you do know what's the meaning. Is that mean you're the flower killer?" Rosalyn jokingly asks Bud. Bud laughs it off lightly.

"Of course not. I don't have any connections to Venion but I do know him."

"Oh, is that so?" Alberu asks intrigued by Bud that he knows Venion. Bud scoffs.

"Of course, I have the records of everyone."

Eruhaben raises an eyebrow at that. Choi Han lightly chuckles and Rosalyn looks at Cale who knows what he is doing. He has been looking at the nightstand for too long than necessary.

Eruhaben asks for something unrelated to the case.

"Hey, Bud. How do you know the language of flowers?"

"Oh, that's because Glenn likes flowers." Bud absentmindedly replied back. Eruhaben gave him a knowing look.

Choi Han asks Cale.

"Cale-nim, have you found anything?" Choi Han wonders why Cale is looking at the nightstand intensely.

Cale's mind is working right now, his eyes dart toward the scented candle on top of the table than on the shelf. He took the scented candle and gave it to Alberu.

Alberu confusedly looks at the candle then at Cale.

Rosalyn snaps her fingers then points at the candle with a shocked face.

"Do you think..... this has poison?"

Silence surrounds them.

Poison on the candle? Who would think an insignificant thing would hold something so dangerous.

Everyone looks at Cale, waiting for his explanation.

Cale rubs his chin before speaking his theory in his mind.

"I think, the candle is the reason why Venion died. If I recall correctly, Venion has this habit every night. He lit up scented candles to calm his nerves before he sleep. Now the question is, who gave this to him?"

"You're right, so the scented candle killed him." Alberu holds the candle before putting it back on the table.

"We need to investigate who gave him that. The scented candles might have fingerprints on them. It would serve as evidence. Let's search in other rooms as well." Alberu let them roam around the mansion.

Both Alberu and Cale decided to go to Venion's study room with the help of the maid.

When they get inside, Alberu's attention immediately is on the different clocks with TARTARUS on it. Everything seems normal in the room. Table, a couch, chairs, and bookshelf. Nothing interesting like the clock in front of them.

The clocks' positions are aligned to each other across.

TA        RT        AR       US

9:12   4:13   12:23   7:09

"Hmmmmm, there might be a secret in the clocks. So we can open this." Cale taps the black secured box on the side.

"Let me call the others."

Bud stares blankly at the clocks. He scratches his hair in frustration and lets out a sigh.

Bud does not like this type of thing. He pretty much prefers investigating the background of the victims to solving this.

Rosalyn taps her fingers on the table, looking blankly at the clocks. Her eyes stare at it in concentration.

Eruhaben writes something down in his small pocket notebook. Trying to guess what it must be. After no results, he let his eyes wander in the room.

Choi Han might almost guess it. The answer pops into his mind but before he could catch it, it suddenly disappears. A little bit disappointed, he paces in the room. Trying to catch that straying thought.

Alberu leans on the table, arms crossed. His eyes were on the clocks. The hands-on clocks are still steady. It means, does it need to move to a specific time?

Cale let his mind connect the dots. He is pretty sure he has almost solved it. But the answer seems near but far as well.

What could it be?

TA        RT              AR             US

9:12     4:13       12:23         7:09

Have you guessed it?

Everyone ponders, their minds continue to think with no rest.
