Chapter 2: The Two Teams Meet

A week passed by quickly. Cale Henituse, the captain of SS really doesn’t want to get up from his bed.

Cale can hear the footsteps of Ron getting near the window.

He groans in protest when sunlight hits his face.

‘Tsk, Ron probably did this to wake me up completely. Sucks to be him, I won’t get up from this bed. ‘ Is what Cale thought while slightly smirking internally.

“Young master, get up. You don’t want this old man to wake you up right? “ Ron whispers at the left ear of Cale making him fall from his bed in shock.

‘So early in the morning, he’s making me die from a heart attack! ‘

Cale just frowns at Ron and massages his aching bottom before getting up.

Ron gave him warm lemonade to drink.

‘This old man. He fucking knows I don’t like anything sour but still gives me lemonade early in the morning. ‘

Cale clicks his tongue after he finishes drinking.

He let out a small yawn and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up.

“I’ll go and take a bath. Prepare my clothes for today. “ Cale ordered Ron and swiftly went inside the bathroom leaving behind a chuckling Ron.

‘What a cute puppy. ‘

Cale finished bathing and wore his clothes.

For today’s outfit, Ron just prepared a white long sleeve paired with black trousers.

He walked towards a drawer where his watches are stored.

He picked up a gold watch which would be a good accessory for his outfit.

He looked at himself in the mirror and ran his right hand on his hair.

‘Still handsome as ever. ‘ He smirks in appreciation of his image.

“Young master, it’s time for you to eat breakfast. The kids are waiting for you. “ Ron stated interrupting Cale’s narcissistic thoughts.

Cale just nodded blankly in reply and went to the door.

He opened it and closes it with a loud bang.

He patted his fast-beating heart and looked at Ron.

Cale can see a slight smile on the old man’s face.

He can clearly tell Ron is enjoying seeing his scared face.

“Why did you not inform me? “

“Inform you what young master? That Choi Han is in front of your door?”

Cale nods lightly in reply to Ron’s question.

The aftershock still not leaving in his body. Ron chuckles.

“I forgot young master. “ Ron responded in a mirth tone.

‘Forgot my ass, you just want to see me being scared. Tsk, he’s enjoying this too much. ‘

Cale ignored Ron’s silent laughter and opened the door just to see Choi Han still there standing blankly.

Choi Han smiles when he saw Cale.

“Cale-nim, the others are already there in the office. “ Choi Han started talking as they walked towards the dining room.

“Mary sent a message awhile ago that the other team seems hostile seeing them. They are now restraining Bud to avoid launching another punch towards Toonka. “

“Tsk, the information really did not lie. Toonka is a human who would challenge a person he just met. “ Cale clicks his tongue. Choi Han nodded in agreement.

“Did you guys study the files I gave about the other team’s profile?”

“Yes, Cale-nim. We all studied it. You are right, they seem to lack something that’s why they are kind of a weak team even though they are famous for solving cases. “

After Choi Han finished talking, they reached the dining table. Everyone can see three children seated.

“Dad! “ On, Hong and Raon greet loudly in unison.

“Uncle Choi Han, you’re still handsome as ever! “

“Yes, still handsome. "

“Uncle, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? “

Raon pulled Choi Han towards the table.

The kids which are teenagers now but still children in everyone’s eyes noisily chattered and asked many questions to the blushing Choi Han.

‘Aigoo, Raon is quite strong. He can already pull Choi Han towards the table. ‘

Cale thought as he sit on the chair.

He listened to the noise of the children and started to eat his breakfast.

As he eats, he noticed Choi Han not eating.

Choi Han is busy answering the children’s questions.

“On, Hong, and Raon. Stop asking many questions to your Uncle Choi Han. Let him eat breakfast. He can’t go to work with an empty stomach, right? “ Cale asked the children in a tone which made no room for discussion.

“Ah! We’re sorry Uncle Choi Han, we just got excited to see you again. “ On expresses her apology.

“Yes, noona is right! We just miss you! “ Hong added.

“I miss our sparring match Uncle! “ Roan talked to Choi Han with a mouth full of food.

Cale just shook his head and gestured to Choi Han to eat his breakfast.

Choi Hans smiles at the children’s words and also started to eat his food.

They ate a hearty breakfast full of noise and happiness.

“Dad, we gotta go. We don’t want to be late. "

“Yes Dad, I still have homework to finish. “

“Me too Dad, I have something to pass to the teacher today! “

“Alright alright, you can go now. Take care everyone. If someone bullies or wants to fight you, what is the first thing you need to do? "

On, Hong, and Raon looked at each other and smirked evilly like their Dad’s evil smirk they have seen and remembered.

“Settle it with words! If the fight cannot be settled with words, as long as you did not give the first punch, give them the beating they would not ever forget in their life! “

They exclaimed in chorus finishing it off with obnoxious laughs.

Everyone smiles at the children’s statement.

Cale nodded satisfactorily.

“Ron, send the children safely to school and take care of the house. “

Ron nodded his head in reply.

Ron and the children went outside to ride in the family car.

The children waved goodbye.

Cale can see Beacrox became the driver.

Cale flashes a faint smile towards Beacrox which made his lips turn into a frown.

Beacrox looked away and started to drive away from the house.

Cale and Choi Han watched the family car until it slowly disappears from their sight.

“Let’s go Choi Han. We don’t want to be late. “

They rode in a black sports car.

Cale was sitting on the passenger seat while Choi Han was on the driver’s side.

Choi Han started the engine and left the house while Cale closes his eyes.

‘Alberu Crossman, it’s been a while. ‘

Cale internally thought with eyes still close.

It’s been a week since Alberu saw the information sent by his aunt via email.

Alberu is seated in his office still looking at the information his aunt’s team could gather.

He can clearly tell their rival this time is strong.

They only consist of five officers but still managed to have a strong presence and reputation in the police bureau.

The data did not include their names but it only states their specialty.

Two strong fighters, two sharpshooters, and their leader is said to be a good wise commander.

Their operations are always efficient with no room for mistakes.

‘Damn it, we would have a hard time getting along with them. I can clearly tell they would be arrogant.’ Alberu let out a sigh.

He stares at the extra table on his office.

The chief told him the other captain would stay in his office since there are not many offices in the building.

Tables have also been added outside of his office for the other captain’s officers.

He was lost in thought when he heard a frantic knock on the door.

“Captain! Captain!"

“Come in.”

Jack frantically got inside still catching his breath.

Alberu furrowed his brows in seeing Jack’s disheveled appearance.

“Captain, the other team has arrived and Toonka challenged one of them in a fight!”

“WHAT!” Alberu widen his eyes when he heard Jack.

‘What the fuck, Toonka caused trouble again. Crap.’

Alberu rose from his seat and followed Jack behind.

Alberu can clearly hear Toonka’s voice laughing maniacally.

When they get there, Jack rushed out to stop the fight again.

Alberu can see Toonka landing a punch towards a man but the man stopped it by kneeing Toonka in the stomach making him groan in pain.

Toonka lay on the floor still laughing in pain.

“You are good! Kekekekeekee”

“Bud, that’s enough! If you continue, I would tell your darkest secret to our commander!” A woman threatened the man named Bud.

Alberu can see the man named Bud visibly paled and mumbled something in his breath.

Bud walked towards one of the benches and sat down with a man and woman in his sides looking at Toonka blankly.

Alberu notices Bud’s clenched fist and the woman sending a message to someone.

Alberu looked around the office. He can see Witira, Eruhaben, Rosalyn, Hannah, and Clopeh observing the three individuals.

They looked at them like they are looking at a suspect.

‘ Aigoo, I can see our reputation plummeted down further.’

“Toonka, go to the doctor’s office to treat your wounds and come back later.” Alberu instructed the laughing Toonka.

“Okay, Captain! I’ll go now! KEKEKEKEKE, I can feel another strong person would come.”

Toonka went away still laughing and mumbling about a strong person.

Alberu exhaled before turning to three individuals with an apologetic smile on his face.

“I’m sorry about that. Toonka has always been like that whenever he sees a strong person. Please let off his actions. I can assure you, he is a good person.”

The three individuals looked at Alberu, a blank expression on their faces. The man besides Bud gave a slight smile and spoke.

“It’s okay. Bud here just had a bad morning and it worsen when Toonka provoked him” Bud clicked his tongue in annoyance at his team.

“Why did you stop me from beating that little shit? I’m itching to release my anger on him.” Bud asked still irritated that he was stopped.

“Do you want commander to punish you? I can still remember how you wailed in pain.” The woman besides Bud uttered quietly that stop Bud from complaining.

Alberu can feel the tension arise from the room.

“Hmmm, how about you introduce yourselves to us?” Alberu tried to lessen the tension in the air but failed to do so.

“I’m sorry, we can introduce ourselves when our other member and commander arrived.” The woman responds.

Alberu just nodded in agreement and sat beside Rosalyn who was deep in thought.

‘Tsk, I’ll just wait here to keep watch of my members. They might end up fighting the other team again.’

Toonka walked in again inside the room.

Alberu gestured to sit beside him so that it would be easier for him to watch Toonka’s movements.

Toonka clicked his tongue in discontent.

Finally, the silent breathing and the noise of the clock are the only things you can hear in the room.

The two teams took their time to distinguish how strong is the other.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

The sound of the clock filled the room.

Alberu looked at the clock on the wall. They have been waiting for the past 15 minutes.

He’s getting impatient waiting for the other team.

He is still yet to finish the pending documents he needs to submit.

He wondered when would they arrive.
As Alberu grumbles in his mind and thinks to reprimand the other, suddenly, he could hear footsteps coming towards the office.

The other three individuals immediately stood up as they saw a black-haired man open the closed door.

Behind him, a red-haired man walked inside making Alberu intake a sharp breath.

Alberu can clearly see and know who walked in.

It has been years since they saw each other.

It also has been years since the burning flame that yearned for the red-haired man was put out.

Now, little by little, it burned more passionately ever than before.

Especially, the red-haired man, Cale Henituse, is looking at him with a smirk knowing damn well it’s making Alberu lose his mind.

For a moment, the world seemed to stop, and only the two of them matter.

Only one word is inside Alberu’s mind right now.

Cale could see the tip of Alberu’s ears turning a shade of red that no one would notice but himself.


He was used to seeing it in the past.

He could see the years has been good to Alberu.

Alberu still looks like what he remembered in high school.

Cale wore his best smile and approach the frozen Alberu.

“Oho, it’s the crown prince that would be the light of the police bureau. Your highness, criminals would get scared by the shining light yo-”

“Shut up. “ Cale was cut off by Alberu.

He can see Alberu massaging his temples and let out a tired sigh.

Cale just smiles and observe the other officers under Alberu.

‘Information gathered by them is really accurate. I might reward them for their hard work. ‘

“Alright, since we’re here and complete. It’s time to introduce ourselves. Hello, I’m Cale Henituse, the commander of Silver Shield or SS. “ Cale nudged Choi Han besides him.

“Choi Han. “



“Bud Illis. “

Cale could see the other officers wary of them but only one officer was looking at him with a crazy glint in his eyes.

‘Oh no, fuck. It’s Clopeh who’s obsessed with a legend in the police. Nope, we did not do anything that might catch his attention right?’

As he contemplate the things they have done in the past, Cale could see Clopeh approaching him but before he can avoid it, Clopeh grabbed his hand and said something that made him question himself if he cleaned his ears.

“You are a God.” Clopeh uttered with worship on his face.

Cale looked at Choi Han, his eyes begging Choi Han to help him.

But before Choi Han could do something, Witira grabbed Clopeh and made him sit on the chair.

Cale patted his chest.

‘Aigoo, I can see my slacker life leaving me already.’

“Okay, it’s our turn to introduce ourselves.” Alberu spoke up after seeing Clopeh was being restrained by Witira.

“No need your highness, we already know who is who.” Cale responds, a sly smile on his face.

Disbelief was written on the officers’ faces.

Even Alberu showed a shocked expression making Cale look around confused.

But for others, they could see Cale was mocking them.

“YOU! You collect information illegally right huh?” Hannah spoke up, fury in her expression.

Hannah marched towards the other team but was stopped by Mary.

“Hannah.” Mary stated her name.

“Toonka. The Crazy Clopeh.” After Bud pointed at Toonka, he points at Clopeh.

“Witira. Eruhaben.” Lock said the names and pointed also them.

“Rosalyn.” Choi Han locked eyes with Rosalyn, an innocent expression on his face.

“And of course, your captain, Alberu Crossman. Hailed as the best captain and has everything, the face, the body, and the reputation. Your team is also the best at solving cases right? Others say you are number one. A pity if we include my team, you would just rank second and the higher-ups know that. ” Cale answered trying to stir trouble so that Alberu’s team would shoulder many responsibilities for Cale to have a slacker life.

The others’ expressions worsen at Cale’s statement except for Alberu.

Because Alberu knows, Cale is just fanning the flames to avoid having many responsibilities.

Alberu put on his practiced smile which may look normal for others but Cale, he could tell it was fake.

“Now now, calm down. SS welcome to our station here. Your tables are already there on the side and your commander’s table is in my office. If you have any questions regarding the arrangement, please tell Eruhaben. Since introductions are finished, Commander Cale, we have to talk about something.”

Not waiting for a reply, Alberu grabbed Cale’s left arm and proceed to walk towards his ah their office.

“Settle down! Later, we’ll have a meeting this afternoon. Ouch, hey it hurts!” Cale exclaimed.

Their voices can’t be heard anymore as they walked away from the room.

In SS members’ eyes, they can see Alberu bullying their commander and the other team, they could see Alberu’s fury in his eyes.

Of course, it was not true, that is just how they interact since they have known each other for a long time.

Unfortunately, others would not know.

And that’s how a great misunderstanding was born.

‘He dares to touch our commander!’

‘He dares to make our captain angry!’

The teams thought in their minds.

Only Rosalyn, Choi Han, and Eruhaben can discern the truth of their actions.

They would have a hard time explaining it making them give up in the future and just watch how would things unfold.

As the two teams glared at each other except for the four Rosalyn, Choi Han, Eruhaben, and the last, Clopeh because of course, he worships Cale already, a rivalry was formed and it now had begun.



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