she's gone..

Jades POV

Were in the hospital and we've been here for a hour and Perries still not up.. Ellie and Caitlin are in the same room and Perrie. The doctor comes out. "How are they doing?" "You can go see them for five minutes then they need to rest. Oh and there good, but I want to talk to the mother of Ms. Edwards." "I'm the mother, but which Edwards?" "Perrie Edwards." "Girls you can go see them." We nod and head to their room.

Caitlins POV

I'm in a hospital bed next to Ellies. Perries across from us but shes covered with curtains. "Caitlin, Ellie?" "Hey Jade, hey Jes, hey Leigh." We say. "We can only be in here for five minutes.. How's Perrie?" Leigh-Anne asks. "Oh um, we don't know to be honest. Shes behind those curtains." I say, pointing at her bed. "Oh.. Can we see her?" I shake my head. "Oh.."

*5 minutes later*

"Girls, time for your rest." The doctor says. We nod and lay back down. "Ladies, I'll lead you back to Debbie." They nod and follow the doctor out of the room. "Hey Caitlin.." "Yes El?" "What if Perrie doesn't make it.." "Please don't say that!" "Okay.. Sorry.." Tears form in my eyes. What if she doesn't..?

"Do you hear that Cait?" "Yeah.. What is it?" "It sounds like its coming from Perries bed.." I get up and limp all the way over to her bed. I open the curtain and shes moving crazily.. Shes having a seeger! "Omg docter! Somebody!" The doctor rushes in and sees Perrie. "We need nurses! Lots of them! Room 182!" The nurses run in. "Lay down Caitlin.." "Is she gonna be okay!?" "I don't know.. Just lay down. We can tell you in the morning." "Oh.. Okay.." I go back to my bed.

Jades POV

"Hey, can I see Perrie Edwards?" I ask the girl at the counter. "No visitors for her. You can see Caitlin and Ellie though. There in the room next to her. Room 183." "Weren't they in the same room?" "Yes but something happened to Perrie so they had to move out of there." "Oh.. Okay.. What happened to her?" "I can't tell you that information." "Oh uh okay.. Thanks." I head to there room. I walk in. "Hey guys." "Oh.. Hey Jade.." "What happened to Perrie..?" "Shes.. Shes gone.." "What!?"

Soo.. That happened.. You will see what happens in the next chapter 💜
