After Surgery

Jades POV

Perries been in the room gettung surgery for her skin for probably two hours now. The docter said she'll be better tomorrow and that we can see her. I'm with the girls now. Were having a sleep over so we can go together see her tomorrow. It is now 7:24 PM and she started the surgery at 5:53 PM. Wish this day could end so we can see her.

*time skip*

Its now morning! The doctor called Debbie and told her that she can have visiters now. So were on our way to the hospital. Mum (Debbie) is driving us.

We arrive at the hospital and we go to her room. When we opened the door,  she was there. Sleeping. Shes just like sleeping beauty. Her skin wasnt burnt,  shes back to the old pez that I love very much. Even with burnt skin she was still beautiful. When she heard the door open her beautiful eyes opened.

She smiles and waves slowly. "Hey Pez, how are you feeling?" I ask. "Like shit." She says. I smile and Jesy laughs, "Same Pez, same." Perrie smiles and laughs.

Dont hate me, ik its short but I'm busy
