
Jades POV

Perrie just fainted! because Jesy yelled. "This was you fault." I say to Jesy. "I forgot!" Perries trying to kill herself and its because of me. I look at Perrie then at the pills on the floor. She tried killing herself again... "Did she try it again?" Principle Fisher asks. We nod. "She fainted cause I yelled by accident.." Jesy says. "Okay, I'm calling her mother, stay with her." We nod again and he walks away. "This is your fault, if you weren't using her and didnt break her heart, she wouldn't be doing this!" "She cheated on me!" "Yeah but you used her to get Camila jealous!" Just then Camila walks in. "Jade, why would you do that?" "Cause.. I love you Cam.. More then friends.. I used Perrie because shes popular and she would probably get you jealous.." "Jade, thats messed up. You know I'm with Lauren." "I know but still.." "Get out Jade." Jesy says. "Fine." I storm out of the bathroom.

Camilas POV

I used to like Jade when we just met, but when I met Lauren, my feelings for Jade dissapeared. And what she did to Perrie just to get me jealous was messed up, Perries my best friend now and shes trying to kill herself because of Jade. Maybe a little about Louis but I know its mostly Jade. I looked at the pills on the ground then at Perrie. "This is upsetting, she doesnt deserve this.." I say. "I know.. I'm gonna hurt Jade." Jesy says. Fisher comes in with Debbie. "Oh my god Perrie!" Debbie runs up to her.

Perries POV

"Perrie... Perrie... PERRIE!!!" I hear. When I open my eyes its kinda blurry. "Who's there.. I can't see you." "Perrie its your mum. Let's go home so you can get rest." I nod and try to get up but I fall back down. "Do you need help?" I nod. "Where are you?" I feel arms around me. I think we walk out the door. "Can I go with you guys?" I hear Alyssa say. "Yes, you can." I say.

My mum puts me down on my bed. "How are you feeling?" Alyssa asks. "Not good, I can't see. Can you grab my glasses, there on my dresser." "Of course." She gets up and puts my glasses on me. "I can see now, thank you." "Your very welcome." I smile at her and she smiles back. "Can I ask you something?" She asks. "Sure, what's up?" "So um.. I like this girl and I dont know if she likes me back. What should I do?" "If she doesnt like you back, then shes missing out. Your beautiful." She blushes. "You wanna know who I like?" I nod. "Her name starts with an P and ends with an e." "Aww." I blush a little. "Did I just make Perrie Edwards blush?" I smile "Guess you did." Shes smiles. "Do you wanna stay the night?" I ask. "Like a sleep over?" I nod. "Sure!"

"Girls, get ready. Were gonna go out to eat. And maybe you guys can shop at the mall for a while." My mum says. "Okay!" We yell down. "Are you gonna be okay?" Alyssa asks. "I think so." "Okay." We walk downstairs. "You guys ready?" My mum asks. We nod and follow her out the door. We sit in back. "Hopefully there's not a lot of yelling." I say. "Yeah, that would be bad."

We get to the mall. "I'm gonna go look for stuff we need. You girls can go look for what ever." We nod and walk in different directions. "Ooh Disney shop!" I say, jumping and clapping like a little girl. Alyssa laughs, "I can tell you love disney." I nod excidedly and run to the shop. "Omg!" "What? What's wrong?" "I can dress Hatchi like Perry the platypus!" I say, holding the little dog costume. "Aw thats cute." She smiles. "I'm getting this." I pick the costume up and put it on the front desk. "Hey, what are you.... Perrie?" "Jade..?" "Who's that?" "Hi I'm Alyssa her-" "girlfriend!" I say. "What? She is? " I look at her with my 'go with it' face. She blushes, "y-yeah, I am!" "O-oh" I see Jades smile leave her face. "You moved on quick I see.." "Yup I did! Now if you could." "Oh yeah.. Sorry.." She takes the costume and scans it. "2 pounds.." I give her the pounds and take the costume. "Lets go babe!" I say, grabbing Alyssa's hand and dragging her behind me. "Soooo. Can you fake date me? Jades my ex.. She used me to get someone jealous. So.. Can you?" I ask. "Of course, ill help you!" "Yay thank you!" I hug her. When we pull her away I see Jade walking out of the store. When she looks I kiss Alyssa. I see Jades smile fade away again and she runs back. I pull away and see Alyssa blush. Butterflies fly around in my stomach. "W-we should go find my mum." I say. She nods, still blushing and we walk away.

Jades POV

I walk out of the store and see Perrie and Alyssa making out. My smile fades away. I run back into the store. "Hey im gonna go to the bathroom, can you take over until I get back?" I ask Craig, the other worker. He nods. I walk out of the store, I look around to see if Perrie and Alyssa are gone. When I dont see them I run to the bathroom.

"Ill be back Pez." I hear. The door opens and Alyssa walks in. She stops. "Uh.. Hey Jade.." She says. "Hey, Alyssa." I say, glaring at her, "So how long have you and Perrie been dating?" "Uuuh.. 2 days..." "Cool." Shes lying I can tell. "So, I gotta get back to Pez... Bye!" She runs out.

Alyssa's POV

I love being Perries fake girlfriend but.. I wish it was real. Shes the most prettiest, funniest, and cutest girl I have ever met. But.. I dont know if she likes me back.. I did make her blush though. "Welcome back." Perrie says, smiling her biggest smile. God her smiles so beautiful. "Alyssa!" I hear. I snap out of my thoughts, "huh what?" "We asked if you wanted to go to the movies with us?" "Oh yeah sure." I say. I feel her hand in mine. I whisper in her ear, "Is Jade around?" "No, i just feel like holding your hand" she says, blushing. She blushed, again! I blush a little at the thought that she wants to hold hands, without Jade around! Omg im fangirling, god Alyssa! "Why sre you hitting yourself?" Perrie asked. Aparrently I was actually hitting myself. "I dont even know." I say, she laughs. This day has gotten better, before it wasnt good cause you know, Perrie took more pills. But its gotten a lot better. And I have a feeling its gonna get even more better then this.

God why am I still writing this?
Heres a question for you guys.
Do you like Perrie dating Jade, or would you like Alyssa and her to date?
Shorter question: Alyssa or Jade?
Comment your answers!
