Princess Jennie

"Do we have to go?" Jisoo asks. She had been looking forward to a relaxing evening in her room, not a huge party celebrating the engagement of Princess Jennie and her betrothed. 

"Yes, we have to go," her friend Lisa says. "You'll get a chance to meet the princess and the royal family before you go back to America."

"I guess so," Jisoo says. She is curious what the princess is like. She has only seen Princess Jennie on news articles and billboards. Besides, she is going back to America in a week. She might as well make the most of the trip.

Jisoo's uncle, who she was visiting, was a wealthy business who had been invited to the party. That evening, Jisoo's uncle and his wife get in the car along with Jisoo and Lisa. Jisoo is wearing an elegant, knee-length blue dress. Lisa helped to style her hair in loose curls. Jisoo was feeling a little like a princess herself.

"Woah, the palace is huge!" Lisa says excitedly, looking out the window. Jisoo looks too, feeling nervous. She has never been to a party on this scale before. What if she totally humiliates herself in front of the royal family?

Jisoo follows her aunt and uncle up the palace steps. Lisa keeps talking about how beautiful everything is while Jisoo keeps her eyes on the ground. She is focused on not tripping on the steps. After showing their invitation the guards let them inside. The ballroom is lit with countless candles and expensively dressed people are everywhere. Far ahead Jisoo can see two thrones on a raised platform. 

"What am I supposed to do?" Jisoo whispers to Lisa. "I don't know anyone here." She starts to regret having come.

"Just find someone and talk to them," Lisa says. "Oh, wait, I'll introduce you to Chaeyoung!"

Lisa runs off, leaving Jisoo alone. 

"You look lost," a voice says. Turning, Jisoo sees Princess Jennie. Jennie has her long dark hair over one shoulder. Her white dress falls to the ground and leaves her shoulders bare. Jisoo is momentarily speechless because of Jennie's beauty.

"Um, hi, I'm Kim Jisoo," Jisoo says. She thinks about curtsying but decides not to.

"Aren't you going to bow or something?" Jennie asks. Jisoo feels her palms shaking. "Don't take me so seriously," Jennie says. Her face breaks into a smile. "I actually don't like it when people bow or called me your highness. Just call me Jennie, please."

"Jennie unnie," Jisoo says. Jennie smiles again. 

"No one's called me that before," she says. "But you can. Come on, I think the music's started." Jennie grabs Jisoo's hand and pulls her away. Jisoo feels nervous again and very aware of Jennie's hand upon her own. Once they reach the center of the ballroom Jennie lets go.

"I can't really dance," Jisoo says. The pop music is very loud. People are staring to join them.

"Just follow me," Jennie says. She starts swaying her body to the music. Jisoo copies her and soon their laughing as they dance. Jennie grabs Jisoo's hand again and spins her around. Jisoo feels her heart beating out of her chest. During the next song, Jennie's hand slides down to Jisoo's hip and stays there. Unsure what to do, Jisoo places her hand on Jennie's shoulder. They step side to side, close together, staring into each other's eyes. 

"Excuse me." Jennie and Jisoo break apart. Beside them is a well dressed young man.

"Go away, Eren," Jennie says. 

"Shouldn't you be nicer to me?" Eren says. "We are going to have to get along."

"I don't want to get along with you," Jennie says. "Just leave me alone."

Eren bows, glares at Jisoo, and leaves.

"Who was that?" Jisoo asks, her voice quiet.

"My fiancé," Jennie answers. She rolls her eyes. "We've been betrothed since we were babies. The wedding is tomorrow."

"Oh," Jisoo says. "Do you not like him?"

"Of course I don't like him!" Jennie says. "I feel absolutely nothing for him and we're supposed to get married."

"Have you talked to your parents?" Jisoo asks.

"They never listen to me." Jennie sighs and takes Jisoo's hand. "Enough about me. I just want to enjoy tonight. With you."

Jisoo feels her heart flutter at that and hides her burning face with her hand. The night passes in a blur. They dance, eat the lavish dinner prepared for the guests, and take turns asking about each other's lives. Too soon, the party is over. The guests begin to leave and Jisoo knows that her uncle is probably looking for her.

"It was really nice meeting you," Jisoo says to Jennie. "And you know, I hope things work out between you and Mike." 

"Thank you," Jennie says.

"But if you really hate him, you should tell your parents," Jisoo says. "At least give it a try. I don't want you to be unhappy for the rest of your life."

Jennie pulls Jisoo into a hug. "Promise I'll see you again," Jennie whispers.

"I promise," Jisoo says. She buries her head into Jennie's neck, stroking her hair, before breaking apart. Jennie opens her mouth as if to say something but just then the King and Queen walk up. Jisoo leaves quickly and runs into Lisa.

"There you are!" Lisa says. "Where were you all night?"

"Sorry," Jisoo says. "I was with the princess."

"The princess?" Lisa asks. "You have to tell me everything about her!"

"I'm really tired," Jisoo says. "I'll tell you tomorrow."

That night Jisoo changes her clothes and jumps into her bed, falling asleep almost instantly. The next morning she wakes up to Lisa shaking her.

"Wake up!" Lisa says. "It's starting!"

"What's staring?" Jisoo asks. She slowly sits up from the bed.

"The wedding," Lisa answers. "Its being recorded live on the news right now. Come on, let's go see!"

Lisa drags Jisoo over to the tv where the news station is on. The wedding ceremony hasn't started yet, but the royal family has already arrived and the place is all decked out with decorations. Jisoo sets down on the couch with her phone. She sees a text from Jennie.

 Can you come? I'll send you the address. I need to see you.

Jisoo stands up from the couch and goes back into her room.

"Where are you going?" Lisa asks.

"I'll be back soon," Jisoo says. After getting dressed and brushing her teeth Jisoo runs out the door.

This was supposed to have a part 2 but I never got around to writing it. For now it's just a cliffhanger ending I guess.
