Jensoo: Let me hold you

It was a cold night and a light snowfall had descended upon the darkness. Caught in the bad weather, Kim Jennie hurried up to her apartment floor. Her muscles ached. She was sore from dance practice yesterday and she had been out all afternoon running errands. She was tired.

Instead of isolating herself on her room, Jennie went out into the main living room area that all four of the girls shared. Jisoo was sitting on the couch, a cup in her hand, watching the snow. Jennie smiled. Jisoo looked so beautiful there, her black hair lying over her shoulders. Jisoo perked up when she noticed Jennie standing in the doorway.

"You're back!" Jisoo said with a wide, gentle smile. "I was waiting for you. It's snowing."

"You didn't have to wait for me," Jennie said, crossing the room. Jennie unzipped her heavy winter coat and tossed it onto the floor. Then she sat down on the couch beside Jisoo.

"How was your day?" Jisoo asked.

"Busy," Jennie sighed, stretching her arms. She didn't want to talk about it. She didn'twant to shadow the moment with conplaints. "Unnie."

"Hmm," Jisoo responded.

"I wish I could go out and play in the snow." Jennie always felt like a little girl around Jisoo. When around the younger ones, Ross and Lisa, and when onstage, Jennie always felt a slight burden of responsibility. She had to dance, sing, and rap perfectly in front of the cameras. But now she was truly herself. Jennie was so comfortable and relaxed that her head had unconsciously fallen onto Jisoo's shoulder.

"You look tired," Jisoo said with her sweet, caring voice. "You should go to bed."

"Unnie, let me stay," Jennie said quietly, her eyes closed. They stayed that way for a few minutes, and Jennie almost fell asleep, but then Jisoo shook her off.

"Sorry, my arm was falling asleep," Jisoo said. She set down her cup and stood up from the couch. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

Jennie found herself yearning for her unnie. Why were Jisoo's eyes so deep and doll like, her skin smooth and clear, her lips forming a perfect bow shape, just waiting to be kissed? Jennie buried her feelings inside of her.

Jisoo walked past, unable to read Jennie's thoughts. But just as she was turning the corner and entering her room, slender hands wrapped around Jisoo's waist from behind.

Soft brown hair fell over Jisoo's shoulder. A face was buried into her neck. Jisoo gasped softly.

"Let me hold you." It was Jennie's voice, barely a whisper, coming from behind. Jisoo was reminded of a memory, those long years ago, when they were both trainees.

(Past scene)

"Do you really think we will debut one day?" Teenage Jennie askes. A single tear quivered from her eyelashes to her cheek.

"Don't worry, Jennie," Jisoo says, patting her head. "You are so beautiful and so talented, anyone can see that you should be an idol. And even if you don't debut, we can still be friends, you'll still do great things."

"Thank you..."


After hearing no response, Jennie began to pull away. She was embarrassed, shy, and wondered why she had ever dared to be so reckless. Jisoo turned around to face her.

"Jennie," Jisoo started, but she didn't know what to say. What could she say? You are the person closest to me in my life? I want the best for you? Sometimes I have thoughts about you and they turn into dreams at night? No, she couldn't say that.

"I'm sorry," Jennie murmured, avoiding eye contact. "I should go."

Jisoo caught Jennie's wrist as she turned to leave. Jisoo pulled her into a sudden, warm embrace. Jennie's breath caught in her throat. What? Did, did Jisoo like her back? No. Or yes...? Jennie wrapped her arms tight around Jisoo, hugging her back. I'll just enjoy this moment, she thought.

"You are very precious to me," Jisoo whispered. Unseen tears filled her eyes. "Jennie, please hold me whenever you want to."

Jennie couldn't find the words to respond. She felt so happy, filled with unexplainable joyful, and relieved.

Jennie pulld away slightly, so she could meet Jisoo's eyes.

"Thank you," Jennie said. She wanted to say more but, then again, actions speak louder than words. Jennie pressed her lips onto Jisoo's.

It was a gentle kiss, soft and brief, yet a prelude to so much more.

"Jennie..." Jisoo smiled, the unshed tears gleaming in her eyes.


Finally, their feelings were shared. For the first time in their lives their hears were truly opened.
