chapter 2 .v.

you run into jake's arms so hard he grunts. he puts his head on your head. you let go of him and he picks up your suitcase. "what have you been doing for the past two years?" he asks. "well i got a boyfriend, but i broke up with him... and i went to school.." i said. i held his arm gently as we walked. i saw him slightly blushing. which made me blush too. he quickly noticed it and smiled at me. i had this feeling about him that i never had before with him. was i starting to like him? "hello?" he said. "OH! i must have zoned out." i said embarassingly. "well i said, do you wanna stop and get some food at that restaurant over there?" he pointed out the restaurant. was he asking me to go on a date? "uh sure..." RACE YOU THERE!!" i screamed while running across the street. "NOO IMMA WIN" he called behind me. i ran to the door and i closed it in his face. "HEY!" i heard him scream through the glass door. "I WIN" i call back. he opens it and grabs my hand. he starts dragging me across the rug on my feet. we st down and took our orders.


i get in his car and he turns the key and the car starts. i turn on the radio and our favorite song turns on. "JAKE ITS TWO BIRDS ON  WIRE!" i screamed. we turned it up and sang along.

"Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away
And the other watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar
I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand
Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired"
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
One more or one less
Nobody's worried
I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand
Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire
He says that he will
But he's just a liar
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other" 

we sang. but finally we pull into his driveway. we get out of the car and get my stuff..
