Chapter 11

Jake's P.O.V

there i was. sitting in the airport, next to the people i hired for this. i was gonna propose to Y/N... but she left me. i pull out the ring that was in my pocket. it looked like this.

i could only imagine the look on her face if i showed this to her. i closed my eyes as tears come out of them. then i drop to my knees, and start crying. people start crowding around me. i take off running to the parking lot. i get in the car. the radio turns on. "count on me" is on. i whack the button to turn it off and sob lightly in my "reckless" sweatshirt. i speed home. i run into the door and jump onto the couch. i turn on my phone and text Y/N.

Y/N   jake



Before you left, i wanted to tell you something, but i can only tell you in person..

hold on..

uhhh ok...
