Chapter 14

Y/N's P.O.V.

i wake up with Jake hugging me like a teddy bear. eventually he let go of me, but he had to get up anyway. "JAKEEEE!" i scream. "what do you want?" he says rudely. "we got to get ready..." i say blushing. "ohhhh yeah!" he shouts. then i get a notification from my phone. "YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR BILLS" it was my landlord. "shit. Jake, my landlord is texting me and telling me i need to pay bills." i say. i quickly text him saying. "i don't want to live there anymore. i live with my fiance..." he then texts back. "WHELP! YOU NEED TO SIGN PAPERS HERE DOWN IN CALIFORNIA!" "look, can't you just mail them to me? i have my wedding TODAY!" i text back, being stressed out. "ok Y/N im going to let you off on this one, since you have a wedding. i will mail them today and they should be here in 5 or 6 days." "REALLY?! THANK YOU :)" i shut off my phone and look at Jake. he looks at me. "well lets go to the wedding place now."


Albert was helping Jake get ready and my friend Chloe was helping me get ready. the wedding was on a cruise ship that we rented. my wedding dress looked like this.

i walk out to the aisle and i hear "Galway girl by Ed Sheeran" come on.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

i look into Jake's eyes. he is wearing this tuxedo.

he is holding the most beautiful bouquet i have ever seen.

when i get to Jake, he hands me the flowers gently. i smile and he smirks. after we said our vows, we kissed and soon the wedding was over. we were married.


Jake's P.O.V

married. i was married. to my best friend.on the way home in the limo, she fell asleep on me. so i had to carry her into the house. i didn't care though. i was married- to her. the only love of my life. Y/N. she wakes up in my arms. "i'm so glad i have you, Jake..." she whispers. she grabs the collar of my shirt again, and pulls me in for a kiss. the best kiss ever. the memory kiss. i run to the couch and pin her down on it. she starts biting my neck, leaving a big mark. she shuffles down to my waist and throws off my shirt. i do the same to her dress. she runs her fingertips down to my pants. she pulls them down and i blush as soon as she pulls off my pants. she grabs me and she pulls me to the bottom of the couch. she kisses me and pulls me off the ground. we both run upstairs into my bedroom.
