13. Texts

Summary : Caspar can't sleep and texts Joe.

Words : 836

sunday, 1:43 am

joe i can't sleep

sunday, 1:45 am

Caspar wtf.

joe, i caaaan't sleep


talk to me

Talk to your girlfriend.

she's sleeping?

Then let me sleep too, for fuck sake.

nah, i wanna talk to you

Piss off, don't text me again. I'm turning my phone off.

sunday, 1:52 am





sunday, 5:34 pm

joe why are you so mad at me lately?

I'm not mad at you.



you're so bitter, what have i done??

Nothing. I'm not.


Shut up.


Seriously shut up Caspar, you're annoying.

oh. i see.

Caspar... I didn't mean it.

of course not.

Caspar, come on.

nah it's ok, i'm gonna go and be annoying somewhere else.

Caspar. I. Didn't. Mean. It.


sunday, 6:56 pm

Caspar, would you please forgive me?

Come on Caspar.

Caspar you realise that I can see you reading my texts ?

Don't be such a child, okay?

say it.

Say what ?

you know what, just say it.

No Caspar.

then i guess, we're done talking

I hate you.

I beg you pardon, oh please Lord Caspar.

that's what i like to see, i accept your apology

Fuck you.

love you

Shut it.

monday, 3:27 am

joe, do you love me?

Caspar, what the hell ?

do you love me?



You're my best friend Cas, of course I do.


What ?




wednesday, 4:21 am

Caspar do you like me ? Like a crush. Or something like that ?

wednesday, 10:08 am

hey joe, how ya doing?

Did you just ignored my text ?

what text?

Are you kidding me ?


Yes you fucking are.

ok fine, i thought that maybe if i ignored it, it would be like it never happened

Why don't you just answer the damn question ?

why do you fucking want to know? why do you even ask?



What ?

i like you joe

Why didn't you told me Caspar ? I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything ?

i like you, but i figured out soon enough that you didn't like me back, not in the way that i would have want you to, so i decided to move on and i got a girlfriend, who's like the girl i've ever dreamed of, but i can't get you out of head, and then you start to act like i was the biggest pain in the ass, not in a funny way, you constantly snap at me, and i hate it, and fuck, why am i still typing?               

but joe i like you, yeah, and it's messed up, i know

That's a long sentence Caspar.

i know

I can't do that over a text, I need to see you Caspar. I'm coming.

" Hey. " Said Joe in a breath, panting heavily as Caspar let him enter his apartment.

" Did you run here ? " The taller one asked as he leaned on the bar in the kitchen.

" Yeah, I did, and I forgot how old I was. " The other one joked with a chuckle, that he stopped almost immediately seeing the confused look he was receiving from Caspar.
" Anyways. " He breathed, standing awkwardly in front of Caspar.

" You didn't have to come running here to tell me that you didn't like me back you know. " Stated Caspar coldly making the air feel heavier than it already was for Joe.

" I didn't-I. " Joe face palmed, hard, why was it so fucking hard ?

Caspar's eyes narrowed as he kept staring at what felt like his entire soul. He couldn't get a word out of his mouth, his muscles were like retracting.

" Joe ? " Caspar suddenly said, concerned. " Are you ok there ? " He asked getting closer to Joe, waving a hand in front of his eyes.

And that was the moment, the moment Joe couldn't take it anymore, he was on the verge of collapsing and he was suffocating but he couldn't help it. His hand grabbing Caspar's neck and pulling him closer, his eyes closing, his breath held, his lips finally against the blond's. He really couldn't help it.

monday, 2:09 am

joe? i can't sleep

Caspar please.

you have to talk to me, it's your responsibility now

No it's not.

of course it is

Caspar. No. Let me sleep.

but joeee



you're so mean, you really don't deserve me

Yeah, whatever.

i'm offended now


did i mention how much i hated you?

Not really no. You were more like
" yeah Joe, just like that yeah, you're sooo good ".


Just stating the truth.

Shit I can't sleep anymore.

payback's a bitch

You little shit. I'm going to set you on fire the next time I see you.

duh i hope so

Oh god. You're exhausting.

i know but you love me anyway

monday, 2:58 am

Yes unfortunately I do.

gosh you scared me, i thought i just made a fool out of myself


shut up

You're being mean.

and you're the one saying that?
