01. Twitter

Hey, it's actually my first attempt at writing fanfictions and english is not my first language so I'm sorry for the mistakes and I know it's not that well written because I'm only starting but yeah, ENJOY SOME JASPAR!

Summary : Joe tweets about being in love and Caspar is heartbroken. Until he finally realizes what Joe was meaning.

Words : 2,954

@Joe_Sugg : God, bad news, I think I'm in love.

When Caspar saw the tweet he almost dropped his phone and tripped over his own feet. He caught himself at time with the table near him still staring at his phone. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears and the blood in his body was boiling. He looked up from his phone with a frown on his face. The tweet he just read had already over thousands and thousands of retweets and likes and hundreds of fans were already losing their mind. Joe, in love with someone ? The thought made him wince, and his heart painfully ached but he tried to ignore it. The huge crush he had on his best friend couldn't intefere with that. With who could Joe be in love with ? And why didn't he told Caspar about it ? His mind raced through all the people Joe even knew, and he came up with no one. His pulse was pounding like a drum and his head hurt with all the thinking and painful realisations, he was going madly crazy. Maybe he was overracting, he told himself. Maybe Joe wasn't serious about that or maybe a person he was hanging out with tweeted that out of is account as a joke. Otherwhise Joe would have at least told him, even if Caspar wouldn't have liked it but they were best friends after all. They tell each other everything.

Caspar tried for about an hour or so to convince himself with hundreds of scenarios that he knew were certainly not real. He then grabbed all the snacks he had in his apartement and got to his bedroom and slid under the covers of his bed. He didn't care about anything at the moment, he got his laptop and played all of his favorite movies in a raw. And maybe he cried a little that night, before falling asleep on his laptop. Or a lot, because like he said to himself, he's so damn sensitive about something he knew would surelly happen.

The next day Caspar woke up with a huge headache due to all the crying and his laptop still on his stomach from the night before. He clumsily put the laptop on the ground cursing at the pain. He searched for his phone on his nightstand with his eyes still closed, he then opened them to check the time. The bright light coming from the device blinded him, all he could make out was that it was ten in the morning. He cursed again, he was going to be late to the meeting he had this morning. With Joe. He cursed another time. He slowly got out of bed and got ready as quickly as his headache was allowing him to. He glanced at the mirror once he was finished, he looked terrible, he even tried to smile, it was even worse. He headed to his kitchen and grabbed some painkillers while taking his jacket and phone. He gulped the pills down quickly and exited his apartement.

When he arrived at the meeting, everyone was already there, he was late, like really late. He apologized quickly to his manager while entering the office. His eyes wandered around the room to fall on Joe. Who was looking at him with a huge smile, like everytime he sees Caspar. His heart felt warm at the sight, like everytime Joe even layed his eyes on him. Caspar didn't smile back, he tried to, but the smile looked more like a painful twist of his face. So he lowered his eyes and sat on the last sit without saying anything, right beside Joe. Great, had thought Caspar.

" Did you slept in buddy ? " Had whispered Joe, chuckling.

" Yeah, hum, I did. " Answered Caspar looking everywhere but at him.

" Are you ok Casp, you seem weird ? " Had ask Joe after seeing his friend's avoiding behaviour, putting his hand on his knee.

The touch burned Caspar's skin through his pants like Joe's hand was made of fire. He usually liked it when Joe touched him, but now it was different. Because he knew that he's only and will only be his friend and nothing else because Joe was in love with someone else. Joe's hand was still on his knee and he didn't even seem to mind, Caspar snatched his leg away from Joe's grip. His hand fell down as he looked confused at the boy.

" Yeah, I'm alright. " Had ultimately replied Caspar in a breath avoinding Joe's eyes that were searching for his.

Caspar sighed as Joe turned away from him with a pout on his face, he was upset. And it was like that for the entire hour or so the meeting lasted. Joe was pouting because he was upset at Caspar and Caspar was also pouting because he didn't want to upset Joe by being distant and cold. When it was finally over and Joe was grabbing his stuff to leave, Caspar sighed and grabbed Joe's arm before he could exit the room. He didn't want his friend to be upset because of him being a child. He had to put all of his stupid feelings aside and be happy for his best friend finally finding someone he loved. And it wasn't like he own Caspar anything, he can fall in love with whoever he wants. At least that's what Caspar tried to convince himself. Caspar cleared his throat still holding Joe's arm, he blushed heavily while releasing Joe from his grip.

" I was thinking, would you like to come to my place to hang out for a bit ? " He asked unsure of what to say.

Joe smiled widely at him nodding, he was no longer pouting, that was a win. Even if Caspar was madly jealous of the girl who had finally got a grip on his best friend, and that he was crushed from the bottom of his heart about the fact that Joe couldn't like him back, he still didn't want to see him upset, not even a little bit. That's how much he loved him.

Once they got to Caspar's home, after a ride more than awkward filled with silence, sighs and tension. They ate a meal that Caspar had laboriously tried to cook to please his Joe, that ended up looking more like burnt unidentifiable subtances. They then decided to watch some nonsense Joe absolutly wanted to watch on the TV. Caspar on the other hand could never say no to Joe, so he was stuck in his own apartement, with Joe, watching a documentary on whales. How great ? He didn't even layed his eyes on the TV once, more interested in Joe than anything else, who was comfortably pressed up against his side. He was blushing like crazy but his eyes were still glued on Joe, who didn't even seemed to notice too caught up in the stupid documentary.

After what felt like ages for Caspar, probably twenty minutes, Joe layed his head on his shoulder. Softly, inocently. Caspar breathed out weakly, was he trying to mess with his mind, make him go crazy ? He was usally the one who did that, Joe rarelly did, not to say never. Joe was not really one to show physical affection, and today he was touchy. Way more touchy than usual. Caspar didn't know what was going on. Maybe Joe knew about Caspar's feelings for him and he felt bad for him because he was in love with someone else. Yeah, it must be that. Caspar's heart clenched even more. My life sucks, he told himself.

" Caspar, you're ok ? You seem really tense today. " Had suddenly spoke Joe raising his head from Caspar's shoulder.

Caspar tried to relax at those words, he didn't even realised he was clenching every muscle of his body. And, yeah, what can he say, he was tense. A lot. A lot more than he should for his own good.

" Yeah, it's just that ... " He paused not sure of what to respond to not raise Joe's suspicions even more.

" It's just the pressure on me at the moment that I'm not taking well. But it's alright, I swear. " He finally answered, it sounded true. Joe seemed to bought it.

" Do you want me to massage you or something ? " Joked Joe with a chuckle, Caspar tried to laugh at that, a nervous laugh escaped his mouth while thinking about Joe actually massaging him.

He cleared his throat and moved a little on his sit trying to forget about the thought and what it may feel like. After that they didn't talk, Joe was too focused on the documentary and Caspar was too focused on him. Caspar didn't ask Joe about the tweet, if he didn't talked about that with him on his own, it meant he didn't want to. Caspar neither, maybe that was the good part of the situation. He didn't have to listen to Joe ramblinng about what he loves about that girl and why he loved these things about her. It'll have break his heart entirely.

The next morning, when Caspar woke up he was surprised to find Joe curled up against his side in his own bed. After watching a whole bunch of documentaries and movies, Joe had decided that he was too tired to go home. So he stayed at Caspar's house and slept in the spare room. But the boy had managed a time in the night to slide in Caspar's bed when he was asleep.

They used to do that sometimes, when they lived together. They used to sleep with each other, Caspar was usally the one knocking at Joe's door and crashing in his bed. While the other one would lazily throw his arm around Caspar's waist and cuddle on his chest. Caspar had convinced himself through the time that, that's what best friends do. And that it was perfectly normal, and it didn't mean that it could have more between him and Joe. And the fact that Joe liked, even if he would never admit it at loud, cuddling and falling asleep on Caspar, surely didn't mean that he liked him. Not in the way I do, he thought to himself.

Caspar made a move to get out of the bed without waking Joe up. But he was stopped in his track when Joe's arm instinctively grabbed his waist in his sleep. Caspar blushed heavily at that move, his heart racing. He then decided against leaving not wanting to wake Joe up, slowly lying back down.

He breathed out, it was going to be ok, he told himself. Just a matter of time, Joe never sleept too much, he was the one who woke up first usually. Caspar breathed out again and took a look at Joe, he could clearly see him with the light coming from outside through the curtains. He roamed all around Joe's face and body that he knew by heart, with his eyes. His soft chesnut hair, his closed eyes, his nose, his lips, he loved everything about Joe's face that he could make a list out of these things. And he was even cuter in his sleep.

Caspar really had a soft spot for Joe asleep, he had a really soft spot for Joe in general in fact. Caspar stopped his eyes on Joe's lips, he really wanted to kiss him. Like really. And maybe he could snick a quick peck on his best friend's lips whithout him noticing it. Since he was asleep. He knew it was a bad idea, but after all he couldn't have another chance after that one. He was going to date that girl he was in love with, because let's face it, he's sure she's in love with him too. Who wouldn't fall in love with Joe ? He, Caspar Lee, the straightest of all did, so why wouldn't that girl ? He would never have a chance after that.

So that's why he found himself shifting slightly to get a better angle of Joe's face and gently putting his hand on his cheek. He breathed out again, his palm sweating, maybe he should have brushed his teeth before that. But Joe wouldn't have let go of him, since the grip he had on his waist was way too firm for someone supposedly asleep.

It's now or never he told himself, Joe would wake up soon and if he wanted to do this, he had to do it now. So he leaned in, and his lips softly met Joe's. His eyes fluttered shut as his mind was trying to register what was clearly happening. His whole inside started to warm up, practically burning him. And a strong feeling started to grow in him, starting from his toes to the tip of his hair, going up his spine and making him shiver. Something he had never felt before, for anyone. Something that was making his body shake and his brain disconect. Something that was stopping him to even use his brain. The feeling was overwhelming, sending electricity through his entire body. He was kissing Joe, the guy that he loved, and he was on the verge of passing out.

A smile against his lips stopped him in his track. He pulled back suddenly in shock, Joe was pretty much awake now. Caspar didn't expected what he saw when his eyes landed on Joe. The smaller one was smiling. Smiling ? His blue eyes met Caspar's, what was happening ? Why wasn't Joe freaking out about this ? Caspar certainly was. Why wasn't he even mad ? Why did he seem like he enjoyed the situation ? Was he making fun of Caspar ? Caspar's mind was going crazy by every second passing, questions filling up his head. He knew that he shouldn't have done that, but he was stupid, and in love, but mostly stupid.

" Could have waited for me to be awake for that. " Said Joe, with a chuckle in his deep morning voice.

Caspar stared at him confused, as much as he liked Joe's morning voice he couldn't make out what was clearly happening. Joe was definitly making fun of him. All he wanted was to get out of this bed and this room and get really far away from here. He felt embarrassed and the smile on Joe's lips made him even more.

" I mean, I'd like to be part of that. It would have been great, if you had kissed me properly. " He said, seeing Caspar's confused and upset face.

At the sound of that, Caspar's heart raced, he was going to have a heart attack. But he still had that frown on his face, was Joe really wanting to mess with his feelings like that ?

" Joe, I don't- " Caspar paused, avoiding Joe's gaze.

" I don't understand. You tweeted that thing the other day about being in love with someone, and then I kiss you in your sleep and you're not freaking out and you even tell me that you wanted me to actually kiss you properly and you gave me all these mixed signals and I feel like you're messing with my mind and- "

Caspar was cut in his speech by a pair of lips softly landing on his. Joe's. He didn't do anything for the first couple seconds, too shoked to even move a finger. A buzzing feeling traveled around his body, Joe was kissing him. His mind was racing and so was his heart. But he managed to control his limbs, by gently putting his hand on Joe's jaw. He felt like he belonged there.

And they stayed like that for maybe thirty seconds, bodies pressed up against each other's, lips locked and eyes closed. Only enjoying the warmth they were creating and the feeling to be complete spreading in them both.

Then Joe gently and seductively bit Caspar's lower lip, the lattest slowly oppening his lips to intensify the kiss. A chance for both of them that they were actually laying down on a bed, because Caspar was sure he would have flinched if he was standing. A single kiss had made his whole inside turned upside down. When they finally pull out Joe smiled, resting his forehead against Caspar's.

" It was all about you, stupid. " Shuckled Joe, making Caspar smile. He felt like in a dream, the guy that he loved just told him that he was feeling the same way. His smile got even bigger, at the thought.

" You're the one that I'm in love with, I thought you would knew by now. "

Caspar frowned, how could he haven't seen that ? Maybe because he was too busy convincing himself that everything Joe did was only by friendship and nothing more. And that his best friend couldn't feel the same way as he did, because he was straight and certainly not into him.

" I think I'm love with you too Joe Sugg. " Responded Caspar blushing, it was the first time he ever admited that out loud, to Joe. The older smiled at that statement and was about to kiss Caspar again.

" No, wait. " He added, sending a frown through Joe's face.

" In fact, I'm sure of it. " Simply said Caspar with a smile. Joe hit him playfully in the chest, but the smile on his face was still there.

" Damn Caspar, I thought you changed your mind or something. " Mumbled Joe resting his head in Caspar's neck.

" I couldn't. " Answered Caspar with a laugh. Joe kissed his neck and Caspar closed his eyes at the feeling it was sending through his body. His eyes still closed and Joe pressed up against his neck, he sighed a smile on his face. Joe loved him too and he couldn't be happier.
