8 (SMUT)

Keilani's POV
Today I'm going to Jack's. We have been friends since we were four. We used to prank everyone. Slowly I started developing feelings for him, but I'm scared. I'm scared that if I'll ever tell him I'd ruin our friendship. I probably don't like me in that way. I made sure I looked okay and went to Jack's house. As soon as I arrived in rang the bell and waited patiently.
"Hello." Jack said.
"Hey Jack. You okay?" I asked.
"Yep I'm just tired." He said.
We got in and the house was empty, no one else was there. We went upstairs to his room and he collapsed on the bed. I sat next to him.
"Hey Jackie, what do you want to do?"
"I want to sleep."
"You always want to sleep." I said.
"I know. Come lie here with me." Jack said.
I didn't answer I just lay next to him on my side and he turned to look at me.
"Hi." He said.
"You look so cute."
I blushed at his comments. He looked deeply into my eyes. His eyes flicked to my lips. Involuntarily I did the same. He got closer and I moved closer too. Our noses were touching, and his mint breath hit my face. Our eyes met again and slowly he closed the space between us. His lips rested on mine but neither of us moved. We pulled apart and looked at each other before crashing our lips together. The kiss soon became hungry and heated. Without thinking I moved on top of him. His hands slid on my waist and in response I rolled my hips on his. A small groan left his mouth. Suddenly he flipped us over without breaking the kiss. So now he was in top between my legs. He took off my top and started leaving kisses on my chest. A moaned left his mouth and he started sucking on my neck. He removed his shirt before lowering his body on mine again. Suddenly I felt the cold air hitting my bare body. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jack asked.
"Jack, I like you and we've known each other for a long time." I said.
I took a deep breath. I knew I would have ruined our friendship.
"I like you too, but I don't want to rush into things. We know everything about each other but..." He said.
I looked at him. Without hesitating I kissed him.
"Is that okay as answer?"
He nodded before kissing me again. We lain back on the bed. Soon after all our clothes were on the floor. He slowly entered me, I hitched at the sudden feeling but when we started moving I became a moaning mess. His hands roamed around my body while mine were tangled in his hair tugging slightly. His lips were pressed on my neck. We were sweating and breathing heavily. The pleasure I felt was indescribable. As we reached our climax we laid on the bed breathing heavily.
He called me and I turned to look at him.
"Yes Jack?" I asked.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked.
I smiled and nodded not trusting my voice. He kissed me and then we just laid there.
"I'm tired." He said.
"Then sleep."
He looked at me confused. Then I took his shirt and threw it on. Then I sat back on the bed and he was already asleep.
