Zara's POV
Zara: "Brook, when are you going to finally let me meet the boys? We've been together for two months!"
Brooklyn : "I know it's just...never mind..."
Zara: "What? Tell me!"
Brooklyn : "Look I'm sorry, you can come to the house tomorrow. This just means a lot and I don't want to rush it...anyway, I have to go."
Zara: "Okay, what time should I come?"
Brooklyn : "Come after twelve. I love you!"
He kisses me.
Brooklyn : "See you tomorrow babe."
Zara: "Bye!"
I feel so sick whenever I think about him, I know he's hiding something from me but I'm too scared to say anything.

The Next Day
It's 11AM and I'm outside the house. I'm an hour early. My stomach is turning. I knock on their door. A tall guy with messy, brown hair stand at the door smiling.
Jack: "Can I help you?"
He has an Irish accent this is everything I never knew I needed. I don't realise I'm staring at him and he coughs.
Zara: "Oh, sorry. I'm Zara, Brooks girlfriend...I'm early but..."
Jack: "Oh, erm no it's fine, come in."
He me through to the kitchen.
Jack: "He's just up in his room, I'll erm tell him you're here."
Zara: "Thanks..."
He stares at me for a second, then he turns around and rushes up the stairs. For a second, it almost looked as if he was going to tell me something before he ran off. He had a look in his eye, guilt maybe. I start to get really nervous, when he comes back down.
Jack: "He'll be down in a minute, can I get you anything?"
Zara: "What's going on?"
Jack: "What do you mean?"
Zara: "Don't get me wrong, I don't know you but I seem to have a sixth sense of when something is going on that I don't know about."
Jack: "Nothing, nothing's going on."
I get up and storm upstairs, flinging open the first door I see. I hear Jack running behind me but he's too late.
Brooklyn: "Zara, stop! It's not what it looks like!"
Zara: "Really? Cause what it looks like is you are literally sleeping with other girls! You boys disgust me!"
I turn around and storm out, angry and in tears. I start walking away from the house and stop when I reach a bench. I sit down and cry for a few minutes before someone comes and sits next to me.
Jack: "I'm so sorry..."
I look up, seeing Jack sat there looking even more guilty than before.
Jack: "You didn't deserve that, no one does..."
Zara: "Yet you still sat there while it was going on and didn't tell me..."
Jack: "I know, it's just Brooklyn told us you were coming round at 12PM and to be honest I couldn't really care about Brooks love life so I didn't really do anything when she came home with him last night. It's no excuse but I'm just so sorry..."
Zara: "So why did you look so guilty then if you didn't care?"
Jack: "Because when I opened the door, I saw a beautiful, genuine girl, who didn't deserve any of this, so I told Brook to get rid of her and then come and speak to you..."
Zara: "So what you're saying is I didn't deserve it because you thought I was pretty? No one deserves it no matter who they are and what they've done! It's simple loyalty that none of you boys could ever follow!"

I get up and start to walk again.
Jack: "Zara, please. I didn't mean it like that...please, I just want to talk!"
Zara: "But the thing is, why would I want to talk to you? What would either of us get out of it?"
Jack: "Look I'm not Brook, I would never cheat on anyone and the thing is, you are beautiful and you seem amazing and I want to get to know you. I want to take you out on a date!"
Zara: "Are you serious, I literally just broke up with your best frie..."
Jack: "I don't care, please just one date! Please!"
Zara: "Fine!"
He smiles.
Jack: "I hope you like movies then because I'm going to take you to the cinema!"
Zara: "Really? Now?"
Jack: "Sooner rather than later so yeah, let's go!"
Zara: "What have I got myself into?"
I laugh shaking my head as he drags me away, wrapping his arm around me.
