Tara's POV
"Tara we are going to play football. Do you want to come?" Jack said entering the room.
"Yes, let me get changed. Five minutes and I'll be downstairs." I got up and started changing.
Then I noticed that Jack was staring at me?
"Jack, you okay?" I looked at him while slipping my top on.
"Yes, I'm fine." He smiled dumbfounded. "You are beautiful."
"Thank you." I blush.
"And even more when you blush." He lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes.
Then he leaned on me and kiss me sweetly. His hands were wrapped around my waist while mine were around his neck. A voice interrupted us.
"Love birds hurry up otherwise we'll leave without you!"
It was Rye.
"We are coming!" He smiled at me before taking my hand and dragging me downstairs.
"Well you two took a long time." Sonny said.
"Sorry guys. Let's go."
We walked to the nearest park.
"So, the teams are me, Andy and Brook and Tara, Jack and Sonny." Rye said.
We all agreed and started playing football. After a while of paying my team was winning. Every time we would make a point I would hug Jack. We were one goal away from winning Jack just scored another goal. He ran to me and hugged me. He lifted me from the ground and spin me around.
"We won." Jack said.
We let me down and both of us started doing a little winning dance. Eventually also Sonny started dancing. The guys were looking at us weirdly but then started laughing.
"Okay guys now stop. We know you won." Andy said.
"We won because you all suck at playing football." I said.
"This is not the last time we are playing. Next time we are going to win." Rye said.
"We'll see. But now I'm hungry." I said.
"I just can't help it." Jack wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. "Let's go back home and order some pizza."
"Yes, pizza!" I laughed.
We got back home and ordered pizza just as planned. Then we all decided to watch a film together. Their cinema room is nice. I love it. We were half way through the film and Jack out of the blue spoke.
"Do you want popcorn?" He whispered to me.
I laughed a bit.
"No thanks." I whispered to him.
He got up and after ten minutes he walked back in the room with a bowl full of popcorn. As the film was finished the boys decided to go to bed. But me and Jack decided to watch another movie. We were all cuddled up on one of the sofas and half way through the film he laid his head on my chest. He looked so cute. I started playing with his soft hair. I know that he likes it a lot. Suddenly he yawned.
"Jack are you tired?" I asked.
He looked up at me with sleepy eyes.
"No." He says.
"Are you sure? If you want we can go to bed."
"No let's finish the film."
I nodded and he laid his head back on my chest. I started playing with his hair again and not long after he fell asleep.
