Attached Pt.1

Author's POV:

The brown haired boy stayed quiet as the girl stare up at him. She started to feel really nervous at what his answer is really going to be.

"Jimin-ah?" She called out.

"Hmm?" He replied, he seems to be distracted.

"Who is she?" She asked again, for the second time.

"She, umm... She's just a friend." He stated, not looking into her eyes.

She felt curious about who the person was to him. But, deep down in her heart she knew if she asks further, it will end up risking their relationship. So, she just stay quiet and nod her head.

Ri-Young's POV:

I began to bite my lips. It was like a habit to me, If i was curious about something or even confused. 

Jimin saw it it and he heaved out a sigh. 

he held my hands and kissed my cheeks. I felt kinda disappointed.

I was actually hoping he would kiss me on the lips. I guess, I wanted more of him. But, is it selfish?

"Please, don't mind that. She was just a friend.." He said desperately trying to make me believe him. I slowly let go of his hands, that were holding tightly against mine. 

"Then, I wanted to ask you 1 more thing." I looked up to his eyes,

"Hmm?" he answered.

"Why- umm. why did you come back to me? I mean-"

"Stop." he demanded.

"Stop what? I need answers Jimin-ah! I getting really confused. I'm so- so LOST!!" I cried out.

He seemed to be stunned. But, he's not looking anywhere in my direction.

He's looking at something or maybe someone behind me.

"Chim?" I sniffed.

He didn't reply, so I decided to just look back.

I saw a girl, the girl Jimin hugged earlier. She's walking among the crowd to cross the road on the sidewalk.

I couldn't see her face clearly because of the pouring rain.

She suddenly dropped her book.

"Jimin-ah, lets go-"

Without even saying anything, he opened an umbrella and ran over to her.

"Jimin!!" I shouted. My voice sunk into the rain as the rain became stronger.

I noticed him running towards her who is now picking up her wet books.

"Be careful..." i whispered.

Once he helped her, i noticed blood on her legs. She can barely walk.

Jimin helped her walk, I thought he was about to come and get me.

But he glanced at me one more time before turning away, and walk.

"What...?" I'm confused. What is he doing?

I quickly fished out my phone, looking for Jimin's name.

Once I found it, I pressed the call button. It rang a few times before I heard a voice on the other line.

"Hello? Ri-Young. I'm sorry, I need to bring her to the hospital. She twisted her angkle and there's a bruise on her leg. I'm sorry. " he said.

"Jimin-ah! I have a fever, did you forget that?" I questioned.

"Look, go buy an umbrella or something. I can't talk to you righ now." he said coldly and hung up.

I slowly put down my hand form my ears. I felt tears brim in the corner of my eyes.

I sighed, and shook my head.

It feels like he's more attached to her.

I began walking home without an umbrella. The convenient store is still far from here. By the time I got there, I will probably be soaking wet already.

As I was walking home, I could hear those voices again. No, not now.

"Well, look what happened. Why are you so stupid."

"Stop" I demanded.

"Psh! Like that's going to happen. You did this all to yourself."

"No I-"

"Finding excuses? You can't out battle me. I am your self- conscious, just- the bad one." It said. 

The pain shoots through my head. I crouch down, to let it reduce the pain for a little while. I hissed as it seems to get worse.

"Okay, stop!" I screamed. 

"Please...." I begged. 

The pain stops suddenly. It all happened in a blink of an eye. My ears are ringing.

All I know is that I am now at my room, wet because of the rain, my sleeves are all red of blood. 

I finally realized what I was doing and dropped the sharp object, to the ground. I gasp and look at both my wrist. 

"Damn it!" I felt the whole room spin. I quickly dashed through the living room, going in to my bedroom.

I shut the door as the darkness took over me.


To be continued.

A/n: I'm sorry guys, the previous one that I upload is somehow error so, yeah. I uploaded this chapter again. Sorry for the confusion guyss❤❤
