when you secretly like each other but act like you hate each other

a/n: long title oops


-always rolling your eyes at each other
-making fun of each other 25/8
-"hey jaeden, where'd you get
that shirt? the lost and found?"
-"hey y/n, your dog called,
he said he wants his face back"
-secret glances at each other


-this boy attempts to
be mean but sometimes fails
-"he-hey y/n, you can skateboard
better than me- I MEAN i can
skateboard better than you."
-making fun of his hair


-making fun of each
others hobbies
-"finn, sorry to tell you this,
but you suck at playing guitar."
-"y/n, did you get this
painting out of the dumpster?"
-mocking each other 25/8


-him ALWAYS being sarcastic
-making fun of his hair
-"hey wyatt, ramen called,
they said they want their noodles back"
-he secretly lets you win
at mario kart
-even if you rub it in his face
