sharing a bed with them

not in that way u nasties


-doesn't take up that much space
-sometimes he'll spoon you and other times
he'll lay on his back and let you cuddle up to him
-sleeps with like 5 blankets
-he snores a lil bit but won't admit it
-will whine in his sleep if you move away from him resulting in him cuddling back up to u🥺


-takes up most of the bed
-sprawls out
-he likes his space but later in the night he'll cuddle up to you
-lets you lay your head on his chest
-legs tangled up


-takes up literally all of the bed
-spoons you
-later in the night he'll sprawl out and
your legs get tangled up
-doesn't sleep with a blanket most of the time


-takes up half of the bed so it's pretty even
-lets you cuddle up to him
-eventually you'll roll on your side and
he'll spoon you
-snores but won't admit it
-^sometimes that keeps u up
