type of boyfriend they are


-the affectionate/loving one
-constantly showing you affection,
wether it's hugging you or kisses you cheek
-makes sure you know your
loved constantly
-overall he's an amazing boyfriend🥺


-the crazy one
-he always makes you go on adventures with him,
wether it's going to the store or hiking mount everest, he takes you with him
-he's also the loving one,
he's constantly kissing you cheek/
holding you hand


-the laid back one
-he's not the biggest fan of
showing pda in public, but he will hold your hand
-he usually just wants to lay in
bed and watch old films or listen to music


-the sarcastic one
-constantly making jokes/remarks
-sometimes they're at the wrong times
and he'll say sorry, but he's always being sarcastic
-he will show affection if you ask
