Dating Cassie Howard includes. . .

✦ Daily cuddles in her room or on a sleepover at Maddy's.

✦ Being the lovey-dovey couple, while Lexi third wheels you.

✦ Drinking wine with her mother every once in a while.

✦ Always dancing together on al the parties.

✦ Taking MDMA with Maddy Perez, and on occasions with Katherine Hernandez, and just yelling, waking the whole neighborhood.

✦ Being by her side when her "videos" went viral.

✦ Making out behind the school and getting caught most of the time.

✦ Late night drives and picnic on sunrise for date plans.

✦ Getting detention with her numerous times, for no reason.

✦ Hanging out rarely with Rue Bennett and her girlfriend, Jules Vaughn.

✦ Some fights here and there with her, but apologizing the next day.

✦ Her dropping out of school, as you both take care of the future little child she's going to have soon.

✦ Having to argue with her father in the middle of the night when you spotted him close to your house.

✦ Having many baby bunnies for pets, for the near future.

✦ Sharing and wearing each other's clothes and even going to school with them.

✦ Fighting and standing up for her with Christopher McKay, when she gets hit on by random dudes on school and Daniel.
