Chapter 14

Amara looks at him. "Is this you saying that we should be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Would you want me as your boyfriend?"Issac asked

Amara opened her mouth to answer when her alarm went off. She looked at the time and sighed.

"Sorry but I have to leave now or I'll be late. Are you sure you can't come to school? We could talk about it during lunch if you do." She said

Issac shakes his head. "No Derek said I still need to recover. Your grades are fine being late won't hurt." He says

Amara sighs. "Ok fine." She said

"So is it a yes or no to my question?"

"I mean yes I would want us to be together but our friends are missing and could die tomorrow. Isn't it kind of selfish to be thinking about a relationship?"She says

"Darling we're still teens growing up. We need a little bit of normal in our lives. It's not selfish."

Amara looks at him and thought about what he said. "I don't know I mean you're a werewolf and I'm a-" She stopped herself from saying she was a fairytale character. It was getting harder to keep it a secret. She could barely do it when they were just friends and she knew that it would be worst if they were together.

"You're a what?"

"A human who has werewolf friends. Issac what even is normal for us?"

"Normal can be whatever you want it to be. Ok, let's take a chance at us, darling." He said and cupped her cheeks.

Amara looks into his eyes. She liked his blue eyes, she liked his smile, she liked his personality. She liked how he always looked at her like she was just the two of them in the room. She liked Issac. "Ok yes, I'll take the chance," Amara said and smiles.

Issac grins and kisses her softly. She closed her eyes and kisses him back. Amara pulls away from the kiss for a few seconds later. "Okay. We can do that later but I really have to go." She said

"Wait one more thing." He said, holding her hand to get her to stay before he let it go. 

Amara watched as he rummaged around his room. He finally picked up something and walked back over to her.

"This is a late birthday gift. You know since I wasn't there for your birthday." Issac told her and hands her a pouch.

"Thanks but you really didn't have to get me anything." She said and opens the pouch.

She smiles. "Friendship bracelets. I love it." She said. The two bracelets had a black cord and a silver infinity sign in the middle. She puts one on her wrist and takes his hand and puts the other on his.

"I saw it at a store and I don't know I thought it would be cool." He said and looks at her

"It is cool. Thanks." She said and hugs him.

Issac smiles and hugs her back. "I'm glad you like it darling," he said

"Okay, I really have to go now. I'll see you later." She said and broke away from the hug

Amara walked out of the loft with a smile on her face. She got in a car and drove to school.

Amara walked into Economics class. She sat in her seat behind Stiles.

Coach came in and walk to his desk. He dropped a textbook on it getting everyone's attention. "The stock market has two principles. What are they?"

Amara watched as Scott and a few others raise their hand.

"Yes, McCall you can go to the bathroom." Coach said

"No Coach I know the answer," Scott said

Coach started laughing then he looked at Scott. "Oh, you're serious."

"Yes. Risk and reward."

"Wow! Who are you? And what gave you done to McCall. Don't answer that I like you better." Coach said then looks around. "Does anyone have a quarter?"

Amara watched as Stiles digs in his pocket for a quarter. She watched as something went flying about of his pocket and onto the ground. Coach picked it up and examined it. Amara looked at it and saw it was a condom. An extra-extra-large one. Coach handed it back to him.

"Uh, congratulations Stilinski." He said

Amara snickers slightly along with the rest of the class.

"Risk and reward. Put the quarter in the mug. Win the reward."Coach said. He demonstrated flicking the quarter into the cup and he made it in. The room filled with claps.

Coach went around the class asking who want to try it. The risk was if you don't get it in the cup, you take a quiz tomorrow. The reward was no work. Both Scott and Danny chose not to play. Amara knew that she should catch up with Danny after class since she hadn't seen him all summer.

Next, it was Stiles who decided to try it but didn't get a chance because the sheriff took him out of class to speak to him. Amara looked at Scott.

"What are they saying?" She asked knowing the werewolf could hear the conversation

"Stiles friend has been missing since yesterday's party. They were just wondering if Stiles knows where she was."

"Oh. Wait what party?"

"We'll Stiles and I went to some other high school's party yesterday. I would've invited you but it was supposed to be this boy's night to get away from girls. Not that I want to get away from you. It was more of Lydia for Stiles since he has a big crush on her and Allison for well you know."Scott rambled

Amara nods slightly. The bell rang a few minutes later. Amara got her stuff and walked out of the classroom. She caught up to Danny.

"Hey. Long time no see." She said

"Hey. How was your summer?"

"Pretty good. How have you been?"

"Well there's this new kid and we've been exchanging some looks. I haven't talked to him yet. What about you? Found someone or will you still be showing up to parties alone?"

"Ok, first that was only one party. And yea I'm with Issac now ."

"You and Lahey. I can totally see you two as a cute couple. Where is he anyway? He hasn't been in school."

"Uh, he's on a road trip. He should be back by  in a day or two."

He nods. "'l'll talk to you later," Danny said and walked away.

Amara walked to her locker. She saw Scott and Stiles already standing there.
"What is it?" She asked

"We're going to Deaton's," Scott said

"Why?" She asked

"To get Issac to remember."

When the three of them got to Deaton's office,  Issac, Derek, and of course Deaton was there. Amara helped put ice in the tub of water. She listened as Deaton explained it to Issac.

"It's not going to be comfortable but if we can slow your heart rate down enough. You'll slip into a trance-like state."

"Like being hypnotized. Exactly you'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind. "

Amara watched as Issac kneeled by the ice tub."How slow rate does his heart rate need to be?" She asked

"Very slow," Deaton answered

"Well, how slow is very slow?" Derek asked

"Nearly dead."

Issac put his finger in the water and then immediately took it out."It's safe though right?"Issac asked

"Do you want me to answer honestly?"Deaton says.

"No, not really."

I hate this plan so much. Amara bites her lip and shakes her head, wishing there was some other way to get him to remember. There was suddenly a snap sound. The five of them turned to look at Stiles who had a rubber glove on his hand.

"What?" Stiles asked

"Look if it feels too risk you don't have to do this," Derek said

Amara watched as Issac took off his shirt. She found herself staring a bit too long. She watched as Issac got into the house very cold tub. She heard his gasps and shivers. She watched as Derek and Scott held his shoulders down and pushed him more into the water. Issac fought back and struggled against them. Amara saw that the two werewolves were having trouble keeping him down. She glanced at Stiles before they both helped by pushing down on his legs. She gasped slightly when she put her hands in the water. It was freezing and she felt bad knowing it was ten times worse for Issac.

"Hold him," Deaton told them

"We're trying, "Derek said as Issac still tried to get out of the water.

A few seconds later Issac was finally calm. Amara took her hands out of the water. She bites her lip and looks at Issac. He was paler and his lips were blue.

"Only I talk to him. Too many voices can confuse him."Deaton said before looking at Issac. "Issac? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you."

"This is Dr.Deaton. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?"

"Yes. "

"I'm going to ask you about the night you found Boyd and Erica. I'm going to ask you about it in as vivid detail as possible. Like you're actually there."

"I-I don't wanna do that. I don't- I don't wanna do that."

Amara watched as the lights started to flicker and heard thunder from outside. She chewed on her nails nervously. I absolutely hate this plan. Amara watched as Issac started to move again and Scott and Derek held him down.

"Just relax. They're just memories."

"I don't want to do that."


Amara didn't understand how Issac was supposed to relax when she the complete opposite of relax and wasn't even in the water.

"Now let's go back to that night. To the place, you found Erica and Boyd. Is it a house?"

"No, it's not a house. It's stone. Marble I think."

"That's perfect. Any other descriptions?"

"It's dusty, so empty.

"Like an abandoned building?"

The thunder came again, along with the lights flickering. Amara shakes her head and looks back at Issac nervously.

"Someone's here. Someone's here. They see me. They see me."Issac screams and thrashes.

"They're just memories. You won't be hurt by your memories. Relax." Deaton got Issac to relax again. "Good. Now tell us everything."

Issac slowly opens his eyes. "I hear him. He's talking about not being in control."

"Is he talking to Erica?"

"I-I think so. I can't see them."

"Can you hear anything else?"

"They're worried. They're worried that they're going to hurt each other."

"If they're locked with each other in the full moon. They'll tear each other apart."Derek said

"Issac we need to find them right now. Can you see them?" Deaton asked

Issac gasps and sits up slightly. "They're here. They're here."

"It's all right."

This seems like the exact opposite of all right.

"No. No. They can see me! They found me."

"Just tell us," Deaton said

"This isn't working," Derek said

For once I agree with Derek. Amara thought as she looked at Issac.

"Issac where are you?"Derek asked

"I can't see. It's too dark." Issac screams.

"Issac where are you? Just tell me where you are?"

"His heart rate can go into shock," Deaton said

"Derek let go of him," Amara said. I just want this stupid plan to be over with.

"Issac where are you? What did you see?"

"A vault. It's a bank vault. I saw I said the name"Issac aid as he jumped out of the tub.

Amara was in complete shock and devastated about what he said right before he came out of the trance which he seemed to forget that quick. She wrapped a towel around him.

"B-Beacon Hills First National Bank. It's an abandoned bank and they're keeping them locked inside the bank" Issac says, shivering

Issac looks around at everyone's distraught faces confused. "What?"

"You don't remember what you said before you came out of the trance do you?"Stiles asked

"No."He said in shook his head

"You said that when they captured you, they dragged you into a room that there was a body in it."

"What body?" He asked as he glanced around the room

"Erica. You said it was Erica."
"She's not dead," Derek said

Issac was now dried off and in different clothes. Amara sat next to him on the counter. His arm was wrapped around her. She sighs and watched as they discussed the possibility of Erica being dead.

"He said he saw her dead body. That doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation."Stiles said

"Then who was in the vault with Boyd?"Derek asked

"Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. The one who saved you."Scott said looking at Issac

"No, she wasn't like us. And whoever in the vault with Boyd was." Issac said

"What if that's how Erica died? They like to put them against each other during the full moon to see who survives. It's like werewolf Thunderdome."

"Then we get them out tonight," Derek said

"Be smart about this Derek. You can't just go storming in."Deaton said

"If Issac got in. Then so can we." Derek says

"He didn't go through the vault though. Did he?"

"We need a plan," Scott said

"How are we going to make a plan to break into a vault in less than 24 hours?"

"Someone already did. Beacon Hills First National Bank gets robbed. It doesn't say how but won't take long to find out." Stiles said, looking at his phone

"How long?"

"It's the internet, Derek. Minutes."

Amara would've laughed at Stiles's comment if it wasn't such a dreary situation. They decided that Scott and Stiles would do the research. Amara and Issac got off of the counter. They held hands and walked out of Deaton's office.
"Are you okay?" He asked. "You didn't really say much."

"I mean it's not much to say. Of course, I want her to be alive and you somehow were wrong but based on what you saw the chances of that are low." She said and bites her lip.

"We don't know yet. I could've seen wrong."

Amara nods, trying to keep that hope in her mind. "I know that you should probably go back home to get some rest but can you please stay with me for a little?" She asked and looks up at him.

Issac nods his head. "Yea." He said and kisses her on her forehead. He wraps his arms around her. She hugs him back laying her head on his chest. They got into her car. Amara drove home. The ride was silent, Amara thinking about Erica the whole way home . She parked her car in front of the house. The two got out of the car and walked inside her house. She was greeted by Shadow. She smiles slightly and pets him.

"Hey there." She said.

"You got a dog?" He asked.

She nods her head. "Yeah. His name is Shadow."

Amara watched as Issac started to pet Shadow. She chuckles seeing him lick his fingers.
"You think he can tell that  you're part wolf?"

Issac nods. "Yeah probably." He said

"He seems to like you." She said

"Well of course. I'm very likable." He said with a smirk. He looks down at Shadow and pets him. "Isn't that right?"

"Well since you two are buddies you can help me clean up after him when I take him on walks." She said

"No, I don't think so." He said and chuckles

Amara smiles and shakes his head, enjoying the moment while it lasted.
