Chapter 23: Darkness is Falling

"Blast..." Max breathed."Darn, darn, darn."

"Stop cursing." said a voice.

"God..." He looked up to see a man about twenty nine with long wavy black hair. He held a katana by his side.

"No." he said."My name is Malcolm."

"Who the-"

"Imagine." Mal leaned down."You are here. You have Soul Angel like powers. But why?" he tapped Max's head with the butt of the katana."You were 'given a second chance?'Nobody just comes back. You experienced Soul Lock. I've experienced it too."

"Who are you!?"

"Don't scream." Mal said."I'm usually laid back, but I'm pretty serious right now. Plus I'm ticked at you."


"Because you are no Soul Angel!" Mal said."You're a seer."

"A what?"

"Maxwell." Mal breathed."Rick explained it to me like this. You connecting with the capsule along with your already latent maniac powers gave you temporary Soul Angel abilities. But everyone has their limits." Mal pointed at him."You are reaching your limit. Soon, you'll lose your Soul Angel powers." He stood up."Which means you must learn Kami!"


"The final form of Shiru." Mal said."I can give it to you. But you can only use it twice. After that, any trace of Soul Angel will be lost."

"I'll take it."


"I'll do anything to save Rune!"

"Right." Mal pressed his head."Rick."

The similar footsteps of Rick came from behind him. A huge jolt of energy filled Max. Max stood straight up.

"Take this." Mal said."It's for after you lose it." He gave a second katana with a red handle and a hilt with three holes in it."This is Fuyuame(Winter Rain). You'll understand its use later."

"Who are you?"

Mal breathed."That is none of your concern. All you need to know is that I'm someone who cares very much about you." Mal and Rick disappeared through a portal.

"Malcolm..." Max said."Who is he?"

Piper stood at command of the door in front of the door. As a silent as a doorknob.

"You didn't have to kill Crina." Aidan said.

"That's just how it works in this Spirit World." Piper said."It's a dog eat dog world out here. The sooner you learn that, the easier it is to survive out here."

"She's right." Mona said.

"I guess you're right." Aydan said."But, that's wrong. I've seen people run into battles, looking more dead than the people they kill." Aidan brushed his curly hair out of his way."That alone has taught me this." He turned to Piper."Killing others is killing yourself."

Piper stared at him.

"What happened to you?" Mona asked.

"That's some interesting crap, Starchild." said a voice behind the door. It slashed open. It revealed the face of Grim."I've killed lots of people. And never once thought of that."

"Grim!" Piper and Mona jumped back."What do you want?"

"That's Captain Five, you ignorant masses."

"You're no Soul Angel!" Mona yelled.

"Tell that to your dead captain." Grim kicked a body across the floor. It had nice brown hair, was male and dead."Kaizen was a manipulative captain. He had the power to kill people with a single touch. He's better off dead."

"You!" Mona jumped."DIE!"

Her sword changed. The impact exploded across Grim. He grabbed the blade. With his other hand, he charged a white blast.


He blasted and incinerated the top of Mona. Her hands still clutching her sword. He threw it out of her way. Piper jumped and Grim simply kicked her.

"Tch." He muttered."Not even worth my time." He walked over to Aydan."HEY! GIRL BOY!" He grabbed him and placed him against the wall."I'm anxious to fight your friend, Max! And now, you're going to help me find him!" He laughed maniacally.

Chapter 23

Darkness is Falling

