Chapter 12: Rain, Sorrow, Repentance

 Max's lower half bursted with blood. He clutched his stomach. Max staggered to the ground. Bysshe deeply glared.

"You are a fool. And a criminal." he said."They only deserve...death."

"Max!!!" Rune yelled. Tears welled in her eyes."Max, no!"

Reid yelled."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He stopped her from running over."He's dead! Can you not see?!"

"He gave his life for me!" Rune yelled."Why shouldn't I go to him?!"

"So..." Bysshe said."Even though you know the boy is dead," he looked at Max then back at Rune."You feel you must go to him?"

Rune nodded.

Bysshe blinked."Let her go, Reid. The boy is not dead, yet. Let him spend his final moments with Rune, the one he fought for." Reid did what he was asked. Rune ran over to Max. She kneeled down next to him.

"Rune..." Max said."Let me at them..."

"Max..." Rune said, holding back the tears."This is where your story ends." She brushed the hair out of his face. She then took out the hairpin that she was wearing, a flower design. She placed firm in Max's kimino."A token." Then she felt a bump where Max's heart was. She placed her hand inside. She found a snowflake hairpin.

"It's a present." Max mustered out."It's the one month anniversary of when we met. Aidan thought it would be nice if I got a present." Max smiled."It's for you." Rune then burst in tears and buried Max's head into her chest.

"Thank you, my friend."

Reid stepped forward.

"Let her keep it." Bysshe stopped him."It's her final reminder of a friend. Even I will not disrespect that." Rune stood up.

"Let's go..." Rune wiped away her tears. She turned to Max."Try to think of happy thoughts."

"Fine." Reid scowled."I won't kill him." He turned and plunged his sword into the air. He turned his blade."Ririsu, Release!" The blade opened a portal."Come on, Rune."

"Darn..." Max muttered."I was spared again." he was dizzy as the pair of Soul Angels entered the portal with Rune.


It hurts so bad.

So bad...

The rain has stopped...

I feel warm. Is this what death is like, again. I just felt a lot of pain the first time but now...

Max woke up. Amy was staring right into his eyes.

"Hey! Are you dead?" Amy said.

"Amy!" Max shouted."What are you doing?"

"I'm worrying about you!" she shouted."Does it matter to you?!"

"Yes." Max said."I was just a little surprised. That I'm not dead..." His eyes widened."Wait! How am I not dead?!"

"I'm the reason..." Rick came through the door."I couldn't just leave you there. You're part of the game..."

"What game?" Amy asked.

"It's a metaphor, dear." Max said."Why did you-"

"I have nothing to say." Rick said."But you want to save Rune, do you not?"

"Yeah..." Max said.

"Well, I can help." He smiled."Salazar usually waits thirty days to execute a capital offender. That gives us just enough time for me to torture you."

"But I-" Max protested. As fast as a bullet, Rick appeared in front of him with a knife, with a black handle and purple finger holes.

"You just don't get it." Rick glared."You've fought demons and Bysshe. Demons, you could hack through all day. But they're mindless animals. Bysshe has a brain and is very serious." Rick's knife slowly scratched across Max's face."And they're are Soul Angels more powerful then him. Besides that, there's Grim Jagua and Jin-e Akagi. And of course, Salazar Corbis. One on hundreds of Soul Angels plus thirteen captains and the Elite Four and Salazar." He gritted his teeth."It's a suicide mission. Don't use Rune as an excuse to kill yourself."

"But-" Max said. Amy was ready to pounce. Rick put away his knife.

"It's okay." Rick said."Aidan is training with a friend named Yoshida to further his Starchild powers. And I've already asked Isaac Anton to join us. You won't be alone."

Max stood up."Okay. Let's do this thing."

Chapter 12

Rain, Sorrow, Repentance

