Chapter 11: The Capture



"What the heck?" Max asked. It's probably best to tell you that at this point of the story, Max has been living with Rune for one month. It's now the month of April. Aydan had insisted that Max get her a present because it was nice. But now Rune was gone. Aydan stared at it.

"It's coming together."

"What?" Max asked.

Aydan closed his eyes. His hand with the star hovered over the paper."Dear Max, Thank you for everything that you've done for me. But now I must go. I've figured that this is for the best. Max, they are many things that I want to tell you. Some safe and some far more dangerous. Max, I-" he stopped."She striked out the next part. I can't read it Then it just says 'From Rune.'."

"She left without telling me." Max glared."What is she doing?"

"I might not be the smartest person, but I have a theory." Aydan said."You said that you escaped from the Spirit World, you're fugitives. Don't you see it: Rune must have left to protect you from persecution. She must be in danger."

Max's eyes widened."She left to protect me. But she didn't bother to even tell me why." Max stood up."We're gonna stop whoever is coming."

Rune stood, brave, but also immensely scared. She had no idea who was coming. She could fight them off but that might draw more attention. She had to protect Max, for the best."I care about him too much to see him killed because of me."

"Are you talkin' about that teen who escaped with you?" said a voice behind her. She stopped. She turned. A man wearing Soul Angel clothes and a visor, sword drawn, stood at the edge of a wall."It is him, ain't it?"

"Reid?" Rune said."Is that you?"

"Have you forgotten about me? Your old friend?" Reid asked. He glared."You've been spending way too much time with the boy." Rune reached for her emblem."Don't even think." Reid grabbed her."You're coming with us."

Behind him, a man with black hair came up. He wore the same attire of a captain.

"Bysshe!" Rune said."Brother!"

"Rune..." said Bysshe.

Reid let her go.

"C'MON, BRAT!" Reid yelled.

"Is that anyway to treat an old friend?"

"You're no friend of mine." Reid glared."Not anymore."

A feeling of guilt spread across her body. She had left her family and friends, all because she didn't want the horrid rule of Salazar."Reid, I'm-"

"Spare your breath!" he snarled. Then he felt a unsteady flow of mana."Who the-"


Max appeared, a glare in his eyes and a clenched jaw."Rune. I'm here to rescue you."

"So am I!" Aydan appeared from behind."I'm here to-"

"Aydan." Max said."I don't want your species to die out." Aydan's smiled faltered."So I want you to get Rick. In case."

"But-" Aidan was full of worry.

"Just go!" Max said."I won't die so easy."

Aydan began to say something then turned and ran. Reid stepped forward.

"Let him go." Bysshe said."He is unimportant." he turned to Max."He is the one who escaped with Rune. Maxwell Lunar."

"I see." he turned to Rune."You made him into a Soul Angel."

"He just came out that way." Rune insisted. Reid turned.

"I'll kill him on the spot!" he lunged forward. Max blocked the blade. Reid's eyes widened as Max knocked him back, giving him a cut on the arm."So you've taught him, eh Rune."

"She didn't teach me anything." Max said."I fight by instinct."

"INSTINCT?!" Reid laughed."That's the base of your power? Instinct won't get you very far with me!" He put his hand to the guard of the sword. He slid his hand fastly across. The blade transformed into a large 6 parted segmented blade, each one bigger than the last with picks out of each one, each one bigger than the last."Roar, Thousand Tooth Tiger!"

It's like Rune's!

"You're shaking!" Reid grinned."You haven't seen anything yet!" Reid swung his large blade. It extended and flew toward Max. Max jumped, dodging the blade. He watched as the Thousand Tooth Tiger went back to Reid."He stares in awe!"

Max clenched his jaw. What was he going to do? Just ask the sword what it's true form looked like? He didn't have time for that. He needed to save Rune. Max felt as he dashed forward, that he moved a little bit faster...


Max jumped and slashed Reid's shoulder. Reid's head began to spin."What the-?"

Max moved forward and slashed Reid's side. More blood began to spew. Rune stared at the spectacle. Max's using Flash Step! A move of intense speed using mana. Can he survive that long?

Bysshe brushed past Rune. She jumped. Bysshe moved a small bit forward. Max stopped. Reid grabbed his stomach. Bysshe suddenly appeared behind Max and Max slashed his sword. He moved again, this time with his hand on his sword hilt.


Chapter 11

The Capture

