Attack & the counterattack

Before leaving the room,Yamato called out Riku. "Riku,whatever happens,don't try do everything alone.We also care about Kujo,understood?"He gently pats on Riku's head.Then all proceed to the finale performaces.


As the curtain raises ,Idolish7 kickstarts the opening while introducing eachother singing "Crossover rotation",following to them Trigger,Re:vale and Zool enters on the stage.Seeing Tenn on the stage,an enraged Kai orders his people to start their plan right now.

After the opening,their solo and suffle unit songs starts.The fans were very happy to see their favorite idols from different group together.When someone goes on the stage,other and the managers watch their back so that no one gets hurt.Everyone stays alert.

After Riku finished his both solo and suffle unit performance,the others asks him to take some rest.Riku accepted it after a bit of hesitation.While Riku goes to take rest,the others stay on guard.Realizing them around ,they can't do anything ; Kai's people capture Anesagi, Tsumugi and injures Rinto when they goes to check water and the other things.They left Shiro with the idols to look after them.

"ne,Aren't Anesagi,Tsumugi and Okazaki taking too much time ?"asked Gaku in concerning tone.

"You are right,Yaotome.I was also wondering the same thing,"said Yamato.

"Right now,Iori's team is performing.Then Kujo will go on the stage for solo ,right?"said Mitsuki.


"Shiro-san,can we go to check on them?"asked Touma.

.No,don't do this.I was asked to take care of you all and I just can't let you go in danger,said Shiro. "If anything,I will go."

.We understand your concern,Ustagi-san,said Ryuu expressing his concern. "But if something really happened,going alone is not a good option."

"Yeah,Ryuu is right.Let's go as a group,"said Momo. "me,Ryuu,Gaku and Natsume is going with Ustagi-san.Others stay here ,okay ? one more thing,don't tell this to the light room members.

.wakatta.if something happened,please inform us, Momo-san ,said Mitsuki bowing his head. "We're counting you all." They leave the place.

.tsk..they are so persistent, shaddy 1 said.

.hmm,They are doing exactly what boss said ,shaddy person 2 said.

.But at least we get to know there are more members in lighting room.Let's make them go out from there,said shaddy dude 3.

(Lighting room)-(Tamaki,Sougo,Torao)

"look,Kujo is on the stage,"said Torao pointing at Tenn.

"TenTen is looking damn cool ,"exclaims Tamaki.

"You are right.Kujo-san always looks graceful on stage,"said Sougo.

While they were faning over Tenn,they heard someone talking Tsumugi and others being not found.They tried to call them.But getting no response,they got worried and run to their rest of the members.

"finally gone from here,"said someone from behind the curtain.He then enters the room and staggered the lights.

While going out hurriedly,he bumped with Riku.After apologizing,he excused himself.Riku found that suspicious and goes that way from where he came.He saw the lighting room.Entering the room,he found it empty.A bad feeling starts looming around his mind.

Looking around properly,he saw a cutting rope of a stage light.He understood what happened here.He immediately hold the rope tightly to stop the light falling on the stage.But it was much heavier than he think.

(Riku's POV)

"It is losing from my hand.

If it falls,Tenn-nii will get hurt.

What should I do?How can I stop this?"

(on stage,with Tenn)

"What just happened?I thought I heard a sound from upside.The audience also exclaimed for a second.

Some are still in fear as if something is gonna happen.

All of a sudden,Tenn remembers Kai's doings about killing him. "Don't tell me I got targeted on the stage again."Tenn gasped on his thoughts.Taking a breath,he thinks to let things go as it is going.He focuses on his performance again.

While Riku was emerged in this thoughts and his hand was slipping,two more hands come to help.It breaks Riku's thoughts.He looks around and finds Eichi and N.Haruka there.

.Riku,don't worry.We're here.

.we won't let anything happen to Tenn.

.Eichi,Haru-aniki;Riku's eyes fills up with tears. "Arigato."

".................huh,No one called us.Why they were playing around on this time,"some staff was talking entering the room.They got surprised seeing them holding the rope.

They immediately ran to help the three.After a lot struggle,they able to fix the the stage light.Riku,Eichi and Haruka let a breath of relief seeing Tenn able to finish his performance unharmed.

After Tenn left the stage,Haruka looked at staff being angry. "What the hell were you all doing?Why no one was in this room?What if something happened on the stage?"

"we're really very sorry,Sir.Someone said that the others need our immediate help.That's why..." staff 1 said.

"That's why you left this place unattended,"said Eichi coming behind from them. "Is this your professionalism?"

"We're really sorry,"staff 2 said bowing his head on 90 degree angle.

"Eichi,Haru-aniki ,leave them.They are not at fault,"said Riku in a weak tone who was having a relapse after all this. "Though I agree, they need to be more careful."

"Wakatta,if you say so.But later we will definitely talk with your higher-ups ,"said N.Haruka leaving the room with Eichi and Riku.

"Haru-aniki,Eichi ,thank you so much for helping that time.I was really losing my hope there," said Riku with gratitude. "By the way,why you guys were there at that time?"

"We were coming to see you all before the encore.That time,we saw you going to the lighting room.So,we followed you there,"explains Eichi.

"That's how it was."

Eichi and Haruka get called by their Grandpa.So they excused themselves while Riku got a call from Shizuka.Seeing the name,Riku immediately answers the call.

"Shizu-nee,you finally called me.You have no idea what is happening here?"exclaimed Riku.

"Riku,what are you doing now?" asked Shizuka.

"What happened?Your voice sounding so frightening ,"said Riku in a small voice but get no response from the other side.He understands the situation. "I am about to go on the stage with Tenn-nii."

"Don't go,"orders Shizuka. "You have no idea what is waiting for you all there.Listen to me; no matter what ,don't step on the stage,understood?"said Shizuka in a demanding tone.

Riku hears Shizuka's words silently and then starts talking. "I know you worried about us.But we are bound by the promise we made with the audience.If we won't go to the stage,it will be a betray to our fans what we can't allow,"Riku replied in determined tone.

"Listen to me,Riku.It's not about you and Tenn anymore,"said Shizuka. "If your step on stage ends up hurting you fans,you won't be happy,right?" asked she. "What do you mean ,hurting our fans?"asked Riku back. "I can't explain you everything right now.Just get out of the area.I'm coming there,"Shizuka orders Riku before losing the connection.

(With others)

The rescue team able to save the Managers.Tenn breathes a relief seeing them alright after getting off the stage.Mitsuki gives water to them.

"How you all get in that situation?who did that with you?" asked Gaku in angry tone.

"We really don't know how,"replied Tsumugi in a slow one.

"We were taking our necessary things and suddenly some people comes from behind,make us smell something forcefully then we passed out.When we got our consciousness back,we were tied up and had tape on our mouth,"explains Anesagi.

"But thankfully everyone is alright now.We can talk about this incident later,"suggested Iori and Everyone agrees.

"By the way,shouldn't we call Riku?It about time his and Kujo's performance ,"said Touma looking at the time.The others were completely forget about him around the mess.Realizing it,they run to his dressing room immediately.

(With Riku)

"what Shizu-nee was saying? I didn't understand at all.She is not even answering the call now,"thinking this,Riku lets a deep sigh.While passing a closed room,he hears some noise from there.So he decides to check the room before going.

Entering the room,his eyes widens in disbelief.He starts trembling ,understanding the situation. "Aree,isn't this our cute Idolish7 center,Nanase Riku?" said someone from behind wrapping his hand on Riku's shoulder revealing to be Kai.

Riku senses his breaths going irregular.He tries to calm himself. "Are you probably getting an attack,Riku-kun?"Kai whispered in a nasty tone.

Riku glares at him and gets away from him. "now you ended up sticking your nose here,let me explain you everything."he said giving a smirk.

"The stage where you guys were dancing so carefreely had a bomb below it.Not only there but also under the audience chair." Riku's eyes widens hearing the last sentence while Kai was laughing creepily.Suddenly he brings his face close to Riku. "Do you know what is the energy source of that thing?All of your dance and fan's constant move,"saying this he started laughing again. "Now that thing reached it's limit,it will explode soon.It is so fun,"he starts clapping and laughing madly.

Suddenly a man opened the door who was almost out of breath. "Boss,The securities are moving the audience."Kai stops laughing and glares at Riku angrily.

He grabs Riku's collar. "You did it again,huh?I won't allow you to ruin my entertainment,Riku."

"People lives are not a piece of your entertainment,"replied Riku lifting his face.An angry Kai starts strangling Riku.Soon,another man reported that the police is already started looking for the bomb main body and asked everyone to clear the arena.

Riku takes advantage of the situation.He kicks on Kai's stomach and gets out of there.He starts running to find the other idols who are already looking for him. "Just where does Riku go?"murmurs Tenn running on the corridor.

"We have to leave the place as soon as possible,Nanase -san,"said Iori without hiding his concern for their center.

"Where are you ,Riku-san?"said Tsumugi who was equally worried.

Tenn looks at everyone being worried for Riku.Though he asked them to go out from here,they all refused. "Tsk,just where are you?Please stay safe wherever you are,"he said biting his lip,looking down.Suddenly he notices a red haired figure is running. "Riku..."without wasting a second,Tenn calls out the figure.

Hearing the call,he stops.Tenn comes from behind and hugs him tightly. "You idiot, you made us really worry.Where have you been?" asked Tenn being that position.Others also comes there.

"We don't have time for this now.Nanase,Tenn, We need to get out of here,"said Gaku.Everyone nods and runs to get out from there.

On the other side,an enraged Kai orders his people to kill Riku and others.If someone comes between,they can kill them too.When all the idols comes out from the back gate,they find Kai's armed people there.Soon the idols find themselves surrounding by them.Shizuka comes to rescue them at that time with her team.

"Shizu-nee,"exclaimed Riku.Hearing the name,Tenn curtly looks at her.Shizuka protects Riku from getting hit, then gives him a bag and ask them to leave the place.

"Riku,Take others and run.Me and my team will handle here,"said Shizuka in a commanding tone. "But.."Riku tries to say something but get cut by Shizuka. "No but,Run now.And no matter what ,don't look back. Go." She wishpers something to Riku's ear before bidding the idols.

Shizuka and her team paved way for the idols to run away.After coming a distance from the venue,they thought they are safe.Unfortunately,some were still coming behind them and starts shooting on them.

"God,they are so persistent,"screamed Haru in fear.

"Isumi-san,don't worry we will fine,"said Minami trying their little center calm down.

"We thought we were out of their radar since police came there.But they are right now tailing us with weapons,"said Mitsuki. "Nii-san,please stay calm,"said Iori from behind.

Suddenly too much running is giving everyone's leg a hard time and top of that they have to dodge the attacks. "God,my legs are hurting now.I'm not able to think anything properly,said Torao huffing.

"How we all ended up in this situation?all of our idols are in trouble,exclaimed Anesagi. "My stomach pain reached it's limit too,said Okazaki.Suddenly Tsumugi stumbles on rock and falls down.Gaku and Ryuu helps her immediately.Since she becomes unable to run on her own,Ryuu carries her.

"here my situation is getting worse.First I was having attacks and now running.Things can't be more bad than this,"murmurs Riku while running.."Shit,My lungs are not getting enough air,"he thinks while falling behind and struggles with his breath.Tenn notices someone about to shoot Riku and calls out his name loudly.Riku barely saves himself from getting hurt.

"Rikkun,should I carry you?you are looking very weak,"asked Tamaki while running.

"No,continue running,"replied he while himself stop running. "Nagi,you can use a gun,right?"asked Riku while his bangs on the way to read his face. "I can,"replied Nagi while putting a stop on his run. "Then get ready,we're going to do that."said Riku opening his bag and hands one gun to Nagi and one to him.Nagi took the gun silently without asking why Riku has that.He loads the gun.

They took the goons in a place where security camera won't catch them and they counterattacks on them.Nagi and Riku's shoot was so presice that they made the goons lose their consciousness without wasting a single bullet.Everyone was taken aback seeing Riku in that way.No one has ever thought the airhead,stupid and cute center of Idolish7 has these traits too.

Looking at all the bodies,Yamato is the one first spoke up. "Did they all die?"

"Nope.It's all are rubber bullet having chloroform,"Nagi immediately replied.Everybody leave a breath of relief.

After realizing they are out of danger,Riku collapse on the spot but get a hold by Ryuu and Touma. "Take the key and go there." Before passing out,Riku gives a note and key to Ryuu also point to a bus what Shizuka prepared for them.
