Unsolved things

Contains spoiler from game.

SAME TIME(With Riku) who is currently reading his books.

.I wonder what he is doing right now.He looked so stressed.I hope seeing those his stress go away.I still don't get it why doesn't he want me to go to the musical.

"argh,it's paining again. I think I need to do some test."Riku thinks in his mind suddenly his thoughts gets alerted by something he read on his book.

"wait,it can't be.He doesn't want me to see the musical because he maybe get hurt on stage.If I witness that by my own eyes,I won't able to get over.That's why ,he was......"

"Again he is trying to protect me by throwing himself. How pathetic I am!"

Riku feels his asthma flaring up as he tries not to cry.He goes to Iori's room and slams the door.

"Nanase-san ,you surprised me.Why did you open the door so hard?"

"Iori,Tenn-nii doesn't want me to see the musical because there is a chance to get him hurt ,isn't it?" Iori gets surprised by Riku's sudden statement.

"Wh-what are you saying ?"Iori notices Riku's breathing being unusual.

"Nanase-san,you are getting an attack.Please calm down.Let's take your medicine first,"Iori tries to approach Riku but gets invalid response.

"Don't touch me.Don't try to dodge the question,"Riku replied in a cold tone while holding up his breathing.

"I know that you know why Tenn-nii doesn't want me there.I already heard your conversation with him.So you just need to answer in Yes or No."

Iori gets little bit surprised by his behavior but also understand Riku is not gonna calm down until he tells him the truth.

"You are right.That's why Kujo –san doesn't want you there.He loves you a lot,you see?

"and the one who might endanger his life is Kujo-san,right ?

"hmm,at least that is what we are thinking ,"Riku just lowers his head and about to leave the room.Iori stops him.

"Nanase –san?"

"What,Iori?" asked Riku without turning back.

"Nothing.You just felt like a different person ,"Riku snaps out from his messy thoughts hearing that.

"Gomen.I was so frustrated that I didn't notice how I'm talking ,said Riku turning to Iori.Iori notices Riku is crying.

"I understand .Now please stop crying.Nothing will happen to your Tenn-nii.

Now ,let's go to your room and take your medicine." After a while ,Riku stops crying and Iori takes him to his room.He makes Riku to drink his medicine and puts him on bed.

"Please take enough rest.Tomorrow is gonna be a long day,"said Iori with a smile.


.Oyasumi,Nanase-san ,said Iori turning off the light .

(Next day)(Fly away unit-at shooting place)

.Iori,May I come in? asked Riku knocking Iori's room door.

.hai dozo,Nanase-san.Did you want something?

.etto,gomen.Last night,I really behaved with you roughly.I'm really sorry ,said Riku bowing his head.

.It's okay.Kujo-san also didn't tell you because you would become worried and stressed,said Iori.

.Yeah,I know.Actually I wanted something from you~ Riku.


.I want to meet Kujo.I wanted you to come along with me so that I don't do any stupidity ,said Riku hesitatingly.

.why?I mean why do you suddenly want to meet him? Asked Iori.

.I have some important things to say him ,said Riku.

.Fine,I'll go with you.

.Thanks ,Iori.

(Cut to ZERO arena auditorium)

Idolish7,Re:vale,Zool come to see the play while Trigger is doing the final touch-up.When the play starts,everyone goes in awe.Kujo was also watching from backstage.He gets overwhelmed by their performance.The more he overwhelms,the more vicious thoughts run on his mind.


."Ah,it's amazing.But at this rate he might suppress Zero.

No,NO,I won't let it happen..

.I will never let anyone to go beyond Zero.If needed,I will finish Tenn off.

.Zero,I won't let anyone to suppress you.Never."

Riku: "Kujo" 

Suddenly his thoughts break when Riku calls him.Iori takes them in a room so that they can talk.

.Nanase Riku ?

.What do you want from me?

.Well,I have a lot of things to say.But for now, Did you find out the answer about "Incomplete ruler" ?

Kujo's eyes widen hearing this but gathering himself he replied in negative.

.ohh.Do you know why Zero wanted to sing this song?

.No,I don't know anything.I don't ,Kujo said covering his face.

.I know the answer.Wanna hear ?~Riku. Kujo's eyes widen hearing Riku's word.

Judging your expression,I can say that you wanna hear.Well,the song is about "call and response"

Zero wanted to sing the song with his audience.He wanted to shower along with them not only making them shower in excitement. He wanted to connect with them more.Maybe he was afraid to stand on the stage alone.

.When we go on stage,we go along with everyone's trust and wishes.We think what if we can't live up to that expectation.It's a scary feeling.But when I see my comrades face,I feel ease.I know even if I do mistake,they'll pull me off.


.But Zero had no one behind who could pull him.He was alone.What made it more worst when he couldn't able to say this to you and Sakura-san.He probably said that he will show you the best sight ,right?that was stopping him to say anything to you both ~Riku.

."Call and response," huh? I finally understood.But it's impossible to do it right now.How can the audience respond with the song without knowing about it?

I wish I could understand it little earlier. ~Kujo.

.maybe it's impossible for the audience but not for the idols sitting on the audience.Is there no one who can pull it off in your eyes ?asked Iori.

.Everyone says that you're a genius at your work.Prove it with your work by delivering the most spectacular performance.You can do it ,Iori added.

.Yeah,you can do it.What you couldn't able to do that time,do it now.Don't let Tenn-nii's Zero or Zero's song feel loneliness.Please,Kujo-san .I beg you.

.it's you who can take them out of that loneliness.You can do it that's why Sakura-san entrusted this to you only.Please cast your magic to vanish that loneliness. ~ Riku.

.Fine .I need some time to arrange everything.Will you help me ,Nanase Riku?

.I will try my level best to keep up to your expectations,replied Riku.

.Then,let's hurry.High schooler,I will show you that my time isn't over yet ~Kujo.

.Bring it on ~Iori.

Kujo asks Iori to make Riku ready.Then he goes to brief the changes to Trigger.He tells Gaku and Ryuu the plan about "Incomplete ruler".Gaku and Ryuu becomes happy hearing that.Tenn was on the stage when he was briefing.So,he only learnt about someone will join him during the performance as his shadow but didn't know it is gonna be Riku.

.Tenn also becomes very happy when Kujo truly complimented him and Trigger. He feels Kujo finally getting over Zero and trying to recognize other idols.Tenn goes to get ready for the final performance.

(At stage)(Incomplete Ruler music starts)

Tenn starts singing when his back facing the audience.Then ..

Chigatte ita tsumridatta......

Majiwatta hitomi no oku

Marude onaji-iru shitantari ..........Tenn's eyes widen when he heard the voice.He gathers himself quickly and starts singing with Riku.Riku also starts alluring everyone to sing with them.The idols sitting in the audience understand his hint and sing along with them.Watching them the audience also join.

Why I am here,why I am here

I wish I were king of a paradise

Kinou no ayamachi ni

Wareware uzuku maru

Hiza ga tsuchi o nameta yo

Kidzuita yo kuragari de

Omoi agatta shinzou da

Incomplete ruler...................

After the song ends,the hall fills with unstoppable claps.Everyone resounds with Trigger's performance.Kujo also becomes very happy forgetting those vile thoughts.

(behind the curtain)

Woman: whoa, this was the song.

Man : hmm.

Woman:So,is this song being performed as you wanted,former idol?

Man :It was thousand times better than I expected.

Woman :Perfect.Then we can start work on our plan finally ,right?

Man :hmm. ...Then the couple leaves the place.

(Backstage)with I7

Yamato :Riku,when did you go on the stage ?

Yuki :that's not important.Riku –kun,how did you sing the song?

Momo :yeah,right.were you also practicing for the play too ?

Mitsuki :right ,Riku.we learnt about the song yesterday .how did you memorize it so fast?

.ehhh, so many question at a time.I can't answer all at once ,exclaimed Riku gulping..

.Then I will answer on your behalf ,said Iori coming behind from Riku.


.Kujo-san asked help from us before the play.Then Nanase-san was practicing the song with my help.

You all remember what Tshunashi-san said about "Incomplete Ruler"

.yeah,it was a duet song ,right ? said Nagi.

.No,the song is about call and response.Zero wanted sing the song along with the audience.

.That's why Riku-kun was signaling us to sing with him so that audience also join ,said Sougo.

.Right.Since no one knows about the song,it was not possible to sing along.So,When Nanase-san was singing, the lyrics were showing on screen and it's become easy for the audience to follow ~Iori.

.Sugoi,Riku-kun.you really surprised us ~Yuki.

With Trigger

.Tenn,Gaku,Ryuu ,you three really did an splendid job.you showed me a spectacular show that I will remember forever ~kujo.


.I always said that I will make someone who will suppress Zero.But I also didn't want anyone to do that.My mind and heart was split after he went missing.

.In this mess,I hurt a lot of people,including you ,Tenn.

.Please don't talk about that,Kujo-san .It was not your fault ,said Tenn.

.No,it was my fault.Everybody has their own charm what make them more shiny.I was trying to change your charm with my thoughts.

.but today you all showed me the light again what I lost when Zero was gone.You brought me out of the darkness where I was living.

.I'm really glad that I met you ,Nanase Tenn.I'm glad that you chose to be with me despite me trying to separate you from your other half ,said Kujo looking at Riku who was being questioned by I7 and Re;vale.Tenn also looks at Riku.Riku understand the gazing as he turns and gives a smile.

.I'm really very sorry,Tenn.For my craziness,I made you and your brother suffer. ~Kujo.

.it wasn't entirely your fault.That day,I chose you over Riku just to save him.As per our deal,you helped me and I was helping you ,said Tenn.

.deal ,huh?Tenn ,your today's performance was more shiny than ever .You know why ?


.Because your other half was with you ,brat ,said Gaku with a smile.

.Riku-kun's presence brought your innocence out and blended with your professionalism ,said Ryuu.

.innocence ?~Tenn.

.hmm, ZERO's performance always had some innocence in it.and That made his performance more appealing to audience,said Kujo with a small smile.

.for you ,he is the trigger ,said Kujo while going to meet with the staff.

.Of course,Nanase is the one who triggers his innocence and vulnerability.As expected from a brocon ,said Gaku sighing.

.what did you said ,old man?

.Just what you hear .oi Nanase,your brother wants to talk with you.But he is so shy to ask you for this after all those things, said Gaku while putting his hand on Tenn's shoulder.

.what are you taking about?

.Tenn-nii is shy? What are you talking about ,Yaotome-san ?asked Riku cluelessly approaching them.

.Actually ,Nanase the thing is.....argh....Gaku's word cuts off as he gets a punch from Tenn.

.Yaotome-san?Are you okay? Tenn-n..Kujo-san,what are you doing ,said Riku noticing staff's gaze on them.

.don't worry,Riku-kun.It's their usual.If someday they don't do it,then something will definitely wrong ,said Ryuu managing Gaku who wanted to return the punch.


.Nanase-san,can I have a moment?I have something to discuss ,said Tenn approaching Riku.

.uhmm,yeah.We can. Riku informs Iori that he is going with Tenn.They goes to a quiet place to talk where no one usually comes.

Thank you for reading my story and voting.I was really busy.So not able to update for a long time.
