
"Open your mouth, aah~" hovering a piece of waffle stabbed with a fork, Jun asked his boyfriend in a loving way.

Wonwoo was pretty much flustered by his sudden action that he grew a slight blush of pink. "W-what are you doing?" he protested softly. "We are in a public place." He continued cutting his own waffle while trying his best to ignore the Chinese boy in front of him who tried to shower him with unnecessary attention.

"Oh come on! Who cares if it's public place?" Jun said, laughing a little.

Wonwoo pouted for a bit before smiling and finally taking the bite in. "Aww, my little kitten eats so well," Jun said as he reached over the table to pat Wonwoo's black hair. Soon, Wonwoo's face flashed with a deeper tint of red as being called a kitten sounded so embarrassing--but he loved it nonetheless. "Finally I got the time to take you on a proper date," Jun said, putting down his cutlery to take a moment to grasp his boyfriend's striking visual with his loving stare.

The other looked up just to look back onto his meal as he noticed the stare. Again, he blushed a deep red. "U-uh, sorry for being busy these past few weeks, Babe," he groggily apologized as he took a sip of his cappuccino. Wonwoo had been busy doing interviews here and there, looking for a job as he just graduated not long ago. Different with Jun, whose parents handled a lot of Chinese cuisine franchise, he got assigned to one of them already. Wonwoo got offered of course, but he chose to let himself explore more of the outside world first, that, was to try to get himself hired in a biology-related, or in any way possible, job in the city.

"Hey, hey, no need to apologize there, you have been working your nonexistent ass off for a living, Babe," Jun said, countering. "You finally got one, right? I'm so happy for you!" Jun continued, not taking his eyes off of his beloved boyfriend.

"Well, yeah, fortunately, I couldn't believe it either, but I made it," Wonwoo looked up and smiled widely, completely disregarding his mock. Jun already got told of his success in getting hired in a local food company as something in nutrition development or whatever Jun couldn't remember. All he knew was, Wonwoo deserved it--his boyfriend deserved it.

The date wasn't actually all fancy. It was just a regular cafe where they could eat and spend time together with Jun begging with all his might that he would pay for both of them. Wonwoo, knowing no way out of this, let him do so since he looked happy paying. So the two quickly finished their treat and went out of the cafe, greeted with a fresh breeze of air as the glass door closed behind them and a worker greeted them a good bye.

Pausing in their places to let their stomachs digest for a while, the two boyfriends interconnected their hands as a flower fell down on Wonwoo's face gently, swaying in the winds. Jun giggled a little before saying, "It's spring again."

Soon, he noticed a smile curling up on his boyfriend's face. But he saw through it; it wasn't a happy smile, nor a sad one. And he knew what it was. "Yeah, finally winter came to an end," he said, remarking his relief as he was weak to cold.

"Won, are you--"

Wonwoo suddenly looked at him and smiled, sighing a little. "I'm okay," he nodded.

Jun couldn't help but to be worried. Spring, was something that always made Wonwoo remember about his past love--his past, sincere love, the only one Kim Mingyu. Now that he disappeared, without any trace, all Wonwoo had of him were just... tears and pains. He still could remember how many times Wonwoo would cry on his own every time spring came around. It had been three years, Jun would be glad if Wonwoo could get over it at the very least--and now it seemed he had, to some extent.

Suddenly, he could feel the grip on his interlaced hand tighten for a moment. Wonwoo's face might not show it, but Jun could feel he was in the verge of crying. Hesitating no more, he pulled Wonwoo into a hug, a warm, comforting hug. "Don't worry, Babe, I'm here. I will always be here."

Wonwoo returned the hug, sighing loudly right next to his lover's ear. "Yeah, and I'm always thankful for that. I love you."

"I love you too," Jun replied, letting go of the hug, quickly connecting their hands once again. "You sure you are okay?" he asked, still a bit unsure.

Wonwoo closed his eyes and sighed, once again, and Jun could feel a lot of agony emanating. "I'm... I don't know," Wonwoo said, indeterminate with how he himself even felt. "I wanted to cry, so bad, I miss him so much that it hurts," he continued. Jun knew he was hurt by the words; not because that Wonwoo didn't solely just love him--Jun knew his place very well, but because in the end, he was still unable to make Wonwoo forget about that painful past of him. "But I don't know, my eyes are just dry and tears couldn't come out."

"Won," Jun called, looking him right in the eyes, woe could be seen clearly from his stare.

Without him realizing, Wonwoo wiped the falling tears from the corner of Jun's eyes. "Why are you crying, Babe?" he asked, startling Junhui as he really didn't know he cried.

"I-I'm n-not?" he said, quickly wiping the tears off. "I mean, is there anything I can do to help?"

Wonwoo looked down quite unsure. After a few seconds looking at the concrete pavement beneath him, he looked back up with the very same smile of whatever-emotion-it-depicted. "There is. Come one." Wonwoo then proceeded to drag his boyfriend back to his--Jun's car.


"So... where's this?" Jun asked, after both of them got off the car, referring to the scene they were currently standing before. There, an old, yet still beautiful park could be seen. It was a little one, no one seemed to notice it as a park in general though so there was no one other than them.

"Our special place," Wonwoo answered, eyes looking at a single big tree in one corner of the park. Below it was a bench on which some falling leaves and flowers sat. Without even asking, Jun knew it already, it was Wonwoo and Mingyu's special place. "Come," Wonwoo said, holding Jun's hand, walking towards the aforementioned bench.

The Chinese male without any question followed his request. Among the whispering winds, their soft, quiet footsteps could be heard. Wonwoo stopped right in front of the tree, looking up at the rustling limbs. "We... always went here when it was spring during our free time," he started, feeling nostalgic just from hearing the sound of leaves and branches dancing along with the zephyr. Reminiscing with his past memories with his ex-lover, he sighed, still with the same smile on his face. "I... still could remember how this place made it like this whole world only belongs to us," he continued. Wonwoo said it already, as much as he wanted to cry, he just couldn't.

Wonwoo didn't make it obvious from his speaking tone, even not from his gesture, but Jun knew he sensed his boyfriend was getting even more sad with each passing second. Comfortingly, he tightened his grip on the other's hand while gently caressing its back with his thumb. As much as Jun stared at Wonwoo's side profile, Wonwoo didn't take even a second to look away from the singing branches. He just kept staring there, looking lost in the past.

In fact, he really was. He still could picture easily how they would spend all of their free time here together, just the two of them, holding hands, cuddling, sometimes also running around just him chasing Mingyu because he kept being annoying. Yes, all had became just a bunch of memory pieces of the past. "This place," Wonwoo said, looking away from the tree, down onto his own pair of shoes, "reminds me of him the most."

"I can still see him here. I can still hear his laugh here. I can still feel his warmth here even in the coldest day. This is just our place. Our world. Our own universe." Again, tears fell from Jun's eyes without himself realizing, keeping staring at his boyfriend whose head was still facing down. "It's been three fucking years and I'm still not over him it's so damn sick!" Jun was a bit startled with the sudden raise of voice, but still he watched. "And it hurts so much every single time because my heart would always go back to this place, to that time, when we were together."

Even after all that happened, Wonwoo still couldn't cry, and he didn't know why. He knew it would be better if he just bawled his eyes out. "Wonwoo," Jun softly whispered as he wasn't in a complete control of himself because of his watery eyes. 

Wonwoo then turned to his right, facing Jun. Soon as he noticed the tears falling on his boyfriend's cheeks, Wonwoo lifted one of his hand to benignly caress his cheeks, wiping the tears off of his boyfriend's soft cheeks. "Why are you crying, Babe?" he asked, with a voice adorned with so much pain, Jun could feel it.

That alone managed to send Jun speechless. That speaking tone, that face; all were clearly furnished with torments. His eyes looked so empty and loveless that Jun couldn't withstand it no more. Wonwoo was someone he treasured, both back in the time where they were still best friends, and even now when they had become a thing. Seeing him in an unbearable, enigmatic amount of pain that he couldn't describe just stabbed his heart so bad. He wanted to mend him even if it costed him everything.

"Why am I bringing you here, are you wondering?" Wonwoo again asked, still looking at the other's eyes.

"Y-yes?" Jun managed to answer, barely.

"To help me replace those memories of him with memories with you," Wonwoo said, the amount of pain exuding from his facial expression gradually decreasing. "I loved him, maybe I still do, but it hurts so much that it's so impossibly one-sided. I'm so sorry to drag you to my sufferings, but I can assure you, I love you so much. For everything you have ever done to me, Wen Junhui."

"B-Babe, y-you don't have to be sorry," Jun responded, trying to imply that it was his decision to help him back on his feet. "I love you too and that will never change."

And so, under the spring sky, with falling leaves and petals, with soughing sounds of the blowing gusts, the two boyfriends kissed, with so much affection towards each other, in hope that this would stop Mingyu from always haunting Wonwoo's head. At that time, Wonwoo's tears finally fell, wetting both of their cheeks as their face touched. Maybe just maybe, that was the sign that finally, he could forget about him.


Fresh from the oven, Wonhui for y'all :D I know you came for meanie lmao but hey some sideship won't hurt... Or? Anyway that's it for this chapter uwu thank you so much for reading! If you do enjoy it you can kindly vote and even comment! Those would mean sooooo much to me! See you around in another chapter!
