True Blood [Eric X Reader]

Imagine being a pseudo daughter to one of the most feared vampires in existence. Godric's needed elsewhere for an important meeting, so he's decided to leave you in the care of his eldest progeny that you haven't seen in many years.

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. .

The last you'd seen of Eric the Viking, he was sneering down at you and arguing with Godric about taking in a pet human at such a young age. Vampires, before they decided to come out of the coffin, had ransacked the halfway house your ex-addict of a mother was raising you in and you ended up being the sole survivor of that horrendous night. Not one vampire had expected to come across a child and a female vampire, Isabelle, took you back to her nest and presented you to the area Sheriff with fear in her eyes.

Godric, who'd been the Sheriff and the oldest being in the room, had taken in your blood splattered appearance and refused to have any more harm brought down upon you. You didn't know what it was that made Godric spare you that night so long ago, but you were grateful for it.

Now at the age of twenty-two, you're sitting pretty well for a human in a world where vampires had made themselves known. You were untouchable and many vampires hated the fact that Godric doted on a blood bag which is why you're about to be reintroduced to Godric's first Child that hated you so long ago in hopes that he had changed and would offer you some sort of protection.

Having forgone the long line in front of Fangtasia, Godric led you in through the back entrance and let himself into Eric's office. You took a seat on the edge of the leather couch, crossing one knee over the other and then clasping your hands over your top knee as you wait patiently.

It doesn't take long for the door to open again, the all too familiar Viking striding in. Only this time, his hair is shorter than you remember and you're not a little girl anymore. You can appreciate a good looking man and holy hell Eric the Viking is the hottest specimen you've ever laid eyes on. Godric lightly clears his throat and you quickly glance at him, tensing at his twinkling eyes. Fuck. He caught you checking out his progeny.

The statuesque female vampire entering behind Eric is vaguely familiar and her leering smile catapults her name to the forefront of your mind. "Pam," you muse. "Long time no see."

"Well, well. The little brat is all grown up. How delicious."

You wrinkle your nose at her, chuckling. Then glancing over at Eric, your grin falters. Remembering your manners, you bow your head in a show of respect. "Sheriff Northman."

His eyebrows raise slightly. "Y/N." He looks back over to Godric sitting in his chair and he takes a seat across from his own desk without making a fuss about it. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"A meeting's come up. I need someone to keep an eye over Y/N and our nest is not an option."

Silence. Complete and utter silence.

"What he means is that Stan's made one too many attempts on my life," you huff. "Apparently I can't be trusted to not antagonize him if Godric's not home."

With a deadpan expression, Godric says, "You threw glitter on him and called him Edward Cullen."

"For the last time, it was Isa's fault. She gave me too much to drink!"

"You were not of age to be drinking at the time of the incident."

"Don't be judgey," you then immediately frown.

Pam looks rather gleeful and Eric pained. He sighs, garnering your attention. "If you're to stay here, you're not going to sit on your ass. You will work."

"She's not getting on those poles of yours."

"Yeah. No," you agree with Godric. Meeting Eric's gaze, you say, "I can mix drinks. Do you have room for a bartender?"

Taking a moment, he eventually nods. "Our current bartender is not meant for social interactions. Chow will be glad to be able to get back to the books."

"Then it's settled." Godric takes his stand and Eric's quick to follow suit as to not disrespect his Maker. "I'll be back within a week."

Left alone with Eric and Pam, you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from blurting something that would annoy the vampires. Seconds tick by and you lose the battle.

"Fair warning, I'm not putting electrical tape on my nipples. I keep up with Fangtasia online for Godric and I've seen what people wear out there."

Pam leers and Eric pinches the bridge of his nose. With a sigh, he says, "Pam will take you shopping. Wear something that'll attract the clientele, not put them off."

"Aye, aye, Captain."

The following night, Pam snaps pic after pic of your outfit. She's far too amused by the strategically messy buns on either side of your head and the leather bustier you'd chosen which bears small silver studs covering your breasts and down your sides. She immediately approved of the plaid mini-skirt and she paired it with a pair of black leather, knee-high boots. Your fingers were adorned with several silver rings, and the Crest necklace representing which nest you came from hanging around your neck had to be tucked inside your cleavage less you scare off the vampire customers.

"Oh man. I'm so glad Godric is not here," you laugh once you see the outfit put together, fixing your underwear in the mirror and then smoothing your skirt back down. "He'd glare at everyone who came up to the bar."

"So how exactly does that work when you wanna get laid if Godric glares off all the competition?"

You shrug. "Godric doesn't deny me my happiness. His claim on me isn't sexual."

"So you don't get to ride my Grandsire's dick?"


"Where's the fun in that?"

Snorting in laughter, your head then falls forward and you groan into the palms of your hands. "Jesus, Pam. No. Just no." Before she can come back with another crass remark, the bathroom door is swinging open and Eric's form looms in the doorway. You stare up at him, eyebrows raised. "Yes?"

He gaze drifts up and down your form before the corner of his lips twitch. "Cute."

"Ain't I?" You strike a pose and Pam snaps another pic. Whirling around, you point a threatening finger at her. "If you send that to Godric, I swear I won't send you any blackmail photos of Isa or Stan when I get back home."

Pouting, Pam pockets her phone. And just as you're about to turn back around, cold fingertips brush along the back of your left thigh. Whirling around, eyes wide, you slap at Eric's hands. "No touchy!"

This time it's Eric pouting though he seems confused about it. "I don't think I like this."

Pam snorts. "That's a first."

"It's too short."

"That's the whole point," you groan. "Skin attracts both human and vampire. If you turn into Daddy Godric, I swear I'll scream. Let me live, Northman."

"Oh he wants to be Daddy all right. Just not in the sense you're thinking."

You frown at Pam's words and Eric glares at his progeny. "Not now, Pamela."

"Yes, Master," she drawls. Then winking at you, she reaches forward and boldly fixes your breasts in your bustier. "There. Now the girls are ready for work."

"They were ready before," you deadpan. "You just wanted to get your hands on the goods."

"I seized the only opportunity I was ever going to have. Now come on," she turns you back around and starts marching you towards the exit, "we open the doors in a couple of minutes."

- X -

Mixing drinks comes fairly easy to you and Eric seems impressed with how quick you keep up with the orders. Some humans make their interest in you known, but when they realize you aren't a vampire their interest is quick to dwindle. The vampires, however, expect you to fall at their feet and are annoyed when you won't meet their gaze straight on.

"Is everything okay here?" Pam drawls, perched on a bar stool that was empty just a split second before.

Looking across the bar, you quirk an eyebrow at the silently fuming vampire. "I'm not sure. Are we?"

"Yes," he grits out. "Just give me my True Blood."

Forcing a smile, you grab the heated bottle from behind the bar and slide it over. The vampire is quick to take his drink and disappears to go sulk in a darkened corner. "Even in death that asshole can't comprehend that no means no."

"Let me guess, he was on the verge of having a bitch fit because he couldn't glamour you?"

"Got it in one." Pam sat with you every half hour or so, she silently watching from her seat at the bar and making sure the vampires behaved themselves properly with you. The last thing anyone wanted was having a single hair on your head being damaged and word getting back to Godric. Silently cleaning a glass with a dish rag, you let your gaze roam until settling on a blonde human who sticks out like a sore thumb. "Hey, Pam? Who's that?" You ask, slightly gesturing towards the woman in question.

Pam barely glances in the direction you gestured to before huffing. "Sookie Stackhouse," she drawls. "Pretty little thing that currently holds Eric's affections."

"From the look of her companion, it appears she's already been Claimed."

"As if that'd stop Eric."

"Point." Every now and then you glance at the blonde female, not bothering to hide your curiosity or apparent dislike. "Why is she even here dressed like that? She's like a lamb being brought to the slaughter. The virginal sacrifice." Pam snorts, her blood red painted lips stretching into a smile. The blonde's dark haired companion turns to stare at you, glaring. "What? You know it's true," you say, uncaring that the male vampire can hear you. "She needs to be at Sunday Mass, not Fangtasia."

"Ladies," Eric greets. "How are we doing tonight?"

"Lovely," you muse. "I've just spotted the little treat Pam tells me you're rather infatuated with."

Eric pauses and then clears his expression of any emotion. "She's of no importance."

"Really?" You grin. "Does she know that? Because she's marching over here like a woman on a mission." Her blonde ponytail swings back and forth, and the white sundress with a cherry pattern is just too much. "Ugh. You can do so much better."

Just as she makes it to the bar where Eric is leaning against, you pick up a glass and start wiping it clear of smudges. Her voice is rather grating and it doesn't sit well with you at how disrespectful her tone is towards Eric, nor the fact that her vampire is letting her be so disrespectful to his Sheriff.

When the blonde practically makes a demand that Eric needs to look into some rogue vampire hanging around Bill's house, you share a look with Pam- your expression practically scoffing is this twat serious?

"Excuse me," the blonde huffs, suddenly slapping a hand atop the bar.

You give her your attention, one eyebrow raising. "Yes?"

"I don't like name calling."

"Okay?" You muse, brow furrowing.

"And I don't like the fact that you're calling me a- a-"

Your entire body tenses and your eyes narrow when her words click. "Sookie's a mind reader," Eric says.

"Eric!" Sookie then snaps, not happy he's sharing her secret.

Expression darkening, you glare at the blonde. "Excuse me, but I'd appreciate it if you don't read my fuckin' mind. Just because you can doesn't mean you should." Looking as if she's ready to defend her actions, you shut her down. "A person's thoughts are private for a reason. What you're doing is mind rape."

She gasps. "I would never!"

"Yeah? Then what would you call what you just did to me? Did I give you permission to peek behind the curtains? No. I didn't. So if you know what's good for you, stay out." And putting to use a mind barrier that a friend of Godric's nest told you of, you concentrate on shutters slamming down in your mind and mentally push at the vision of Sookie you conjure up in your mind's eye.

Sookie gasps in pain, grasping at her temples, and her vampire companion practically towers over the bar and snarls in a rage at you. There's a blur in front of you and suddenly Eric is pinning Bill to the far wall across the bar. Humans shriek in fear and the vampires are smart enough to move far away from the pissed off Sheriff. Pam starts clearing out the bar just as Sookie gets her bearings back, she stumbling over to defend her vampire boy toy.

"Retract your fangs before I yank them out with glee and wrap you up in silver until Y/N's vampire gets back to dole out his punishment."

"Eric, don't!" Sookie shouts, pushing at him. "Let Bill go."

Walking over to the struggling vampire within Eric's grasp, you say, "That's tame compared to what Godric would do. Are you sure you're of his blood?" You tease. Eric frowns over his shoulder at you and you grin.

"Godric? Who's Godric?" Sookie asks. Bill, as if possible, pales under Eric's hand.

Grinning at Sookie, you reach for the chain around your neck and pull up on the Crest that settled beneath your bustier. When Godric's crest is visible, you say, "Your worst nightmare, little girl." Then dropping the necklace to leave it on display, your hands then find purchase on your hips as you give the blonde your best haughty expression. "Now leave and take your vampire with you. If I hear about you being disrespectful to Sheriff Northman ever again I'll make sure to fully submerge you into the vampire world since your pesky human brain can't seem to comprehend how to properly conduct yourself with your elders."

Entirely too gleeful looking, Eric releases Bill. The dark haired vampire stumbles aside, grabbing Sookie's hand within his own before he says, "I didn't know. My apologies."

Sookie looks entirely too affronted by his apology, but you manage a small dip of your head to show him an ounce of respect he doesn't even deserve at this point. "Don't let it happen again." And before Sookie can further offend anyone else, Bill leaves in a burst of speed with her in tow.

"You're entirely too adorable," Pam drawls. "No one has been able to shut Miss Stackhouse up like you."

"It wasn't my intention," you frown. "I was going to leave her alone, but I couldn't let her disrespect slide. If she's to live as a vampire's companion, then she must respect the laws as if she were a vampire herself."

"I was wrong about you," Eric muses. "You're a lot more fascinating for a human than I'd given you credit for."

"Yeah, yeah. Drinks are on you tonight, Sheriff. Your little mind reader put me in a bad mood."

Later that evening (technically it's very early the next morning) you're groaning awake and regretting every decision you made the previous night. After your run-in with the little half fae, you were left in a sour mood that was only made better by numbing your mind and putting on cozy pajamas. Eric had closed down the club and then gave you free reign of the bottles behind the bar, and Pam immediately took advantage. For a good hour or so, you completely forgot you had the tolerance of a human.

"Fuckity fucking hell," you utter as you curl in on yourself under the blanket. "Never again."

"Never?" You hear the Viking drawl from the darkness of your cocoon. "I must say you're particularly amusing when you can't handle your liquor. And quite the dancer. Such a shame Godric banned you from the poles."

"Oh god." Removing the blanket from your face, you blink against the lighting from above before focusing as best you can on Eric who's smiling at you. Actually smiling. "Please tell me no one else saw."

"I believe Pam took a video."

You cringe. "Pam is never to be in charge of the alcohol ever again. Never."

"Agreed. The two of you put quite the dent in my stock."

"Holy shit. How am I even still alive?" You groan and shift in bed, noticing for the first time that the sheets are really cold against your legs. Your bare legs. Frowning, you meet the blonde's gaze. "Eric?"


"Where are my pants?"

He's slow to chuckle and his suddenly lust filled expression is one that makes you hold your breath. He was going to be the death of you. "Pam thought you'd be more comfortable without them."

"So you let her strip me!?"

"Would you rather it have been me?" He leers.

"..yes!" You surprise him. His smile falters and you groan again. "She totally copped a feel. I know it."

His surprise vanishes and he chuckles one last time before standing from the edge of the bed. "Pamela was on her best behavior. I promise you that."

"Yeah, yeah." You squirm to find a comfortable position. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm taking the night off."

"Noted," Eric says just before he exits the usually light-tight room. "Ginger will be by later with some food."

"A vampire after my own heart," you sleepily muse. "Food. Make it greasy."

With your eyes now closed, you don't see Eric hesitate at the door, staring and trying to figure out just when the hell he became fond of you.

The rest of the week passes with ease and you don't seem to have any more issues with Fangtasia's clientele. Eric insists you wear the Crest of your nest out in the open after the incident with Bill and the vampires seem intimidated at first, but warm up after seeing you serve the humans. The vampires then approach you with caution and a deep amount of respect, and then it's the humans who are confused and cautious of you. When the humans then figure out what your necklace means and see the way the vampires treat you, they make it their business to approach you and ask how to get into a nest of their own.

Pam became your saving grace, she scaring away the annoying humans so you were left alone to do work in peace. Eric also kept his gaze on you when he wasn't scanning his club and keeping an ear out for any illegal activity, and every time you caught his gaze you'd smirk and salute him with a shot. He usually only acknowledged your gesture when you grimaced after one too many shots and you flicked him off for laughing at your pain.

- X -

Eric's watching Y/N again, his gaze constantly being drawn to her throat when her head tilted back in a laugh. For the passed hour she's been speaking with a human female and from Eric heard it was a female who was from a nest herself. However, it was a newly formed nest and the human had just wanted to talk to someone else who'd been part of a nest longer than she had.

He's too preoccupied with his staring that he doesn't see, feel, or hear when Godric takes a seat next to him. The only reason he knows something is amiss is because the onslaught of amusement hits him hard. Startling, he glances to his left where Godric is perched on his own throne.

"Father," Eric greets calmly in his native tongue.

"Son." Godric's expression is unreadable to anyone looking in their direction, but Eric can feel his maker's amusement. Pam's too. "You care for her."

"Well she is Yours."

"No. This is different," Godric says. "You're fond of her. And not just because she's of our nest."

Seeing no use in lying, Eric agrees. "Yes."

"When I say Y/N is Mine, I only mean it protection wise. She is the sister I never had. A daughter." Eric glances at his maker once more, internally groaning when Godric flashes him a smile. "If you wish to pursue her, that is your choice. She can bear my Crest and have your Mark. I do not mind if it is you."

"She is a handful."

"Who's a handful?" Eric jerks in surprise at hearing his native tongue come from someone else, his right eyebrow raising when he sees Y/N standing there with a tray and three shots- two true blood and one tequila. "Don't look so surprised, Northman," you then say, switching back to English. "Godric taught me when I was younger so I could tattle on the other vampires in our nest if they were dicks to me."

"Y/N," Godric greets. "You look well."

"I am well," you muse, passing him a shot. "My stay here has been.. interesting."

"I'll say," Eric then says, taking his shot from the tray. "Y/N not only verbally put Miss Stackhouse in her place, but she also made Bill Compton nearly wet himself because they were quite disrespectful to my status as Sheriff. It was precious."

With your own shot halfway to your mouth, you narrow your eyes. "Don't get me started again. Your little half-fae is still on my shit list."

"Not my half-fae," he's quick to rebuff. "Never was."

"But you wanted her to be."

Eric pauses before downing his shot, he grinning. "Is that jealously I sense?"

Coughing on your shot, you pound on your chest with a closed fist much to Godric's amusement. "N-No!"

Eric's too busy grinning and you're too busy glaring to see Godric's gaze darting between you two. Eventually, when you can't think of anything to say to sway Eric's smug-ness, you look to Godric. "How did your meeting go? Good I'm guessing since you're not in a foul mood."

"It went good, little one. In fact, it went really good."

Eric's eyes narrow. "What did you do?"

Switching back to Eric's native tongue, Godric tells him, "I gave up my position as the Dallas Sheriff."

"You did what?"

"Holy fuck. You actually did it?"

Eric's gaze then turns on you. "You knew he was going to?"

"I- I.. well, yeah."

"Do not be angry with her, my son. This has been on my mind for quite some time. I tired of Dallas and was looking to relocate."

"Relocate to where?"

"Here, of course."

You freeze in surprise, as does Eric. "Truly?"


You're slow to smile, but you smile nonetheless. "Does this mean I get to keep my job? I've grown quite fond of Fangtasia."

"Just Fangtasia?" Eric muses, eyes suddenly sparkling.

Your gaze cuts to him and against your will your cheeks burn under his stare. Knowing he's seen it and can probably smell the blood rushing to surface anyway, you make an excuse to suddenly flee. "I need to go tell Pam. S-She'll be happy."

Eric's chuckle follows you until you hop off the stage, you then making a beeline for the front door. As Pam scans I.D's, you tell her the good news and smother your laughter when her fangs click down and the front line of people waiting to get in all gasp. She's all too happy to get to spend more time with her Grandsire's favorite human.

With Ginger still manning the bar, you take the moment to go freshen up in the bathroom. But before you can even make it to the bathroom, you're being whisked away at vampire speed and you only get your bearings back when you're seated on a desk and have a blonde viking vampire standing between your knees.


"Well, well, well."

You huff a laugh, leaning back from his towering presence. "What are you doing?"

"Is Fangtasia really the only thing you've grown fond of during your stay here?"

His hands which were settled on each knee slowly inch upward and you gulp. "Let me guess- Godric approved of you officially making a move?"


"There's no maybe about it." You slowly grin, reaching up with your right hand and lightly trailing your fingertips along his jaw. "You've been eyeballing me all week, Sheriff. I was wondering who was going to break first."

"This isn't me breaking."

"No." You lean forward and reach up, your lips just barely grazing Eric's. "But you will," you murmur. Then sliding your hands down his chest and passed his abdomen, you grasp at his waist and push him back. Sliding off his desk and slipping underneath his arms, you chuckle as you saunter out of his office. "It's only a matter of time, Eric. Until then I got a bar to tend to."

Eric stares at his office door swinging shut, his tongue peeking out to catch the faint scent of you on his bottom lip. Slowly smirking, he says, "Only a matter of time indeed."
