6 Underground [Four X Reader]

Imagine being the first person One recruits. You're someone who likes to work behind the curtains, so it takes a while before you meet the full team. And when you do, it's not under the best of circumstances, but it does get you face to face with Four- the guy you'd secretly been crushing on since One showed you his file.


Living in an abandoned airfield out in the middle of nowhere is not where you saw your life heading, but it was a hell of a lot better than living under the government's microscope all because they were wary of your mind. You had been picked up by the government in your late teens, your crimes being that of supplying criminals with gadgets far too advanced to be in their hands. But instead of locking you up, the government hired you to supply the good guys with technology only your mind had been able to come up with and make.

Eventually you noticed their leash on you was getting shorter and shorter, and eventually you made a run for it. And while on the run, that's when One made his introduction.

One was a genius himself, but he needed more brain power on his side to do what he wanted to do. And while helping stage a coup d'état had never crossed your mind, you couldn't help but want to when One told you all the terrible things Rovach Alimov did in Turgistan.

So after One helped you discreetly move all the money in your bank account to where he stored his apparent billions, he faked your death. It was a little trickier than he anticipated since the government was bound to make sure you were actually dead, but he accomplished it and then quickly moved you into an abandoned airfield where he set up shop.

"You're a ghost now," he says when leading you to your own trailer, "so you need a new name with no attachments and one that won't cause any attachments."

"What? Like One?" You huff a laugh.

One looks at you, expression affronted. "What's wrong with One?"

"I'm not going to be Two," you deadpan. "I'm all for staging a coup, but I suck at being a badass. I'm just the girl behind the curtain supplying you with cool toys. Might as well just call me Oz."

One opens his mouth to retort, but then hums. "Huh. Oz. I like it."

Over the months, as One solidifies his plans for what he's looking for in a team (even though he refuses to call them a team), he gets you comfortable in hand-to-hand combat and weapon's training. He whips you into shape, ignoring your whining the entire time, and surprises you after he deems you ready with an English Mastiff he saved from the streets.

You take the time to booby-trap the airfield, setting out sensors and setting up trip wires. You and One manage to get more trailers moved onto your base of operations, and in your down time you slowly start to make them livable for when he eventually recruited the others.

It's a little over a year when he catches wind of someone worthy to recruit and leaves you to do his job. It takes him a couple of days, but he eventually returns with Two- a former spy. The blonde woman had taken one look at you and clearly didn't like what she saw, and it wasn't until you offered to spar with her did she change her mind. She obviously won the match, but she saw why One kept you around and was glad to know you could take care of yourself even if you weren't going to be out in the field.

Then when One went out to recruit Three, a hitman; Four, a parkour expert and thief; Five, a doctor; and Six, a driver, Two always stayed back with you to test the new toys and gadgets you'd had in the making. You never met the others, even though One allowed you to read their files, and you were comfortable to not have been known to them. You lived right under their noses and they were none the wiser.

Six, however, was too nosy for his own good and eventually found you. Introductions were made and you ended up finding a kindred spirit in the getaway driver.

The longer Six and Two hung around you, the quicker it was for them to come to a realization- they noticing a pattern when one team member in particular was brought up. Four was insanely attractive and his accent over comms did things to you that had Two and Six making fun of you for. But One had rules in place and since he had taken you under his wing first, you felt compelled to follow them. So while you found Four attractive, pining from afar was all you'd do much to the displeasure of Two and Six who encouraged you to talk to the thief.

The ghosts are somberly getting out of the SUV, grabbing up their duffel bags and making their way towards the trailers. One hasn't said much since the clusterfuck of a mission in Italy, but as he sets his sights on one trailer in particular, he sighs.

"So are we gonna rock, paper, scissor this, Two? Someone has to deliver the news to Oz."

The blonde woman rolls her eyes. "I'll do it. Better to hear it from me than you."

The others glance around, frowning. "Who the hell is Oz?" Three asks.

One and Two share a look before he says, "Oz is the man behind the curtains and the creator of more than half the shit we use, as well as the person who keeps the base livable."

"Oz and Six were like siblings," Two then says. The others share a surprised look, especially when One quietly groans at Two's admission.

One looks at the trailer one last time before breaking off from the group, the others continuing to follow after Two. Upon stopping at the trailer door, Two raises a fist and pounds three times on it. A dog barks inside.

"So this is where Wally disappears to," Four mumbles.

"Well he should," Two replies. "Oz is his maman."

"Wait. What? Oz is a woman?"


Clad in a gray tank top, black short tights, and a black silk robe hanging open around your shoulders, you open the trailer door only to be greeted by a solemn Two, Three, Four, and Five. You flash them a hesitant smile. "Hey, guys. What brings you to my humble abode?" Wally pushes passed you and makes a beeline for Four, you rolling your eyes at your overly friendly beast. Looking around the group, you realize one face in particular is missing. Which is odd. "Where's Six?"

Three cringes, Four averts his gaze and focuses on Wally, and Five's eyes widen before her gaze darts to Two. Two sighs. "Six didn't make it. I'm sorry."

Your smile immediately drops and your breath hitches. "H-How?"

"The car skidded," Five tells you, voice sympathetic. "We hit a forklift and he was impaled. It was instant. I couldn't save him."

Your mouth scrunches up as you sniffle, determined to keep the tears at bay. "Thanks for telling me." Clearing your throat, you then nod at Four. "Can you watch Wally for a bit? I know he likes you."

"Uh. Sure."


"Oz," Two calls out, stepping up into your trailer as you turn around. She catches you pulling on a pair of jeans, then shoving your feet into a pair of boots. She sighs. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Never." Reaching into a bowl by your front door, you grab a set of keys before reaching up to grab a helmet off the shelf. Then as you exit and walk around to the back of your trailer, you pull off the sheet covering a shiny black on black Kawasaki Ninja sports bike. "Tell One not to worry. I'll be back."

Shoving the helmet down atop your head, you climb atop your bike, start the engine, and take off.


When you return back home, all is quiet. One is the only one out and about, and when he sees you he salutes you with the bottle of beer in his hand. You tap your helmet to let him know you're alright and continue on driving towards your trailer- your trailer which has noise coming from the inside.

Not too upset that someone has apparently trespassed into your space, you stomp up the stairs into your trailer only to be greeted by Wally. Smiling tiredly, you toss your keys back into the bowl and set down your helmet. "Hey, handsome. Did you miss me?" You let Wally give you one kiss, cringing as his tongue swipes up the side of your face, before standing up. Then looking at your couch, you shake your head in faint amusement at Four. "Made yourself comfortable, I see."

"You have a better set-up," he grins, unapologetically. You roll your eyes at him, kicking his feet off your coffee table before taking a seat next to him. He gestures to the back of his neck while staring at yours. "You good? You didn't have that when you left."

Touching the bandage on the back of your neck, you nod. "I'm fine. Just a small tattoo."

"Really? What'd you get?" Peeling off the bandage, you allow him to see the freshly shaven patch of hair just above the nape of your neck and the number 6 tattooed there. Four hums. "Two mentioned you were like siblings."

"Yeah. He was a nosy little bastard," you say, huffing a small laugh as you relax into your seat. "He wandered up to my trailer one day, hit on me, and then when I rejected him we just settled into a sibling bond that kind of pissed off One."

"You got too close."

"We got too close and that's against One's rules," you agree. "Now I guess I can see why he didn't want us to get too personal. This feeling sucks."

"Yeah. The whole mission was fucked from the get-go, but One didn't wanna pull out."

"Of course not. We're one step closer to Rovach. Nothing will get in One's way, not even the death of one of my little ghosts."

Four quirks an eyebrow at you. "Your ghosts?"

"Duh. This might be One's operation, but you're all mine, Four. I look after you, even if you don't know I'm doing it."

He chuckles and you notice a faint blush touching his cheeks. You ignore it. "Now that you mention it, One doesn't seem like the type of person to get all our favorite snacks when out shopping and stocking our cupboards in secret."

You grin. "You're welcome." Four continues to smile before letting his attention be dragged back towards the TV. You silently yawn. "Not to be rude, but I'm gonna shower and head to bed. You're more than welcome to stay, but if you wake me up I will murder you and not feel guilty about it afterward."


Surprisingly Four stays, he making camp on your couch. You chuckle quietly, call Wally to bed, and bid Four a good night.

Now that the others knew of your existence, you had a constant stream of visitors. One, Four, and Five would visit on their own, and you noticed Three would tag along every now and then with Two. But the ones who lingered the longest were always Four and Five- Four with his lame jokes and boyish smiles, and Five with her thirst of knowledge for how you made some of her medical supplies.

One's in a bit of a snit, looking for a new recruit to become Seven. You offered your help, but he refused it, so you went off to work on your newest creation.

You've been tucked away in your personal hangar, too far in the zone to remember to take breaks. So it's no surprise you're startled when the hangar door is slid open.

"Time to come up for air, Oz," Four shouts. "We bring you food."

Squinting towards the too bright door, your expression brightens upon Four and Five. "My two favorite people!" You cheer. "Don't let Two know I said that though. She scares me."

Five laughs as Four tosses a greasy bag at you, you catching it and then immediately diving in. Settling down on a stool, you pull out a burger and take the largest bite you can. You groan at the taste, ignoring Four and Five's amused looks, and accept whatever fountain drink it is that Five passes you.

"So what were you working on?" Five asks. "We stopped by earlier, but you were blaring music and didn't see us."

"Mmm. Yeah." You quickly swallow the food in your mouth. "Come check this out." Wiping the burger and fry grease off your fingers, you grab a non-labeled can and gesture for Four to step closer. "Close your eyes and pucker up."

His eyes widen, cheeks heating up, and Five snorts. "Joking," you grin. "But seriously, close your eyes."

Now chuckling, Four does as you say. You grasp him by the chin and gently turn his head from side to side as you spray his face with your newest creation. "What.. the fuck, Oz," he grumbles. "What is this?"

"It's for when you go out and about. I'm tired of cameras picking up all your pretty faces and hacking into foreign servers to erase your presence."

Five frowns. "Have we been caught a lot?"

Four's eyes flutter open and you direct him to where the nearest camera is as you walk over to a bank of computers. "Not a lot, but it's more than I like." With a few clicks, you bring up the video feed from inside the hangar. Four's face on the screen is now severely distorted that it's impossible to ID him. "And now with this spray, you won't have to worry about being caught ever again."

You freeze one of the feeds so that Four can walk over and see for himself. "Holy shit. You really are a genius."


"Can't wait to test it out in the field," he then says. After staring at his distorted face and then touching his face for any lingering residue, he asks, "So how do I take it off?"

You freeze. "Take it off? Huh. I knew I forgot something."

This time Four freezes and Five hides her smile as her gaze darts between the two of you. "Oz. Please tell me there's a solution to getting this stuff off my face?"


"Oz!" Four fakes lunging are you and you yelp, laughing. A smile of his own blossoms, green eyes sparkling in amusement.

"Kidding. I'm kidding!" You walk around the table, keeping distance between you and him. "All you need is soap and water."

"You better be right."

As Four walks off towards the bathroom, Five clears her throat. The Hispanic beauty grins at you. "When are you going to cave and just get with him?"

Your smile slowly falls as you sigh. "Come on, Five. You know the rules just as-"

She scoffs. "Pinche rules. You broke with them with Six, why not with Four? We all see the way you look at each other when the other isn't paying attention."

"Look. I like Four. Okay?" You quickly glance around to make sure he's still busy. "But I- how can I start something with someone who's almost eighty percent sure the Turgistan mission is a suicide mission? Starting anything with Four will only end in heartbreak."

"Turgistan is shaping up to look very risky," Five agrees, "so it's better to grab hold of whatever happiness you can find while you can."

"Easier said than done."

One has left to hopefully recruit a Seven, it's hot as balls out, and you're in desperate need of a cool down. You have the perfect place- an above ground pool set inside the hangar that's the furthest away- but you're just missing the company. Two is a no-go because of her new shadow that comes in the form of Three, and Four is- well he's Four. You text Five, but she's busy going over some medical texts to keep her mind sharp, so you reluctantly text Four in the end.

You ask him if he fancy's a swim, much to his amusement, and then tell him to meet you at the hangar that's on the far West side of the airfield if he's up to it.

With your swimsuit on underneath a tank top and shorts, you head for the hangar. Wally walks beside you, keeping you company, tail then wagging excitedly when he realizes just where exactly it is you're going. And since the pool had been prepared earlier that morning, all you have to do is slide open the hangar door and open up the slates in the ceiling to allow a bit more light and air draft in.

There's a wooden deck surrounding the pool and Wally excitedly runs up the stairs.

"Don't, Wally. Stay!"

Steps away from jumping into the refreshing water, Wally freezes and then whines impatiently. You chuckle as you walk up the stairs yourself, you then stripping down to your bathing suit and setting up some music to play from a tablet on a nearby lounger. The music resonates from speakers hanging in the two back corners of the hangar, but it's not too loud that it'd mask any sensors being tripped around the airfield. And the second you dive into the refreshing water, Wally dives in after you.

Wally doggie paddles for about fifteen seconds before giving in and swimming over to the steps leading out of the pool, he then lounging on the top most step so he could keep his body submerged while laying his head on the deck and out of the water. You huff laugh before taking a couple of laps around the pool, then when you tire of that you climb into a floating mesh pool chair and drift leisurely.

You've made it through three songs before you sense another presence, your eyes fluttering open to the sight of Four standing at the ledge of the pool.

"I thought you were joking about going for a swim," he muses. "How'd you swing this set-up?"

"Before One started recruiting the rest of you numbers, it was just me and him here. We got into a really heated argument early on and I nearly called it quits on him, but I was just being a moody bitch and decided to distance myself before making any drastic decisions," you tell Four. "I pitched the idea of having my own space far away from him and so long as I could get it done, then I could have it."

"And you chose a pool?"

"Well yeah. One's not allowed in here so I figured I'd make my space a place where someone would want to escape to in the desert heat. I like rubbing it in his face that he's not allowed in here. Serves him right for hurting my feelings."

Four chuckles. "I'm honored then."

"You should be. The only people who know about this place is One and now you. Six knew, but he apparently took that secret to the grave." Four's expressions softens a bit and you grin at him. "So are you coming in or what? It's nice and cool," you muse. Then holding your gaze, Four quirks an eyebrow at you before stripping off his shirt. Your eyes narrow in an attempt to keep them from wandering down his pale torso and he has the audacity to smirk at you. "I hate you," you mumble.

"Nah. I don't think you do." His pants are next to go and the cheeky bastard strips down to his boxer briefs before diving into the water. When he resurfaces, he smooths back his blonde hair and them swims over to you. "So what are we going to do now that you've got me stripped down?"

You snort. "Nothing, you prat. I seriously only asked you out here for a swim."

"Then let's swim." He smiles devilishly at you and your narrow your eyes. He inches closer and you start to kick your feet in order to move your float away.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Oh. I dare." Four upends your floating chair and you squeal as he dumps you back under the water. When you resurface, you splash him. "You fucking dick."

"What?" He laughs.

You and Four then spend the next several minutes chasing after one another, splashing and dunking each other. Even Wally gets in on the fun, but he only lasts a handful of seconds before he swims back to his step.

Then when you and Four tire of the water, you both swim over to the side of the pool. You think nothing of his closeness until you pull yourself out to sit on the edge, only for him to remain right in front of you as his hands slowly wrap around to your calves. Instantly, the atmosphere around you becomes a bit oppressive and the energy between you and Four is suddenly electrified.

You gulp. "What are you-"

"Just testing a theory, love."

"Yeah? And what theory would that be?"

Four smirks as he nudges your knees just enough apart so his torso fits between them. Then with hands settled on the deck on either side of your thighs, he uses his upper body strength to push himself up so he's towering slightly over you. As you slightly lean back, you gulp yet again as you come nose to nose with him. His eyes dart over your every feature as your heart hammers inside your chest, but before any progress or objection can be made, someone else makes it for you.

"When the fuck did we get a pool?" Three's voice rings out. Wally barks in response.

You sigh in relief, Four quietly groans before dropping back into the water, and you pull your legs out so you can stand up. Then just as you've picked up a towel from one of the loungers, you see Two and Three appear at the top of the deck stairs.

"We didn't get a pool," you tell Three as you wrap yourself up. "I got the pool a while back."

"Mhmm," Two drawls. "And how convenient Four is the only one who apparently knew about it." You blush as her knowing gaze darts to the boy in question who's lazily swimming laps.

"He literally found out about it an hour ago," you tell her. "I would have invited you, but I knew Three would have tagged along."


You grin at his affronted expression. "No offense. I just wasn't ready for your energy yet, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now."

"Oh. It is." Three eagerly strips down to his own boxer briefs, he cannon-balling into the pool. Immediately, he and Four start to play fight.

Two walks over to you, shaking her head as she stares down at the two squabbling men. "We work with idiots."

"Really hot idiots," you mumble.

Two turns to look at you and when you catch her gaze, you see the corner of her mouth twitch up into a smile. For some reason, seeing her amusement rather than hearing an admonishment seems to make you breath a little easier.

Fingers flying over your keyboard, you gaze darts over the several screens you have control over. Some screens are nothing but coding, while others are surveillance cameras around the airfield and traffic cams you've hacked into. You're so caught up in what you're doing that the door sliding open at your back startles you.

Immediately grabbing the gun beneath your desk, you twirl your chair around and take aim. Four and the newly recruited Seven hold their hands up. Sighing, you roll your eyes before lowering your weapon and setting it on the desk. "Really, Four? Couldn't have given me a heads up?"

"Sorry, love." The way he's smirking, you know he's not sorry at all. Seven frowns at Four's pet name for you, but you pay his reaction no mind. "Just thought I'd introduce our newest number."

"Mhm." Glancing at Seven, you offer him a faint grin. "Nice to meet you. I'm Oz."

"Seven," he says. He then glances around the room as he and Four enter fully, and you twirl back around before continuing your work. "What exactly do you do?" You hear him ask. "When One gave me the rundown of the team, you weren't mentioned."

"She and One practically built this place," Four says. "Oz is literally the man- er, woman- behind the curtain around here. If you hadn't been introduced to her, you'd have never known she was here."

Huffing a laugh, you say, "Still a bit bitter about me living under your noses for months, are you?" After punching a few more keys, you whirl back around and stand up to address Seven. "Tell One he's getting sloppy. I picked you up on three different traffic cams and had to delete your trail."

"She's also a smarty-pants," Four muses.

"And I also make the best toys," you tell Seven. "So if you need anything or want anything, run it by me and I'll do my best to get it for you. One likes to treat you all like pawns in his missions and have no connections to you, but you guys have killed yourselves to join this team. You made yourselves ghosts to rid the world of truly horrific people, so I'm going to do my damn best and take care of you ghosts."

Four grins. "We're hers, in case you didn't pick up on it."

"Don't be a wanker," you retort, snorting when he pouts at your use of his slang. "But yes, Four is right. You ghosts are mine and I take care of what's mine."

Seven chuckles quietly. "You are not someone I expected to be on One's team."

"One's rules are in place for a reason," you say, now smiling sadly. "I recently learned the hard way, but I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment." His expression falters and you sigh. "Well if you boys will excuse me, I've got a dog to feed and errands to run. I'll see you around."

Four and Seven watch as Oz gathers a few files, she then quickly taking her leave. And as soon as she's out the door, Seven turns to Four.

"What did she mean by learning the hard way? One come down on her about something?"

"Oz and Six became close- like brother and sister," he says while leading Seven out of the room. "We didn't know about her being here until One realized someone had to tell her about Six's death. Two told her the news and we tagged along. It was our first meeting."

He whistles lowly. "Talk about a shitty first meeting."

"Yeah. No kidding."

"And her being a glutton for punishment? Is that because she cares for the other ghosts or because there's something between you and her?"

Four barks out a laugh. "Picked up on that, did you?"

"Kind of hard not to."

"Yeah." Four sighs. "Me and Oz, it's complicated. We've acknowledged the chemistry, but she's also made it known that she doesn't want to break anymore of One's trust."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Gotta be, mate. Oz is.. special. She's someone I want in my life, be it a friend or something more later on down the road. I'm okay with waiting."

"You're that confident, huh?" Seven chuckles. "Good luck with that, man."

It doesn't take long for One to come up with a decent plan for the big takeover, the first part of their mission coming up in Las Vegas where the Four Generals were going to be. You had sat in the back of the room while One explained what they were going to be doing, compiling lists of outfits, weapons, and gadgets the team would be needing.

Then the day comes when the team is to take off and you follow them to the plane. You don't know why, but the idea of them going on this particular mission is giving you anxiety.

Upon arriving at the plane stairs, Three immediately walks up them and disappears inside with a barely mumbled, "See you on the other side, chiquita."

One, Two, Four, Five, and Seven linger around and you sigh as you look around at all of them. "Well I would tell you all to be safe, but I know how dumb you guys all are." Two cracks a grin as Four, Five, and Seven snicker. "So Five, please keep them in one piece until you get back home."

Five laughs. "No promises, but I will do my best."

Five then boards the plane, followed by a winking Two. Seven is still chuckling as he gives you a one-armed hug and One grumbles at all the affection going around. One follows after Seven and then you're left alone with Four.

"If we make it back alive, you and I are going out."

You scoff, shaking your head in amusement. "The rules-"

"Fuck the rules, Oz." Four steps closer to you- close enough to grasp you by the back of your head and reel you in. You gasp, but his lips land on your forehead instead of where you were momentarily fearing. "If we win, you and I are going on vacation away from One and his rules. Sound good?"

"I-" You trail off, sighing. One's rules were a bit ridiculous, but you understood why he didn't want anyone getting close. Their jobs were highly dangerous and if anyone became comprised, their significant other became compromised and the whole mission would be in jeopardy. And that was a no-no. But you were only human and living the life of a ghost was rather lonely. So against your better judgement you give in, your hands landing on Four's waist as you angle your head up to quickly press a kiss to his cheek. "Come back home to me and we'll talk about it."

Four practically beams, but before he can retort One is poking his head back out. "For fuck's sake, Four. Get your ass on the plane!"

You hadn't realized how much Six's death impacted you until the team took off again. You were fine for the first couple of hours, keeping yourself busy with Wally and doing a bit of light shopping, but then you started feeling anxious. The airfield was too quiet and you immediately started to miss Four's random drop-ins.

You started off by cleaning your trailer, then moving onto One's since he had given you permission to be in there when he wasn't. Two's trailer was off limits, Three's was a nightmare, and Five's was impeccable. You were hesitant to enter Four's trailer, but he had no problem with you in his space so you went ahead and went in. His trailer, however, was only slightly messy so you picked up his dirty dishes and took out the trash. There were a few articles of clothing scattered around on the floor, so you picked them up and threw them in the small hamper located next to his bed. Then without even thinking about it, you grabbed one of his clean shirts to later wear.

You eat dinner at a decent time and then set up in your trailer's front room with several laptops. One has a secret burner phone that he texts you updates from, letting you know when a special device is in place at the hotel the Four Generals are to be staying at the following day. And with the device in place, you're able to hack into their security feed.

The following day the plan is set into motion. You follow Two and Three's every move through the hotel, snorting at the shitty job they've done of putting on their prosthetics. You watch as Three shoots someone through the peephole of a door and as soon as they disappear inside, you get started on deleting their digital footprint that led them up to the Generals' room. You leave their appearance in and around the casino, and even doctor some footage of them during the time of the murders to give them an alibi. Then checking all camera angles outside that might have caught Seven sniping from another building, you give One the all clear.

The Las Vegas mission is a success and then your stomach drops when One informs you they'll be heading to Hong Kong. He'll be radio silent which means you'll be in the dark. You'll only know if they've succeeded via news outlets should they pick up on the coup taking place.

Two and a half days later, shit goes down.

It's almost four in the morning when every alert you have on any news of Turgistan go off. You jump out of bed and scramble for your laptops, turning on your TV. Every news station is covering the coup taking place. Your heart hammers frantically, your stomach cramps, and you're on the edge of your seat.

Then you see it. Rovach Alimov has been caught by a group of vigilantes and his brother Murat is to take his place as President after they've delivered Rovach to a village of people who all want revenge.

So with the mission successful, your only worry is whether everyone made it out or not.

You doze in and out of sleep throughout the rest of the day, shooting One a text to get in touch with you asap. Around dinner time, you then get a text message that has you laughing but also very confused.

[Your boy is relatively fine. Broken arm. Don't break his heart because I'll have to be a dick and still side with you.]

Wondering where the hell One's sudden change of heart has come from, you stare blankly at your phone until another text comes through.

[BTW, Two and Three are fucking. If I see Four's lily white ass around base, I am allowed in your pool and there's not a damn thing you can say about it.]

Now laughing uncontrollably, you decide not to look a gift horse in the mouth. You agree to his terms and then find out they should be in the following afternoon. So with more than enough time to finally get a good sleep-in, you make sure Wally has enough food and water before going to sleep now that you're not so anxious.

Hours later, when you finally wake feeling refreshed, you prepare for the team's arrival. You know that as soon as they get to their trailers you won't see them for a few hours as they decompress, so you make sure to time your little surprise perfectly.

Strategically placing speakers around the runway where the team will be unloading, you sync up a particular song in preparation. You know it'll annoy One, but the others ought to get a kick out of it.

You're watching for the plane, and when it lands butterflies take flight in your stomach. The minutes seem to drag on as the plane finally comes to a stop and as soon as the stairs are lowered, you start the song.

As everyone disembarks and slightly spreads out, you start to jog towards them as they make their way towards you. Halfway to them, you stop and spread your arms out at your sides. You scream and then whoop for their victory, and then blare the music coming from the speakers by pressing a button on the phone in your pocket. From far away, you can see Three, Four, Five, and Seven chuckling at you.

"'Cause we're gonna be legends! Gonna get their attention. What we're doing here ain't just scary, it's about to be legendary. Yeah we're gonna be legends. Gonna teach 'em all a lesson. Got this feeling that we're so sweet caring, it's about to be legendary."

Seven throws his arms up in the air, hollering, and you laugh before moving again. This time your path is directly towards Four, but you make sure to be extra careful of his arm in a sling as you meet him toe to toe. Immediately he pulls you into a kiss and you can't help but smile when you hear Five and Seven catcalling you.

As you pull back, you can't keep the smile off your face as you and Four stare at one another. Momentarily breaking eye contact with him, you pull out the phone in your pocket and stop the music. "You made it," you then tell Four.

"I almost didn't," he sheepishly admits. "Blaine saved my arse and then One nearly compromised the mission for me in the end."

Brow furrowing, you glance around at the lingering team. "Blaine?" Seven raises his hand and waves, and your eyebrows raise in surprise. "When did we start using our old names?"

"When One was about to leave your boy dangling several stories up and I made the call to save him."

"Wait. What?" You whirl on One and he sighs dramatically.

"Oh don't give me that look. See this is why I had rules in place about not getting too close," One says, pointing between you and Four, and Two and Three. "But since Two and Three are fucking, I can't exactly say anything about you wanting to get into Four's pants! Which, by the way, ew."

"Oi!" Four exclaims, but you just snort.

Leaning into Four's side so he can lay his uninjured arm around your shoulders, you look out at everyone else. Two catches your gaze, grinning. "Name's Camille."

"Javier," Three says, grabbing Camille's hand in his own. Surprisingly, she lets him.

"Amelia," Five then introduces herself.

Everyone looks at One, but he rolls his eyes. "You're all still calling me One. Now if you'll excuse me, my bed is calling my name."

As One takes his leave, your attention goes back to those surrounding you. "Y/N," you then say. Looking up at Four, you grin. "My name is Y/N."

"Hello, Y/N. I'm Billy."

"And on that note, I think we should be leaving the lovebirds alone." Javier chuckles at Blaine's statement, but nonetheless everyone takes the hint and follows after the dark skinned man.

Once everyone has given you their backs, you turn so you're practically chest to chest with Billy and gently grasp his face in your hands. You pull him into a kiss, pecking his lips once, then twice, and chuckle softly. "I've been wanting to do that since One showed me your file."

"Yeah? Anything else you've wanted to do?"

"Oh. Loads," you muse, smirking, and nipping his bottom lip. "But we're not getting up to that until Five gives you the okay."

Billy groans. "You're such a tease."

"And don't you forget it." Hooking your arm through his, you then start dragging him towards the trailers. "Now come on. Wally's missed you. You're sleeping in mine until my anxiety goes away."

"Aw you missed me?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't let it get to your head."
