-Chapter 3-

-Zenitsu's POV-

After a few minutes we arrived at Nezuko's house and wow her house was very well done and clean! We entered her room and she got a spare chair and put it near her desk i sat on the chair and she went to get her computer and set in her desk. "So what are you gonna do??" "Something, just wait here I need to do something." "Ok" she left the room to who knows where so just went on my phone a started watching videos.

-Nezuko's POV-

After leaving the room I started to walk over to Tanjiro's room but before knocked on his door I took out my phone and put audio record, I pressed the start audio record button then knocked on his door. "Who is it?" "Its me, Nezuko!" He opened the door and let me in "You needed something?" He asked "Well I just wanna know more about you and Kanao!" I said smiling "oh, ok then"


-15 Minutes later- (Zenitsu's POV)

Im switching the pov's to much right now...idc right now :P

Its been about 15 minutes! Where did she go? I turned off my phone and I went to the door but it opened and Nezuko came in. "Where were you? What did you need to do?" I kept asking her on what she was doing until she said "Calm down! Jeez, I just went to Tanjiro's room to take an audio recording."

"Why??" She closed the door and went to her computer on her desk and went to search something, I couldn't exactly see what she was typing but I did see the last word she typed in, it said disease? I looked at her in confusion. "You think I have some sort of disease!?" "Oh my god, here just listen to this with your headphones then I'll do the rest after" she then gave me her phone and I got it and started to play the audio with my headphones.


After listening to the audio i just sat there thinking for a moment. 'He...He really does like her Kanao a lot huh...dammit i want to break free from these feelings towards Tanjiro but i just can't, my feelings for him are too big and hard to let go of.

I stared down at the ground when my throat started to feel the same way when i was at school. 'No, please not again!!' I started to panic in my head as i started to cough violently and tried to cover my mouth with my hand but as soon as I looked at my hand there was blood all over it.

I tried to get up to the door but i fell to the ground feeling as if something was trying to come out of my mouth. I began to throw up the same green flower petals from before and it was mixed blood too!

"N-Nezuko!" I raised my voice as loud as i could so Nezuko could hear me, I tried to say something else but i coughed and i thought it would just be green petals but i coughed out a whole green flower...My lungs felt like they were closing up...it was getting impossible to breath and that's when i blacked out.

These are how the green flowers look like btw. I honestly thought there wouldn't be such thing as green flowers but i went to search it up on google and i guess their are such things as green flowers-

_Back to the story now_

-Nezuko's POV-

After Zenitsu went in the closet to hear the audio i did some research while listening to some music on low, I searched up the things i needed to know in case he might have the disease when suddenly i hear from the closet "N-Nezuko!"

It was Zenitsu it sounded like he was in pain of some sort and it also sounded like he was trying to breath! I quickly got up from my seat and quickly went to the closet door and opened it.

I looked in horror of what was in front of me....Zenitsu was on the floor in a pool of blood and green petals no less. I went up to him to check his pulse and it looked like he was in a stable condition so i think he just passed but even so he still needs help!

I picked him up and set him on the couch next to my so he could rest for a while a got a blanket and put it over him, after doing so I noticed I had some blood on my hands so I got a paper towel and cleaned it off and threw it in the trash can, I walked back to the closet and looked at it.

"...So I guess my suspicions were correct....Zenitsu really has.....

.....The Hanahaki Disease....

(*plays dramatic music in the background*)

(Sorry not a good time for that but anyways)

After saying that I went to get some cleaning supplies from the bathroom. Once I came back with the cleaning supplies I needed I headed back to my room and towards the closet and started to clean up all the blood on the floor carefully as to not get any blood on me. After cleaning the blood which wasn't that hard since I have tiled floors I went over to get the broom and cleaned up the green petals that were scattered all over the floor. 

"There i finally finished!" I said with smiling face and happy tone, but my expression changed when I looked over to the 12 rags inside the bucket that was-... well that used to have water in it now it was only filled with blood... I picked up the bucket that was filled with the rags and being very careful not to have some of the blood to spill out the bucket. I walked towards the door and opened it and walked out slowly 'so far so good' 

(bitch you only got outside your room what kind of progress is that-)

As I walked through the hallway I heard a door open I turned around to see who's door had opened and turns out it was Tanjiro's door that had opened... I flinched and some of the blood spilled out onto the floor. 

Shit...im in trouble....' "Nezuko, what are you doing?-" I saw his eyes go from my face to the bucket that was holding the bloody rags, he looked at the floor that had a blood stain thanks to my flinching..he looked back at me with a face of shock and horror. "Why are you holding that?" I heard his voice loudly throughout the whole hallway. "Tanjiro I didn't do anything of what your probably thinking, its just...uhh.." 

Should I tell him? But if I do he will feel bad because he's half of the reason why Zenitsu is like this...maybe I'll tell him instead just say its someone else.' "W-Well....*sigh*just wait for me here i'll clean this and and then I'll tell you." "Ok then.." I walked off quickly to get the bucket and the rags clean.

After cleaning the bucket and rags I went back to where Tanjiro was. "Ok, so ummm...you know what I'll just show you." I took his hand and headed towards my room and I opened the door,"Well its got something to do with Zenitsu.." as I said that I showed him Zenitsu sleeping on the couch. "What happened to him?" I guess he does care...but only as a friend I presume. "Zenitsu has the Hanahaki Disease."

I looked at Tanjiro but instead of a worried, surprised or even a sad look his head tilted to the side a little giving a confused look. "I assume you don't know what it means, am I right?" I asked him and he nodded yes in return, I walked over to my computer and turned it on and started to search up the Hanahaki Disease.

A/N: Just pretend that the part where it says "fictional" isn't there

"Read it over while I go to bathroom." As I said that I left and went to use the bathroom.

-Tanjiro's POV-
"Ok then." After the door closed I looked at the computer screen and started to read everything out loud. "There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months, in rare cases up to 18 months, until the victim die- DIES!!" I looked over at Zenitsu and then back to the computer screen looking very worried."No...Zenitsu can't die....he's my best friend!" *cough* *cough* As I heard coughs from behind me I turned around and saw a horrifying sight..

Hey guys!! Its the author again 👐 This chapter was pretty long and I was thinking of making it shorter but I changed my mind and kept it all in one instead👌Anyways that's all I have to say for now so bye bye!!!!

Word count: 1555
