-Chapter 2-

Hi :P

"Ok then!" Kanao smiled and they both went back inside the ice cream shop like nothing happened. "I think we should get going guys the shop is gonna close in a few minutes" said Tanjiro "yeah, lets go!" Said Genya and Inosuke. After walking for a while they all went their ways back to their homes.

At Zenitsu's House (Zenitsu's POV)

It was 4:35pm so I had enough time to finish up my homework and then watch a movie. As I opened the front door of the house I saw Kaigaku on the couch watching some show on TV. "Hi Kaigaku" I said, he turned around to face me and said "oh, hi Zenitsu" (HAH you all thought I was gonna make Kaigaku mean!? Well nope, he's nice in this story💖)

"Oh right, there some food in the kitchen if you want some" "ok!" He turned back to see his movie and I went to the kitchen to see what was there. Yes my favorite food!! I reheated it, once it did I took it out of the microwave and went inside my room to do my homework.

-At Tanjiro's House- (Tanjiro's POV)

Once I got to my house I said hi to my family and went to do my homework. I'll tell Nezuko about me and Kanao I mean she is my sister so I need to tell her even though were gonna tell them tomorrow. I stood up from my seat and headed towards Nezuko's room and i knocked on her door. "Come in" as I heard her say that I opened the door and saw her doing her homework.

She turned over to me and said "Hey Tanjiro! You need anything?" "Uh, well I came here to tell you something important.." I said back to her. "What is it? She asked. "Well...Im dating Kanao..were both planing on telling everyone else tomorrow but since your my sister I thought you should be the first one to know."

I smiled a little after telling her that. "O-oh...well congratulations to both of you.." She said to me smiling."I need to finish up my homework right now but thanks for telling me. "No problem! Bye!" After that I left her room and went back to my room to do my homework.

-The next day- (Zenitsu's POV)

I wake up the next day feeling a little more confident to tell Tanjiro my feelings towards him then before, I got changed into my school uniform and went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast when I saw Kaigaku getting ready to leave for work.

"Morning Kaigaku" "Morning Zenitsu, I'll be working late hours today." "Oh, what time you coming back?" 10:00pm or 11:00pm, I gotta go and make sure to do all your homework, bye!"

"Bye!" As he left I finished making my breakfast and I started eating. I looked at the time and I only had 5 minutes left until the bus came to pick us up for school, I cleaned up everything and went to get my backpack. I went to corner of my street and waited for the bus with other students. When the bus came we got in and we were headed off to the school.


We finally stopped at the school and I headed towards my friends. "Good morning guys!" I said with a smile on my face, they all said good morning back and we started to talk about stuff. Tanjiro spoke up and said "Hey guys i want all of us to meet up at lunch on the bleachers near the running track ok?" We all agreed and that's when the bell rang and we all went to our first class.

-At lunch-

After social studies class ended I headed twords the lunch room but I remembered that Tanjiro told all of us to meet up on the bleachers so I decided that I will skip lunch and head to the bleachers. As I got to the bleachers I saw that everyone was already there waiting for me. "Oh, there you are Zenitsu, so now that everyone is here I wanted to tell you all.." We all waited for his answer and then I saw Kanao walking to where Tanjiro was and held one his hands and that's when we heard.."Me and Kanao are dating!"

Nezuko, Aoi and Genya: 'Oh no....'
Inosuke: 'oh shit...'

"C-Congrats you t-two!..." "Aw thanks Zenitsu!" Said Kanao and Tanjiro with a smile on their faces everyone else looked at me with a worried expression on their faces as smiled...though it wasn't a real smile at all. I felt something in my throat like I needed to throw up. "Zenitsu, you ok?" Asked Aoi. I couldn't hold it for long it started to hurt really bad! I covered my mouth with my hand and said "I-I have t-to go to t-the bathroom." As I said that in a muffled voice I ran off to the bathroom and went inside one of the stalls. I started to throw up a lot. I expected that it was probably something I ate this morning but what I saw had me very confused.

There were green petals...

I started to cough really hard I felt like I couldn't breath!! After coughing for a few minutes I started crying.What is happening!? I got out of the stall and went to get some paper towels to clean up the floor that had the green petals mixed with blood, after cleaning I flushed the toilet so nobody would see what happened, I went to the sink and washed my face so there was no more blood on my face. I opened the bathroom door only to be met with Aoi, Genya, Nezuko, Inosuke, Kanao and..... Tanjiro... "Zenitsu are you ok!? You went running off what happened!?" Asked Aoi very worried as well as everyone else. "Its nothing Im fine! My stomach wasn't feeling that well today" I said scratching the back of my neck giving them all smile.

-Nezuko's POV-

He wasn't fine at all.

He looked so heartbroken when Tanjiro told us that he's dating Kanao. But why did he need to go to the bathroom right after Tanjiro announced that?..Could it be?!...Please don't tell me that Zenitsu has that disease!! I looked at him and he was kind glancing at Tanjiro blushing! If he has the disease and he still has feelings for Tanjiro this will be very bad especially for Zenitsu! I have to talk to him after school.

-Zenitsu's POV-

I got my bag and walked away from them and went to my last class. I know Tanjiro and Kanao are together now but...I still have feelings for Tanjiro...I just can't get rid of my feelings for him.


Science class was done I picked up my stuff and went outside to the entrance of the school, instead of going to meet up with my friends I went walking home but before I walked off i felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and I saw Nezuko. "Zenitsu we need to talk about what happened to you in lunch, ok?" I didn't want to talk about it but maybe Nezuko can help me figure out what the hell happened to me. "Fine...where do you wanna talk?" "Let's just go to my house." She said starting to walk but she stopped when I said "Wait, why not my house or somewhere else?"

"Because I need to do a little experiment and Tanjiro is part of it" "ok then..but what about everyone else? They are probably waiting to talk to me and I don't want them to wait for me cause im not even gonna show up!" "oh its fine, I already texted them that I'll talk you and that they don't have to wait up for us" "ok I guess" After that me and Nezuko started to walk to her house just talking about random stuff on the way.

'Please don't let this be too serious...'

Hope you liked this chapter as much as I did (I WAS IN PAIN 🙃) but yeah see you all in the next one bye!

Word Count: 1384
