-Chapter 1-

-Zenitsu's POV-

"Hey Guys!!" I said as i called out to my friends while running towards them. "Hi Zenitsu!" they said back once i caught up to them while also catching my breath "Let me guess, you overslept again?" said Genya looking at me. "Its not my fault that time goes fast at night" i said back to him.
"Well i hope you caught you breath cause its a long way from the entrance of the school to math class" said Aoi laughing a little along with Nezuko and Kanao. "When will the suffering end in this school!!!" I said complaining "Well i'll be the first one there" said Inosuke getting ready run "Inosuke no one is gonna race you" said Tanjiro with a slightly annoyed tone. "Well anyways let's get going before we will all get marked absent" said Kanao. Genya and Aoi had gym while Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao and I had math "See you guys later!" said Nezuko waving at Genya and Aoi, the both waved back and all four of us started run to math class. "We finally made it!" I said while we all entered class. "Good thing the teacher is late today" said Tanjiro while he and us went to our seats. "y-yeah.." I said blushing a little. When will I tell him that I like him?.. I said in my head, I kept thinking how I'll tell him my feelings until the teacher walked in the class room and started to talk.

~Time Skip~

Finally science ended!! The last class always feels like the longest class. I was thinking about stuff when I saw Tanjiro and Inosuke talking. "Hey Tanjiro and Inosuke!" I said walking towards them. "Hey Zenitsu!" Said Tanjiro turning to me. (This chapter is probably boring so hey what the hell imma create a fight ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘)"Hey Monitsu" "Its Zenitsu!! How many times am I gonna have to tell you!" "Whatever its the same thing anyways!" "Guys don't fight right now were gonna get in trouble!." "So what! He's looking for a fight with me and he's gonna get one!!" I saw Inosuke getting ready to punch me when suddenly Tanjiro came up behind Inosuke grabbing him from the back preventing him from hitting me.

I sighed in relief. "Thanks Tanjiro" I said smiling with a little blush on my cheeks. "No problem- Inosuke calm down and stop kicking me!" "Let me go then!!" "Ok ok I will but calm down first" "Fine! There im calm now let me go!" Tanjiro let go of Inosuke and picked up his backpack which he dropped when he went to grab Inosuke. "We should go to the park everyone else is probably waiting on us" I said "yep" Tanjiro said back while all three of us started to walk towards the park.

-At the park-

"There you guys are, what took you soo long to get here" said Aoi "Sorry, Inosuke and Zenitsu were fighting soo.. yeah.." Ok, but now we have less time to hang out in the ice cream shop" said Nezuko with a sad face. "Then lets hurry up so we can eat ice cream before it closes" We all walked across the street to the ice shop, thankfully it wasn't closed so we entered and ordered our ice cream. "Hey Tanjiro, can I talk to you in private?" Said Kanao finishing up her ice cream. "Sure" said Tanjiro smiling at her, and with that I saw them go outside to talk.
I wonder what Kanao has to say to Tanjiro... "Zenitsu...Zenitsu!!!" I got out of my thoughts when I noticed that Nezuko has been calling my name and shaking me. "What" I said out loud from being surprised.

"What are you thinking about?..You completely spaced out when Tanjiro and Kanao went to talk to eachother." I guess Nezuko saw me blush when she said Tanjiros name cause right after saying that she said, "Wait...do have a crush on my brother!?" I saw her eyes sparkle in happiness, she said loud enough for everyone else inside the ice cream shop to hear it, thankfully she wasn't that loud so Tanjiro didn't hear it.

"What! No way! You have a crush on Tanjiro!?" Said Aoi and Genya, though Inosuke didn't care and he just kept on finishing his ice cream. "W-Well maybe I do.." I said back blushing a lot. "I can't wait to tell Tanjiro about this-" "Wait no! Please don't tell your brother about this, same with you guys." I said looking at Aoi, Genya and Inosuke. "I wanna tell him myself and I might tell him tomorrow" Im not ready to tell him yet honestly and I hope they don't tell Tanjiro.

-With Tanjiro and Kanao-(no ones POV)

"So what did you want to talk about Kanao?" Tanjiro looked at Kanao waiting patiently for her to answer him. "W-Well..I-I....like you!" Kanao's face started to blush a lot. "I like you too Kanao" Tanjiro blushed and kissed her cheek (Im having such a hard time writing this part๐Ÿ’”) "So will you go out with me?" Asked Kanao."Of course!" Said Tanjiro giving her a smile and a hug. "When do you think we should tell them Tanjiro?" "Maybe...Tomorrow?.."

Hey guys Its the author here ๐Ÿ‘‹
Hope you are liking this part of the story so far I have to say I had lot of fun writing this (well except the ending ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ‘) Anyways, see y'all in the next chapter!! BYEEEEE!๐Ÿ’ƒ

-Lil Cookie XD-
Word count - 970
