Chapter 19


"WAKE UP YOU WORTHLESS BUG!" someone yelled. My eyes instantly opened and I stared darkly at Brasil and Max

"Time for us to have some fun" Max said play punching Brasil in the arm. Max reached in and ripped me out and threw me up in the air, suddenly something came in contact with my body and I went flying towards the door. I braced myself to hit the door but instead of hitting it I landed in something soft. I opened my eyes but only saw small streaks of light...i think I am on someone's hand...

"Drop her" I heard Brasil say angrily

"Neh, I think I'll keep her" I know that voice , I just can't get my finger on it...

"Hayden, give her back" Brasil said again

'Hayden?! what is he doing here??' I thought to myself

"How did you even get in here?" Max asked

"Lock picker" Hayden replied calmly

"I don't know about you, but I think you should run" I yelled up to Hayden. Suddenly I was shoved down into a pocket and I heard shouting and felt Hayden start running

'They'll never catch Hayden he is super fast and has muscles the size of footballs!'

I felt Hayden going down what i guess was stairs then stop running, sit down and heard a car door shut. I heard the sound of a car start up. I could heard Hayden talking to someone but I couldn't understand them. The car drove for about 10 minutes then I heard it turn off and a hand came into the pocket, picked me up and I was brought up to Hayden's chocolate brown eyes. I noticed he was in the passenger seat so I looked over and saw someone I didn't expect to see...Jared

"J-Jared? what are you doing here?"

"Is that the kind of hello I get after not seeing you for 4 years?" he asked with a playful hurt face

"Yes, now answer the question" I said sassily smirking

"Uhh!" He said putting a hand over his heart while Hayden was trying to keep his hand still while he was laughing. We all started laughing. Jared, Hayden, another friend and I all went to FC camp together, and I haven't seen them for 4 years

"Hello, KitKat" Jared said using the nickname he gave me and winking

"We should get back to the flat" Hayden said to Jared. Jared started the car back up. While Jared drove I explained everything to them

"You already know Louis and the boys right?"

"ya we don't personally know them though" Jared said not taking his eyes of the road

"I think I should get in contact with them soon"

"You can use my phone to call them tomorrow sometime" Hayden offered

"thanks!" I replied smiling

"So what do you do now? Like job wise?" I asked Hayden

"um..." he said sounding unsure looking over at Jared

"I think we can trust Kitty" Jared said smirking at my other nickname

"okay, well I am a spy for the FBI" Hayden said lifting his jacket to reveal a pistol and a badge

"Kitten" Jared said getting my attention


"You need to blink, your eyes will dry out and shut your mouth we are not a Codfish"(quote from Marry Poppins)Jared said glancing at me, I hadn't even noticed they were that wide and my mouth was open. We all laughed till Hayden stopped it by saying

"here we are!" Hayden lifted me to his chest where I could see we were driving up a driveway to a 1 story building. Jared stopped the car and pushed a button on the top of the car and a garage door opened. Jared pulled the car into the garage, put it in park and turned it off. Hayden slipped me into his front pocket where I could still see and closed the car door. They walked through a door that led to a kitchen with a fridge, a stove, sink, bar counter with 4 chairs, an open hallway and another door in the left corner

''where does that door lead?"

"The basement" Jared replied while sitting at the bar. Hayden took me out of his pocket and sat me in front of Jared. Jared seemed to be studying me. He took his finger and poked me in the stomach causing me to stumble back and him chuckle

"What are you doing?" Hayden asked Jared while coming up behind me

"Just studying her"

"Why?" Hayden asked sounding as if he was annoyed

"Well she's just so adorable" Jared said winking at me causing me to blush luckily I was to small for them to notice. I was about to say something when I heard something start to creak. Jared looked at Hayden and Hayden said

"Hide her for now, we'll tell him later"

"What? there's anoth-" I couldn't finish my sentence before Jared slipped me onto his lap

"What th-"

"Sshhh" Jared hushed me. The door to the basement opened and yet another person I didn't expect...Logan

"Oh you guys are already home? Where are the groceries?" He said as he looked up from his phone

"Uh we actually didn't go to the store" Jared said using his hand to cover me

"Where did you go then?"

"You know how Katherine James..."

"Oh you mean Kitten?" Logan interrupted

"Yes KitKat and how she and Hally disappeared?" Jared continuing

"Well we started following the one Direction boys and found out they were shrunk and captured by Brasil" Hayden finished

"Wait what? Are you playing a prank on me? You know I'm worried about her"

"We went and got Kitty from Brasil and The Wanted" Jared said as he sat me up on the counter. Logan's face went pale causing his ice blue eyes to pop out

"Hi Logan, it's great to see you again" I said with a small wave. Logan kinda gave a small wave

"We didn't get that kind of greeting" I heard Jared mumble

"Oh hush!" I said giggling. Logan walked over to the counter his eyes still bulging and sat down. I walked over in front of him and stared into his ice blue eyes. Logan's dirty blond hair was gelled to quiff so was Hayden's brown hair and Jared's brown/blond but not yet dirty blond hair

"K-Kat?" Logan stuttered as he looked at me with confused eyes

"Yes Logan?" I replied trying to keep as calm as possible. Me and Logan are best friends and it was so good to see him again

"Logan, you need to take some time to get used to this" Hayden said leaning down on the counter behind me. I leaned back against Hayden's arm and smirked up at him, while I could hear Jared laughing and Logan chuckle

"What time is it?" I asked looking over at Jared

"Um, 10:30"

"Oh so it's still pretty early"

"Ya...when do you have to leave?" Logan asked looking a bit sad for asking

"I don't have to leave at any certain time, but I should let the boys know I am okay"

"Okay!" They all said in unison, their eyes had lit up when I said that

"we should do something" Hayden suggested

"how about a movie? You guys have Hunger Games?" I asked. Huger Games is my second favorite movie!

"Yes! I'll go get it!" Logan said as he jumped up and ran into the living room. While we were laughing Hayden scooped me up and brought me to see Logan sitting on the floor Indian style with a huge smile on his face holding Hunger Games with a thousand other movies poured out around him

"how did you do all this in 15 seconds?!" Hayden asked in disbelief while I was trying to keep from crying I was laughing so hard

"hey I found it didn't I?" Logan said his eyebrow furrowing together his smile disappeared to a frown

"this is not surprising" Jared said walking in and sitting on the left side of the black couch. Logan turned on the TV, put the movie in and plopped down on the couch next to Jared

'Even after all this time their still Best Friends' I thought to myself smiling. Hayden walked over and sat down next to Logan setting me on his lap. I got up, walked onto Logan's leg sat down and leaned back against his stomach. Jared grabbed the remote and pressed play as the movie started with the sound of Katniss's sister screaming blasted through the speakers


KitKat curled up against my stomach about half way through the movie when Rue gets shot, within 10 minutes after that she was asleep

"Hey guys" I tried to get their attention...nothin


"What do you need that is so important that you had to interrupt Rue's emotional death?" Jared asked tears on the brim of his eyes

"Awe! buddy!" I said using my thumb to wipe away a tear while Hayden was laughing at us

"I said it because, look at Kitty" I said pointing down at her

"Awe!" Jared and Hayden said in unison. Hayden took out his phone and took a picture of her sleeping

"creeper much Hayden?" Jared said chuckling. I hope she will stay with us for a while...


