
Three years had passed and Jonah and the band Why Don't We are internationally known. More famous than ever and on top of their game. They are having worldwide tour one after another, releasing album after album for their millions of fans. Even though they were living the dream, one boy still felt empty.

Jonah sat on their tour bus on his phone scrolling through Instagram edits of him and the boys, when Daniel knocked on his door and forced him to go out with the rest of the guys. Jonah wasn't in the mood to be out on the streets of new york; big cities made him feel so small and useless. As the other boys joked around and Corbyn's arm around his girlfriend Christina, Jonah dragged along behind everyone looking around his surroundings every once in a while.

Jonah told the others he's going to find a bookstore and hang in there for a while, they told him to meet back at the tour bus in a few hours. As Jonah searched for a bookstore to relax in, he noticed a small corner shop that seemed empty; he walked inside, and the small ring of a bell greeted him. Nobody that Jonah could see was inside thankfully; he went straight to the Harry Potter books. He grabbed the fifth book and sat down in the small chair right beside the window.

Lost in the book, Jonah didn't notice that someone else had entered the store. The person greeted the store clerk before disappearing into one of the sections of the store. Jonah swore that voice was familiar. He got up from his seat and went over to where the girl was browsing. As if fate had brought them back together, Jonah saw the back of Alison's head dug into 'I'll give you the sun' by Jandy Nelson. He smiled at her before she even noticed his presence.

Jonah made a small coughing sound that made Alison jump and closed the book suddenly, she turned toward him and was in utter shock of who was in front of her. She ran into his arms and attacked him with a hug so tight he could almost not breathe. When they pulled apart tears were forming in Alison's eyes; Jonah had no clue why but he also had teary eyes.

"I can't believe it's you!" Alison squealed, "I missed you so much you don't even know."

"I don't think you could've missed me more than I did Alison," Jonah smirked as he held her close.

Alsion shook her head in protest, "The day I left and deleted your number was the day I remembered everything;" she paused, choking up a little bit, "I was on the plane to New York when it all clicked. I landed and knew after what I said you probably hated me and knew I couldn't go back even after my memory came back. I've been here hoping one day we'd meet again because you're everywhere on the news and I haven't been able to love someone else."

The tears in Alison and Jonah's eyes began pouring out as they held each other. It was still a dream to them that they were with each other again, and they never wanted it to stop. Daniel entered the store looking for his friend who never did show up at the bus when he noticed he embraced with the girl from so many years ago he snapped a quick picture before catching their attention.

(pretend it looks like them)

"well hello to you too Alison!" Daniel said that startled both her and Jonah, she giggled and waved hello to Daniel. Jonah and Alison left the bookstore hand in hand with Daniel following behind back to the bus.

Once the others noticed Jonah was with Alison, they all started to freakout. asking amillion questionsa minute, Alison smiled and tried her best to answer all of the questions she possibly could.


Alison and Jonah began dating once again, and she joined the boys on tour enjoying every second of it, she knew she was in love with this boy and extremely happy they met again.

When Jonah said he meant it, he really did.


And that's it! Sorry, the ending was kind of trash I was in a rush to finish this book. I hope the rest turned out ok and that I didn't waste your time reading this book

Please vote, and comment if you enjoyed and feel free to check out any of my other why don't we books if you liked this one!

Thanks so much!
