
"When should we tell them," I asked Jonah. 

"don't ask me! we just started dating a few minutes ago." Jonah laughed as he looked up into the starry night sky, enjoying every second of it. He played his head down on my lap as a shooting star passed by us. Jonah mumbled something before looking at me in the eyes and grinning like a four-year-old. The red and white picnic blanket was surrounded by small fairy lights which were some of the few things I could see in the darkness of the forest. 

Minutes later as saccharine by atta bay played in the silence, Jonah's eyes slowly dozed off and he began to breathe in harmony. I wrapped him in the picnic blanket and nudged him awake to lead him back to the truck. he stumbled his way there, leaning his head on my shoulder half the time. Once we reached the truck I placed Jona in the back seat and tried to the best of my abilities to turn the truck on quietly; Long story short, it didn't work.

The long curvy road down back to Los Angeles was bearly lit, only showing from what my headlights could see ahead. I could just bearly start to see the small lights from LA in the distance when everything went black.

**3rd person**

The sound of the crash echoed in the darkness, birds scattered from nearby trees and the crush of the two vehicles had nearby houses look out their windows. Jonah had been in the backseat, covered by the two chairs in front of him from the shattered glass; for Alison, she wasn't as lucky.

Jonah crawled out of the car in horror of what had happened, still trying to wrap his head around it all as the impact had woken him up. He looked around hoping to see Alison also getting out of the rubble, but there was no sign of here anywhere. he panicked and grabbed his now shattered phone to call 911

Minutes later an ambulance had shown up and was pulling Alison's body out of the car and placing her on a stretcher. Jonah sat on the side of the road as someone asked him a few questions while wrapping his head in bandages. 

"Sir, we're also going to have to take you to the hospital just for the night. we need to make sure it was only your head that was injured." Jonah nodded and slowly got up from the concrete. A few more people showed up including a police car and a tow truck. Jonah stepped into the ambulance that Alison was also laying in, she seemed lifeless; her body was entirely covered in scratches from the glass window. He almost began to tear up seeing his girlfriend in an almost dead state right after their first date. Jonah couldn't help but blame himself for the entire accident; if only he were awake when the semi-truck hit then maybe, he could've helped her avoid it. 
