
A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

As the sun was once again shining and the birds were once again chirping I was on guard at every corner I took hoping that I don't see another maniac that was after me.

Thankfully I was still ok with a couple bruises but otherwise I was alright, but, my home was a whole different story.

After Samuel had barged in he had broken so many things and don't even get me started on the whole door thing.

I literally had to pack all of my things and go to a motel to spend the night and think about what to do.

And don't even get me started on Daniel.

When he returned from school he had passed my house and had seen it completely uninhabited and broken so he was worried.

He had not only blown up my phone in texts but also in calls where he was questioning me on what happened and if I was okay only for me to respond with a thumbs up emoji.

Of course I had to lie and say that someone had broken into my house and robbed it and thankfully he believed it.

Like come on.I couldn't tell him I fought a guy with daddy issues and an inferiority complex.

Luckily today there wasn't any manic I had to encounter so as soon as I saw the school gates I dashed through them.

I really didn't want to jinx it.I really don't want to fight another lunatic.

As I maneuvered my way towards class I kept hearing other students talk about some photos and stocking but it's not like I was really paying attention.

As soon as I opened the door to the classroom I saw Daniel, Jay and Zack talking about god knows what in which they would also make me participate in.

Honestly it was like a group activity where they would say some of the most obnoxious things known to man well expect for Jay of course.

But fortunately Zoe also arrived and instead told us about what happened to her this morning.

"He told you to sell your spit?" Daniel and Zack shouted together,Jay too but he didn't really voice it out.

"I'm serious.It was so scary."

As Zoe was talking about what happened to her a shiver went down my spine as I thought about what happened to me the other day.

"Stop will all the bullshit.Who would wanna buy your spit?"

"Want me to spit on you?"

As we were comforting Zoe on what happened for Zack it was like a lightbulb turned on giving him an idea.

"Wait!100 dollars for a spit.Then maybe I should also..."

"Ew no one would want your spit. You're just disgusting."

I say hitting Zack on the back of his head with a disgusted look on my face while Zack turned to me like an angry dog.

"Do you really have to hit me everytime I say something?"

"Yes because it's always fucking stupid."

"Olfactophilia.Paraphilia for scents.More specifically
they're attracted to another person's bodily scents.

Jace says butting in and placing all of our attentions on him while I looked at him suprised.

"Wait where the fuck did you come from?"

I ask but as always my question was either straight up ignored or not even heard while I was perplexed on how he even came in here.

"When there's a demand, there's a supply. It's as simple as that. Guys go nuts to buy it."

"If they distribute it in social media it's impossible to track them so catching them is out of the question. They even pop up on Craigslist as general merch.You girls must have gotten some of these messages before, right?"

"I even saw some weirdo pick up a cigarette butt I threw away."

Mary says grabbing onto Jace's ear and stretching it with a smile whilst Jace was blushing however I was done with random people just coming in here.

Like I mean at this point Gun and Goo might as well just come in and say that they are new students.

"But how do you know so much about this stuff?Are you a stocking aficionado, too?Want mine?"

Mary asks him while Jace smacks her hand away in annoyance.

"What're you talking about?I just looked into it because it could be Hostel's main source of income.I only looked into it, because Vasco said he wanted to wipe off the four crews.You keep that in mind Daniel, Elijah."

"Hostel is a cell within a cell. They're fighting among themselves, but that's about it.We don't know who they are exactly.All we know for sure is that they're doing a whole new level of crime compared to God Dog's or Big Deal's crew.They're not like the ones we've encountered so far."

Jace says before walking out making us remember our mission.

'If I'm not wrong Olly Wang was Hostel's head who was really obsessed in finding Eli who was the real crew head.That's why they're divded in Hostel A and Hostel B.'

"It's a pain being so pretty."

A voice says breaking me out of my thoughts in annoyance.

I honestly couldn't stand Jasmine but at the same time I could only pity her.

She lied only because she wanted to take her mind off from the things that happened in her home, but, she didn't know she'd only get in trouble if she kept up these lies.
School was finally over and I was back at the motel  planning on what to do next.

"Okay so first I need to get my shit together.I cannot go out like a mess with my thoughts all over the place.Come on Y/N you can do this."

I say in hopes of motivating myself so that I could think more clearly.

"Second I need to buy a house.I can't live here.I need to stay somewhere secure where I won't get doxxed anymore or even fight with random maniacs because I am tired."

"I need to use that damn card even though I didn't think I'd really need it.I really haven't used that card the right way at all."

I say to myself picking up the card along with other things I was packing in my suitcase.

That's why after a lot of thinking and researching I was infront of a luxurious hotel named *Seoul Hotel*.

Honestly a pretty lame name for such a famous hotel but hey I wasn't one to judge.

As I enter the building I got casted many weird looks in what I was doing in a placs like this but I've dealt with things way worse that just a few stares.

As I approached the front table of the hotel I could see the receptionist sighing in annoyance making me roll my eyes already irritated but nonetheless I approached with a smile.

"Hey I'd like to get a penthouse."  I say seeing the receptionist stifle a laugh before looking at me all cockily.

"Hey kid why don't you just get out of here before I call security.I know you might be doing some little prank with your little friends but I don't think you want to get in trouble now do you?"

"Oh my god.I'm sorry.I really didn't want to inconvenience you like this.Let me rephrase it.I want to buy a penthouse."

I say slamming the black card on the deak tilting my head with a smile whilst the receptionist was wide eyed looking at the black card and then looking back at me with a nervous smile.

"Of course ma'am.Right away.You'll get one of the best rooms."

"Thank you." I say with a smile even though it didn't reach my face at all.

After that I had to complete and sign some
paperwork and make the pay and yada yada.

In simple words just bying a house where I'm away from everyone.

Right now I was infront of the door with the keys in my right hand.

I stood there contemplating all of my life choices that took me to where I am today.

'Honestly they were all bad and immature choices but at the same time I wouldn't have met all the people I know if I didn't do any of those bad and immature choices.'

I was only brought back to reality as I heard noises coming from behind me.

Turning around I saw the door knob turn and a person emerge from inside the room.

As soon as I saw the person I was in a daze whilst the person that was now infront of me was mimicking the same expression.

I turn around again running a hand through my face is disbelief before turning around again to prove if what I saw was real and dreadfully it was.

"No." I say slamming my head on my door while I could feel the excitement on the other person's face.

"Y/N." He calls out to me cheerfully.

"Goo." I say dreadfully already wanting to look for a window so that I could commit my suicide.

'I've already died once, I can die again.'

"It's been such a long time since I've last seen you."

"God what sin did I commit for you to give me this punishment."

"Oh come on you are being dramatic. I'm not that bad."

"Not that bad!?Do you even know why I'm standing right infront of you right now?"

"Because you wanted to get away from that old shack you called home?" He says shrugging with a smile.

"No Goldie Locks.It's because of you and the ghost. You two are the reason I can't live in peace because you wanted me to be his successor and be your secret friend."

"Not only was I doxxed by you two.Not only did you two break into my house.You two even harassed me for no reason on the street.Now I have people coming after me.Like what the fuck?Do you want me killed?"

"What do you mean?" Goo says really confused by my words.

"What do you mean what do I mean?I mean Samuel Seo.That fucker almost killed me."

I say crossing my arms while he looks at me perplexed.

"Samuel came to you?But I've never told him anything.All I did was mention you a couple of times and that's it.I never sent him after you or anything."

I sigh rubbing my temple from the headache that was coming.

"Then he must have just been jealous and decided to find me.I mean what do you expect from a man with an inferiority complex."

"You know what you get inside and settle down into your new house. I'll deal with Samuel and talk to you later. We're neighbors now after all."

He says patting my head surprisingly gently as a dark shadow lomed over his face.

"Alright I guess I'll see you later then." I say with a smile unlocking the door while Goo waves at me.

As soon as I get inside I locked the door then double checked it and got to exploring.

Needless to say the house was just fantastic.The penthouse was on the top floor which thankfully was accessible with an elevator.

The view from the big windows was just amazing and the house itself was just jaw dropping.

(Just imagine something like this.)

"I really don't regret bying this house but I'll really miss my late night visits to the convience store where Daniel works."

In the end I got tired and decided to head to bed as it already pretty late.
Hello you lovely people.I hope you enjoyed this chapter.I hope you've all had a fantastic day today.Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter.Anyways I wanted to thank you all for the support you've given me throughout this book.
