New student

A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

Sitting on my seat and playing a game on my phone I was still thinking about what that guy had told me.

'Why would Gun even send those guys after me?Matter of fact how does he know me?Where has he seen me?Does he know Im actually a girl.Nah I might be getting too ahead of myself.'

Turning my attention back to my game I see the teacher coming in and announcing theres a new student.

The other students couldnt keep their excitement as they started whispering wether the new student was a boy or a girl.

When they found out the new student was a girl the boys got excited but that soon died down as they saw a short chubby girl enter.

"Hello.Im Crystal Choi.Nice to meet you."

'Ahhh.She looks so cute.And her cheeks look so soft and squishy.'

Smiling and turning my attention back to my game I continue playing until I hear more chattering in class.

Only then did I see Daniel introducing himself to Crystal.

'Oh you poor thing.The fact that she hates you without even knowing you is crazy tho.'

"Im Daniel.I also transferred here a few months ago too.Doo,I and Elijah also love in that area.At the peak there are nice houses,the air is fresh and the neighbors are nice.We live in the same area.Nice to meet you."

Daniel says with that long ass introduction while I stare at him weirdly.

'Does he have that introduction prepared for anyone he meets that live in that area?'

"You childish punks.Dont make fun of her.How old are ya?"

Zack suddenly says scaring the goons but then asking Mira to wipe his nose while his fingers are fine.

Sweatdroping at him I start thinking why Im friends with them.

'I literally cant with these two anymore.One is dumber than the other.'

Shaking my head with a sigh I get back to my game not wanting to give Crystal more attention that she herself wanted.

After school had ended me and Daniel were walking alongside with each other to go home when we suddenly stopped seeing Vin Jin and Crystal.

Daniel being Daniel threw his bag in the ground and went to confront them while I stayed back watching from afar.

In the end he chased them away without doing anything while I waited for him to return so we could go back home.
The next day as Crystal was holding a big stack of heavy papers she suddenly stumbled resulting in her almost falling if it wasnt for Zack catching her...with his the throat.

"Oh my god." I mumble smacking my forehead.

"Sorry since my hands are.You know." Zack apologises showing his hands.

Daniel then wanting to help went over there and picked up her papers holding them for her while Zack was saying that he saved her not noticing how they were making her that uncomfortable.

After all that class was starting as I changed Crystals book with mine.

She only stared at me in confusion only understanding why I did that when Daniel spoke up.

"Elijah who wrote that in your book?" Daniel asks me as he says the drawings and words on the book.

"Honestly dont know but they made sure to show off their artistic side and their knowledge in their vocabulary."

"That is just childish.Writing and drawing insults in other peoples books." Zack says also looking at the book.


At that most of the girls stayed quiet and lowered their hands as class continued.

Class had only about 30 minutes that it had started and it was getting annoying getting hit with erasers and paper balls.

I was mostly getting hit since I sat behind Crystal and I honestly dont understand how she could take it.

Getting hit with another eraser was my breaking point as I turned around and yelled at the people that were holding them.

"When will you stop with the damn erasers?Its honestly annoying?" I yell out getting all of their attention.

"Mister L/N.If you would like then you can go outside where you will stay there until this class ends.

"But sir they-"

"Not buts.Now." The teacher says not allowing me to finish my sentence as I get up cursing under my breath.

"Haha." Zack laughs as I leave the classroom.

"Mr Lee.Since this seems so funny to you then I suggest you also leave." The teacher says.

"No mister-"


Looking at Zack also leaving the classroom and joining me I raise an eyebrow as I stifle a laugh.

"Shut up its all your fault Im here." Zack says pointing at me.

"Hahaha.Its not my fault you decided to laugh at me.Honestly thats just karma."

"Idiot." He bits back.

"Dumbass." I say back.

And just like that we start fighting until lunch comes.

As we enter the cafeteria Zack goes to his goons while I just grab a tray of food for myself.

Walking to find a place to sit down and eat I see the other girls giving Crystal their fish while she looks at the fish in disgust.

Walking over to her and switching her tray with mine I even take the fish out so she doesnt have to eat the fish while everyone in the cafeteria looks at me suprised.

"What I like broiled fish." I say shrugging as I walk out of the cafeteria with the tray in hand so I could dump it somewhere cause no way in hell would I eat that.

After school had ended me and Daniel were walking together while he suggests we should visit the dog so we stop at a convenience store to buy something for the dog.

Daniel bought some dog food while I bought two bottles of water.

Daniel having checked out first had not waited for me as I just stare at his back in disbelief.

'Is he too excited to meet the dog or something.'

Finally reaching him I see him with Crystal.

"Dummy you only brought food.She also needs water." Crystal says trying to feed the dog.

"I got the water." I say gaining their attention and showing them the water bottles.

"Oh ok." She says still trying go feed the dog but kept getting bitten by her.

Then she start talking about the dog and something else which I really wasnt paying attention to since I knew most of it but I saw that it really stuck to Daniel whatever she said.

Looking at him I see him blushing but I only shrug it off and stare into the direction I was staring.Then it suddenly clicked as I widen my eyes and stare at him and then at Crystals turned back.Then at him again and Crystals turned back.

He notices this weird thing and looks at me weirdly while I just give him a teasing smile pointing at him and then at Crystal while he started blushing more while trying to stop my weird pointing.
It had been a few days since Crystal hadnt been coming to school and to be honest I knew she was working so I wasnt that worried.

While the others kept whispering and asking why she wasnt at school.

Suddenly Crystal well big Crystal enters with a box of burgers making me stop my game as I look at her while the others just look shocked.

Poor Zoe looks so sad but she doesnt understand that shes also so pretty.Yui was getting mad cause her protectors werent protecting her anymore but then Doo suddenly gets up from his seat.

"Dont worry about Crystal.I'll look after her." He says thinking he looks like a hero or some shit like that.

" guess." Crystal says giving him a cold the cold shoulder while I was trying to stifle a laugh.

"Excuse me.Give me your number.Fuck." Vin suddenly says coming out of nowhere.

'Why are you cursing?'

"...No way.I dont like your glasses."

At that I just start laughing quietly to myself starting my game again.

Suddenly I see a hand putting two burgers on my desk.

Looking up to my suprise I see Crystal looking at me with a somewhat cold but thankful look pushing the burgers to me even more before she turned around leaving.

Looking at the burgers in my desk confused with my mouth slightly agape like a fish I look up seeing Daniel and Crystal glaring at each other with hatred in their eyes.

'Ah.If only you two knew.'

Looking at the burgers and suddenly feeling hungry I decide to watch a NewTube video while eating one of the burgers unaware of the glaring eyes of the other guys.

Especially the ones of Vin Jin that secretly hoped I chocked on of those burgers.
A/n:Hello my lovely readers.I hope you also enjoyed this chapter.Honestly this was supposed to be published since yesterday but it kept deleting.Anyways dont forget to vote.Bye💕
