Turning Point

I grabbed my bag off of the hanging rack and put on my jacket as Elena came downstairs. "Jeremy's got his sketch pad out." Elena stated with a smirk at Jenna and I.

"You're kidding." Jenna smiled, grabbing her bag as well.

"Nope, but don't say anything. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away." Elena pointed out and put a scarf in her bag next to the door and I nodded in agreement.

"Psychology major. Check that." Jenna countered smirking. I smiled at her as Elena looked down at her phone and sighed before putting it down.

"Stefan update?" Jenna asked, raising an eyebrow and I turned to Elena as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

"He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands, but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away." Elena informed, buttoning up her jacket and Jenna furrowed her eyebrows.

"Where's he going?" Jenna asked in confusion as I opened the door.

"I've stopped asking questions, the answers get scary." Elena replied before we all walked out of the house and Jenna shook her head.

"Yours leaves, mine returns." Jenna stated in defeat and I rose my eyebrow.

"Logan?" I asked, shaking my head at her and she nodded.

"He's back." She agreed and looked down as we walked off of the porch.

"Uch." Elena scoffed in annoyance.

"I didn't let him pass the front door." Jenna reassured us and I smirked a bit.

"I hope you slammed it in his face." I stated, shaking my head and she smiled a bit.

"Eh—Medium slam." She reassured with a shrug and I rose my eyebrow.

"3-strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the news." Elena warned jokingly and Jenna smirked.

"Exactly. No more Logan 'Scum' Fell." Jenna replied in agreement and I smiled at her.

Bonnie, Elena and I walked through the halls where we saw Caroline and Matt flirting, feet from us as they stood in front of a classroom. "Did I miss something?" Elena asked, raising an eyebrow at the two who walked into the class together.

"They've been hanging out." Bonnie replied shrugging. I sighed and looked across from the classroom to see Tyler with the same look as Elena.

"Yeah, well—isn't it a little weird?" Elena asked and I smirked a bit.

"Caroline needs someone nice like Matty." I replied, not seeing the big deal and Bonnie sighed.

"As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." Bonnie added and I looked away from her and back down the hall of students.

"Yeah—How are you doing with that by the way?" Elena asked, tilting her head at Bonnie as we stopped at Elena's locker.

"I'm freaked out. Damon would have attacked me if Mariana wasn't there—I could be dead right now." Bonnie pointed out and I slowly nodded. "You controlled Damon, so thank you." She added with a small smile and I scoffed, leaning against the lockers as Elena put her scarf in hers and looked at me.

"Yeah, controlled him enough for him to want to get the hell out of town." I countered in annoyance and rested my head against the lockers.

"Has he told you when him and Stefan are leaving?" Bonnie asked, raising an eyebrow and Elena and I sighed deeply.

"Nope. Stefan wouldn't anyway. For all I know, he's already gone." Elena answered emotionlessly as she put her bag in her locker also.

"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Bonnie reassured Elena who looked back at me skeptically.

"Yes, he would." Elena and I said in unison and Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows as Elena grabbed her history textbook and a notebook with a pencil. "He thinks he's protecting me." She added with a sigh and closed her locker. "Clean break and all that." She stated turning to Bonnie and I.

"So what are you gonna do?" Bonnie asked, raising her eyebrow at both of us.

"What am I supposed to do? I already begged him not to go. If I ask again, I'm being selfish. It is what it is." Elena replied with a shrug as we walked down the hallway again.

"Well, maybe it's for the best." Bonnie pointed out reassuringly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What, why?" I asked, shaking my head as we stopped in the hallway and she shrugged.

"Well, what kind of future could she have had with him, even if he stayed?" Bonnie answered, furrowing her eyebrows and I looked away from them as I thought about it. She was right.. What kind of future would that be? I shook my head and looked around the halls before my eyes met Tyler's.

"I'll talk to you guys later." I stated, taking a deep breath. I walked away from them and down the hall to my class before Tyler cut in front of me, stopping me in my path.

"Hey." Ty stated, eyeing me as he held the arm of his backpack over his shoulder as his other hand was tucked into his pocket. "Did you know about that?" He asked, gesturing towards the class Matt and Caroline went into and I shrugged.

"Nope." I answered as I tilted my head back. "Why? You jealous?" I asked in amusement, making him scoff.

"Jealous of Matt and Care? No." Tyler stated and I folded my arms over my chest and looked at him with doubt. "I'm not, okay?" He added and I nodded, about to walk away from him but he stood in front of me again.. "Are we okay?" Tyler asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uh.. Yeah?" I asked, shaking my head and he rolled his eyes.

"I mean are we friends, Mar." Tyler pointed out and I rose an eyebrow at him questioningly before the bell rang overhead of us.

"I gotta get to class.. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I countered, moving past him. He opened his mouth to protest but I was already walking away from him and heard him sigh in defeat before walking the opposite way.

I smiled at Elena as we walked outside of the school on lunch break. I looked over at the basketball court that was beside us and saw Matt and Tyler shooting hoops. Tyler's eyes met mine but I quickly looked away and almost bumped into Elena who stopped in her tracks in front of me. "Elena?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and looking towards what caught her attention.

"Hi." Stefan smiled from where he leant against a lunch table. Elena and I exchanged a confused look before we stepped closer to him as he folded his arms over his chest. "We need to talk." He added, nodding at both of us.

"I thought you and Damon left town." Elena replied, walking towards him slowly and he sighed.

"There's another vampire in town." Stefan replied, ignoring her question and I observed his reaction slowly before I came to my conclusion.

"And you have no idea who it is?" I stated, folding my arms over my chest and he nodded slowly.

"None—But it must be somebody new because of the way they left one of their most recent victims, so openly cut through and bloody.. or it's someone trying to send a message." Stefan answered and Elena sat beside him in the table and tilted her head.

"And you're sure it's not Damon?" She asked in doubt and I looked away in annoyance.

"Well, I'm never sure about Damon." Stefan admitted and I looked back at him as he sighed. "But he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it just doesn't make any sense to me." He replied as he looked back at her.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked with a shrug and I watched Stefan show a small look of defeat.

"Damon's tracking them right now." He stated with a nod and looked back at us. "Look—I promised you the truth so I wanted to tell you.." Stefan said, tilting his head at us but more so at Elena. "I want you to be careful." He said cautiously and I nodded back at him but didn't reply.

"When I saw you.. I thought you were coming to say goodbye." Elena admitted, tilting her head at him and Stefan nodded, slowly looking down.

"Not yet." Stefan reassured softly before looking back up at us with a small smile. I nodded and let my eyes wander back to Tyler who dunked a basket and laughed as Matt shook his head at him with a smile.

-Time Skip-

I walked around the school as the Careers vender show was going on. I rose an eyebrow and walked into a nearby classroom and saw Matt who was looking at a vender with planets and a rocket ship that hung over it. "Still wanna be an astronaut?" I asked, walking up behind him and scruffing his hair in amusement.

"I can't believe you remember that." Matt replied with a chuckle and I smirked.

"I can remember the tinfoil you wore on your head, Matty." I pointed out in amusement and he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

"I was eight." Matt defended and I laughed as silence fell over us and he sighed deeply.

"How are you doing?" I asked, looking him over in comfort and he looked away from me.

"I've had it easier." He countered with a nod and I nodded in agreement as he looked back at me. "You?" He asked and I chuckled, looking down at the astronaut fliers in front of us.

"There's always something, right?" I answered in amusement and avoided his question as I walked to another vender for photography.

"So, Uh.. I heard some things." Matt stated as he followed me and I rose my eyebrow. "So it's true that you and Ty—" He started but I scoffed, shaking my head.

"We're friends." I informed, looking down at the pamphlets.

"And Stefan and Elena?" Matt asked again and I turning to him in curiousness as he waited for an answer but again, I avoided the question.

"What about you, Matt Donovan?" I countered, smirking and watched the confused look on his face. "I heard about Caroline." I added in amusement and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ah, man. Come on, not you too." Matt said in annoyance and I look at him in doubt. "We're friends. It's not a big deal." He added with a shrug and I tilted my head.

"No?" I asked, smirking as I watched the smile slowly fade from his face as he stared down at me.

"No." Matt stated in agreement. I saw a figure stare at us from the corner of my eye and I looked at the classroom entrance to see Stefan and Elena standing there watching.

"I'll uh, talk to you later, okay?" I asked, clearing my throat and looking back at Matt who nodded in agreement. I smiled at him and walked away, letting my smile disappear as I walked into the hall with Elena and Stefan. "Let me take a guess and say that you're not here to plan the path to your future." I pointed out sarcastically. I stopped at the side of the hall and leant on the wall as Stefan and Elena stood in front of me.

"He's looking out for us." Elena stated in defense and I furrowed my eyebrows at Stefan who gave me a short nod.

"Hope that's okay." He said and I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall again, looking over different venders.

"I don't need looking after." I countered emotionlessly while Stefan and Elena followed after me.

"I know that." Stefan replied and I turned back to him, stopping in the middle of the hall again. I looked around us in curiousness, making Stefan furrow his eyebrows.

"Then do me a favor, Stefan.. Tell me—Who's looking out for Damon?" I asked, tilting my head at him. "I mean, am I the only one who noticed that he's been gone all day 'tracking'?" I added in annoyance and Elena furrowed her eyebrows at me, about to open her mouth but she was cut off.

"Hide me." Jenna stated quietly as she came over to us and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's going on?" I asked, shaking my head at her as she sighed.

"The 'Scum' Fell, has landed." Jenna pointed out in a hushed voice and Elena furrowed her eyebrows.

"Logan's here?" Elena asked in annoyance and I looked back at Stefan expression became confused and tense.

"Wait. Logan Fell?" Stefan asked, furrowing his eyebrows and Jenna nodded in annoyance and gestured behind him. Stefan turned around to see Logan standing in a crowd of girls who were asking for his autograph.

"Stefan, what's going on?" Elena asked with a sigh before Logan noticed us and walked over.

"Jenna. Are you dodging me?" Logan asked in amusement as he looked down at her.

"It's a form of self-preservation." Jenna pointed out emotionlessly and Logan slowly nodded at her, narrowing his eyes.

"Um, Elena, why don't you three go somewhere else?" Stefan asked in a serious tone, looking at her in warning. I saw his expression and I looked back at Logan, feeling something was off about him.

"Jenna, Mariana, let's go." Elena stated in agreement as her and Jenna started to walk away but I remained. "Mariana—" She started but I cut her off.

"It's fine." I reassured in a serious tone and narrowed my eyes at Logan who smirked down at me. Elena slowly nodded in agreement, not pushing me as she dragged Jenna away quickly.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked, narrowing his eyes at Logan who tilted his head.

"You know, your brother asked me the same thing. In fact, why don't we just skipped past all that 'who turned me' stuff and get the answer that I want? How can I turn into a day-walker?" Logan asked in amusement and I rose my eyebrow.

"Damon and I are the only two that I know of." Stefan answered emotionlessly but Logan rose an eyebrow back at him.

"But you're both very cagey on the 'how', Which tells me that there is a way." Logan replied and I slowly folded my arms over my chest at the two. "You know, in case you hadn't noticed—I'm quite the celebrity in this town." Logan pointed out in a threatening tone. "It would be very, very easy for me to expose you." He warned in amusement and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You wanna know how you can walk around in the sun?" Stefan asked, narrowing his eyes at Logan who smirked.

"I do." Logan agreed, nodding back at him creepily. Stefan opened his mouth to reply but I quickly cut him off.

"You can't." I answered and watched him turn to me in confusion. "Don't ever threaten him again." I stated in annoyance. Stefan narrowed his eyes at Logan who clenched his jaw while I walked, Stefan following behind me.

"Logan Fell's a vampire. And when I find him again, I am going to destroy him limb by limb." Damon stated over the phone as he breathed heavily in anger.

"What happened, you okay?" Stefan asked, furrowing his eyebrows and Damon scoffed.

"No, I am not okay. I was ambushed. I was shot." Damon stated, groaning in pain and I rose an eyebrow at Stefan who shrugged it off. "Now I'm vengeful. Just gotta find him." He added and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, there's no need. He's here at the school." I informed and leant against the railing from outside the school.

"You're kidding me. Why the hell is he there?" Damon asked in annoyance. I saw someone in the corner of my eye and turned to see Elena come out from the back entrance of the school and walk towards Stefan and I.

"He's working the crowd." Stefan answered in disbelief and Damon scoffed.

"Well, I'll be right there." Damon replied sarcastically before they hung up and Elena stood in front of Stefan and I.

"So... Anything you'd like to share?" Elena asked emotionlessly, folding her arms over at Stefan who looked at me and sighed in defeat.

Elena, Stefan and I walked down the hall looking intently for Logan but not finding him anywhere. Matt came into my view, walking down the hall towards us and I rose my eyebrow. "Matt." I stated and he nodded back at me in acknowledgment. "Have you seen Logan Fell, the news broadcaster?" I asked in a somewhat hurried voice.

"Yeah. He just gave Caroline a ride home." Matt answered in a somewhat disappointed voice before walking away. I felt a chill run through me as I exchanged a worried glance with Elena.

"Stay here." Stefan warned towards us and I turned back to him just in time to see him walk away from us.

"We should go home. Find Jenna and I'll look for Jeremy." I stated with a sigh and Elena nodded in agreement before we walked in opposite directions. I pulled out my phone and dialed in Jeremy's number before I walked out of the school exit, getting away from all of the noise. Once I walked outside, I held up my phone to my head to hear it dial but I put my phone away and furrowed my eyebrows as I saw Jeremy, Tyler and Mayor Lockwood, talking indistinctly from the parking lot in front of me.

"We should get this out of your system. Go ahead.. Fight." Mayor Lockwood stated as he gestured at the boys.

"You want us to what?" Jeremy asked in confusion as he looked at Tyler.

"I'm not going to fight him, Dad." Tyler pointed out in protest back at his father.

"I don't think so, Sir." Jeremy added in agreement. Jeremy went to walk passed Mayor Lockwood who only stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

"You don't fight in there.. like pansies." Mayor stated as he narrowed his eyes at Tyler. "You take it outside, fight your battles like men, and move on." He added and I watched Jeremy slowly clench his jaw. "Best lesson my dad ever taught me. So let's settle this.. Fight." He stated through a clenched jaw and Tyler shook his head.

"Come on, dad." Tyler replied, disagreeing with his father who narrowed his eyes at him in anger.

"Yeah, It's not gonna happen." Jeremy stated as they both looked at the Mayor challengingly. I heard the exit door from behind me open and I turned to see Alaric, the history teacher, walk out. I looked back at the boys and saw Tyler try to walk past his father, protesting to fight Jeremy but his dad shoved him back into Jeremy angrily.

"I said fight!" Mayor Lockwood yelled loudly at the boys and I widened my eyes.

"Whoa. What's going on out here?" Alaric asked, walking towards them. He looked back at me reassuringly and I nodded softly as Mayor Lockwood turned to him.

"Just letting these two work it out. We're good here. Go back inside." Lockwood replied, ignoring him and I rose my eyebrow.

"I don't want to go back inside." Alaric countered, challenging him and the Mayor slowly shook his head back at him.

"What he wants is an answer to his question." I added, moving over to them and standing beside Alaric as I looked reassuringly at Jeremy. "What's going on?" I repeated Alaric's question as I looked at the Mayor who slowly turned towards Alaric and I.

"Who do you think you're talkin' to?" The Mayor asked, eyeing me carefully. "Do I look like a student?" He added, looking at Alaric and I scoffed at him.

"No. You look like a full grown alpha-male douche." Alaric answered before Tyler, Jeremy and I smirked at him while the Mayor slowly walked forwards in warning.

"You don't talk to me like that. I can have your job like this." Mayor stated, snapping his fingers and I tilted my head at him as Alaric chuckled.

"You do that.. Then it'll be you and me in this parking lot. 'Working things out.' " Alaric countered and I smirked a bit. "You cool with that?" Ric asked, narrowing his eyes and I turned back to the Mayor who slowly nodded.

"You just marked yourself." The Mayor warned quietly at him before looking at me and scoffing. I watched as he looked at Tyler emotionlessly and Tyler sighed, walking past Alaric and I quickly as he obeyed his father. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern as they walked away from the scene before I turned to Jeremy.

"You okay?" I asked with a sigh of relief and walked towards him and he nodded with a small smile and looked past me at Ric. I turned to Alaric as well before I nodded in thanks and he smiled back at us, walking back into the school.

I held myself tightly as I walked over to Tyler who sat on a lunch table alone. "Hey." I stated  and he turned to look at me before he looked away again.

"What do you want?" He asked emotionlessly and I rolled my eyes before I sat next to him, watching him in silence for a bit.

"What do you think?" I asked quietly and he looked at me confused. "You're dad's still an asshole, huh?" I asked, shaking my head and heard him scoff.

"I don't need your pity." Tyler countered in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and got off of the table before I stood in front of him.

"I'm not pitying you, Tyler. If anything, you're the person you are because of him." I informed and watched Tyler look at me in shock. "The reason you push people away that you care about?" I asked with a shrug as I folded my arms over my chest. "I get it, I do, okay?" I added quietly. "But come on, Tyler." I stated, shaking my head before he pushed himself off of the table and stood in front of me. "I'm really trying to be your friend and be there for you—But you have to let me." I pointed out in defeat. Tyler stared at me silently before he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me. I furrowed my eyebrows back at him before I pulled away, taken aback. "What the hell, Ty?" I asked in annoyance and he shook his head back.

"Mariana, I'm sorry—I didn't mean—" Tyler started but I scoffed, cutting him off. "I'm sorry." He added in defeat and walked quickly away from me.

"Tyler!" I yelled after him but he didn't turn back around. I felt a cold breeze wrap itself around me and I shivered. I looked up at the moon to see it full, shining its light down on me and I shook my head and walked back to the school to look for Jenna and Jeremy. My phone started to ring and I grabbed it from my coat pocket. "Elena?" I asked, answering it as I walked towards the entrance in front of me.

"Mariana? Where are you?" She asked in a shaky and worried voice and I stopped in my tracks and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why were you still at the school? It's not like you were actually interested in any of that—" Elena started after she picked me up and hit the highway.

"What's wrong? You seem shaken up." I countered, changing the subject as I remembered her tone of voice from the phone. I looked down at my phone screen after texting Jenna and telling her that Elena and I were going home. "Elena?" I pressed as I realized she didn't answer me. I looked at her to see her eyes glazing over and she looked in the rear-view mirror, still not answering me. I sighed in defeat and looked forwards before widening my eyes at a man dressed in all black, standing in the road ahead of us. "Elena, watch out!" I screamed out. Elena looked back ahead of us from the rear-view mirror before screaming also. She swerved the car away from him but he hit the windshield, cracking it from the force. I screamed and grabbed Elena's hand tightly as the car started to tumble. I groaned in pain and closed my eyes tightly, hearing the glass from the windows shatter as the car rolled and I felt small shards of glass cutting my face. After a few long seconds, the car finally came to a stop and I coughed heavily, weakly opening my eyes and looking at Elena in concern. Elena was bleeding from her head as we were both upside down inside of the car, being held up by our seatbelts. I sighed in relief at her as she opened her eyes gasped, looking around us. She put her hands above her head to hold herself up as the blood started to rush to our heads.. I looked past her and furrowed my eyebrows as I saw the body of the man that we hit, laying feet away from the car.. start to move. I gasped, hearing and watching in fear as his bones popped and cracked into place before he started to stand up. "Elena, try to get out." I warned in a rushed tone as I started to fiddle with my seatbelt, until I realized we were stuck and our seatbelts were broken. I looked back at Elena's window as the guy walked over to the car quickly, getting closer and closer to us. "Lena, look at me." I stated but she didn't listen, as she breathed heavily in fear while she watched the man inch closer. "Elena, look at me. Look at me—" I pressed more loudly, trying to calm her down and she finally looked at me with tears in her eyes. "We're gonna be okay." I smiled, nodding at her as tears formed in my eyes also, making it harder to reassure her. "We're gonna be fine." I whispered, looking past her as the man's feet stopped right outside of her door. I watched as the man slowly leant down towards her door and I looked back at Elena with a small smile. "We're gonna be fine." I whispered, nodding at her as she sobbed from beside me.
