Heart of Darkness

"Bonnie." I sighed into my phone as I shut the car door. "We're starting to worry about you. Call me or call Elena or Caroline. Just call someone, please." I stated before hanging up as I walked toward Caroline, Matt and Elena who stood in town square.

"Mr. Saltzman was like the most normal guy in town." Matt stated in disbelief and Caroline folded her arms over her chest in agreement.

"Is it weird that Bonnie's not returning my calls?" I asked once I was standing in front of the three of them.

"I mean, you did kill her mom." Elena pointed out coldly and I rose an eyebrow at her as she turned away from me. Caroline looked at me with a guilty glance and I rolled my eyes.

"Pretty sure I did that to save you, including the part where I almost killed myself while I was at it. I think that's a dead issue by now. Literally." I replied in annoyance but Elena didn't respond.

"Is it weird that Klaus' brother is in the middle of town square?" Matt stated, changing the subject and looking away from us. I rose an eyebrow, following his gaze to see Finn walking by the fountain with a red headed woman.

"That's Finn.. I thought he left town." I replied with furrowed brows before I dialed into my phone again and put it to my ear as Caroline put her hair behind her ear, listening in on their conversation.

"Hey." Stefan stated once he answered his phone and I sighed, walking away from the three.

"Hey. Where are you?" I asked, looking back over my shoulder at Finn.

"Just got home. Why?" Stefan replied in a curious tone and I gave a dry chuckle.

"Klaus' brother Finn is in town square. He's with some ex-girlfriend or something, by the looks of it." I informed, watching the two gawk and flirt with each other.

"Ex-girlfriend? Guys' been in a coffin the last nine hundred years." Stefan pointed out and I rose an eyebrow. "Sage. It's got to be Sage." He added in an assertive tone.

"Well, we have an opportunity. How do you want us to do this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and Stefan took a deep breath from the other side of the phone.

"Listen to me, Mariana. Do not do anything, ok? Sage is very old and very strong. You don't stand a chance against her. Not alone at least." Stefan warned in a stern voice and I sighed in defeat.

"Then get Damon and get down here." I demanded in annoyance before silence came from the phone, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stefan asked in the background and I folded my arms over the one that held the phone.

"Rebekah happened." Alaric's voice replied from the other side and I furrowed my eyebrows at them.

"Stefan?" I asked impatiently before he sighed deeply.

"I think we have a problem.. Stay where you are." He warned and I slowly shook my head before we hung up and I looked back at Matt, Caroline and Elena. I took a step toward them before I saw visions flash through my head. Klaus.. Chandeliers and.. Bonnie. I furrowed my eyebrows and groaned, going to fall forward but Caroline vamped towards me, catching me.

"Mariana?" Caroline asked in concern as she stood me up again, not letting go. I breathed heavily as I replayed the images in my head, trying to put the pieces together. "Are you okay?" She added in worry and I slowly nodded as Matt and Elena rushed over to us also.

"I'm fine." I reassured them as I remembered the images. "Stefan's on his way. I have to go." I added in a rushed tone before I quickly walked away from them.

I walked into the Mikaelson mansion and rose an eyebrow as I heard indistinct voices coming from the ballroom. I slowly walked into the room before I saw Damon standing in the middle of the ballroom, a tarp spread out under him on the marble floor. His arms hung from the ceiling by bear traps, that were cutting through his wrists and making him bleed out onto the tarp. Rebekah stood in front of him with a knife and was making continuous cuts to his chest and neck, making him bleed more. "Come to watch the show?" Rebekah asked sarcastically as she looked over Damon's shoulder at me and I rose an eyebrow, walking forward.

"I end up risking my life to safe you and your siblings lives—And this is how you spend it?" I asked with a small scoff at her and she narrowed her eyes.

"Why are you even here?" Rebekah snapped and I rose an eyebrow as Damon looked at me with pleading eyes from where I stood in front of him now.

"I had a feeling." I replied vaguely and tilted my head at Damon as I looked at all of the blood running down him. "Have you heard from your mother?" I asked and she scoffed, slowly walking around Damon.

"Not since she tried to kill us." Rebekah answered and I slowly nodded as footsteps entered the room.

"Well.. Look what you caught." Klaus' voice stated as he came into the ballroom. I rose an eyebrow at him as he looked at Damon in amusement. "If you're trying to bleed him from vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" He suggested, looking at Rebekah who narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much." Rebekah countered in annoyance toward him and he smirked.

"Oh, well, excuse me. It's not like I have any experience in this matter." Klaus replied with a small chuckle as he smirked at Damon.

"You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch?" Rebekah stated and I looked at Klaus expectantly.

"Witch?" I asked, tilting my head at him and he gave me a wide and mischievous smile.

"Ah, Mariana. Perfect timing." Klaus stated before he gestured for me to follow him as he walked out of the ballroom. I looked at Rebekah who sighed at her brother and stepped in front of Damon again.

"Now, where were we?" She asked softly before dragging the knife she held across his stomach again, making him wince in pain as it sliced his skin. I quickly looked away and followed after Klaus who led me into a room living room of some kind.

"Tick Tock. Should hear chanting by now." Klaus stated loudly and I furrowed my eyebrows as he walked toward a lounge chair in the middle of the room, where Bonnie sat, looking over a rather large book in front of her.

"I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not that easy. Especially under duress." Bonnie replied in annoyance and looked back at Klaus before she furrowed her eyebrows at me. "Mariana." She whispered and I looked at Klaus in disbelief but he smirked at me.

"You want her to break the linking spell." I stated and Klaus rose an eyebrow and shrugged.

"What I want and what she's doing are two very different things." Klaus pointed out and Bonnie groaned and looked back down at the spell book.

"This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough." Bonnie countered in defeat as she got up from the chair and walked away from him.

"Then you should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie. Your energy helped my mother link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard." Klaus replied in a pessimistic tone as he walked toward her and Bonnie became quiet. "Very well." He added, digging in his jacket pocket before he took out his phone. He pressed the instant dial button and put the phone to his ear. "Kol. How's the weather up there in Mile High city?" Klaus asked, walking around the room and I furrowed my eyebrows at him as Bonnie looked at me in concern. "And how's our friend? That's him." He added in amusement looking at me and I narrowed my eyes as he put his phone on FaceTime before he turned it toward Bonnie and I.

"Jer." I whispered as I saw Jeremy playing fetch with a golden retriever in a park somewhere.

"And that's his new puppy." Klaus replied with a smile and I looked away from the phone and at Bonnie who had her eyes glazing over. Klaus took the phone off of FaceTime before putting it back to his ear and I felt anger rush over me. "Thank you, Kol. We'll be in touch." He added in amusement before he hung up and I narrowed my eyes. "So, Bonnie.. how about that spell?" He asked and I looked at Bonnie who remained silent.

"We'll get it done." I informed emotionlessly and Klaus rose an eyebrow at me.

"That's the spirit." Klaus stated with a smile and I slowly shook my head at him.

"You're despicable." I whispered, slowly shaking my head at him and he chuckled a bit, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Thank you, cousin. You know, you really are starting to fit into this family more everyday." Klaus admitted in amusement before he walked away from Bonnie and I.

I set up candles on the small table from inside of the living room, lighting them. A few loud groans were heard coming from Damon who echoed throughout the house, making Bonnie turn toward the door. "What was that?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows at Klaus who stood in the doorway between the living room and a study.

"I wouldn't let it bother you, love." Klaus replied with a shrug and I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest.

"Well, it does both me. You bother me. The way you use people to get what you want. It's not right." Bonnie countered angrily towards Klaus who rose a eyebrow at her and clenched his jaw.

"You're being emotional, Bonnie." Klaus replied and she furrowed her eyebrows at him. "I understand that things have been rough for you. You know, with your mother leaving. Again." He added, slowly walking over to her and Bonnie looked away from him. "It's very sad. I can help you find her—If you want. I have people who can find other people. I can bring her back to you." He suggested, standing in front of her and Bonnie slowly shook her head at him. "Or if you choose, I can just bring parts of her back." He threatened lightly with a smirk.

"Enough." I warned in a stern tone and Klaus rose an eyebrow and turned to me. "We'll do the spell, okay? But first, we need the blood of your siblings." I stated coldly and Bonnie looked at me with furrowed brows but I ignored her. Klaus gave me a quick nod and walked over to a small dresser beside the wall and picked up a case.

"Well, here we are." Klaus stated, unzipping the case and showing four viles full of blood. "Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Finn." He pointed out and I furrowed my eyebrows as he extended his canines and bit his hand before clenching his fist. "Where do you want us?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and I looked at Bonnie who was just as taken aback as I was. Bonnie grabbed the same wine glass that Esther had the night that she had linked them all. Klaus rose an eyebrow as Bonnie put the glass under his hand, letting the blood drip into it. I grabbed the viles of blood from Klaus once Bonnie put the wine glass on the table. She closed her eyes and started chanting quietly to herself while I started pouring the viles into the wine glass as well. I looked over the grimoire in front of me and chanted quietly as well, letting all of the blood mix together. I looked at Bonnie who opened her eyes and nodded at me. I picked up the wine glass as she chanted louder, more forcefully this time as I slowly let the blood pour onto the small table while Klaus stood beside, watching intently. I chanted again, more loudly and I felt our energy morph into one. I waved a hand over the blood and watched as it slowly separated into five small pools. Indicating the five originals.

"Phesmatos. Debasmali!" Bonnie and I chanted loudly before the fireplace behind us as well as the fire from the candles burnt higher.  I felt the energy of the spell wash over Bonnie and I before the fireplace and candle light dimmed again, indicating the spell was finished.

"It's done." I stated, looking at Klaus who smirked down at the five separated blood pools in front of us.

Bonnie, Klaus and I walked to the front door as Rebekah came in from the ballroom, wiping blood off of her hands with a small towel. "Oh, leaving so soon?" She asked, tilting her head at Bonnie and I rolled my eyes.

"Rebekah. Don't you play nice?" I asked in annoyance with a sigh and she looked at me and smirked a bit before looking back at Bonnie as we stopped as stood in front of her.

"Thank you, Bonnie. See you in psych class." Rebekah stated with a small smile before she walked away from us. I saw Damon still hanging from the ballroom ceiling and I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of him. He was so pale.. And so weak he couldn't keep his head up.

"Oh, my god." Bonnie whispered in shock once she noticed Damon and Klaus sighed.

"Yeah, you'll have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings." Klaus whispered in defeat and I watched as Damon looked up at me from across the room.

"Ari.." Damon whispered pleadingly toward me and I looked at Bonnie who looked away from him. "Bonnie." He added and Klaus smirked a bit.

"Go on. Save him.. Save the man who turned your mother into a vampire." Klaus stated in amusement and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Damon fed her the blood but he didn't act it out alone." I informed regretfully and looked at Bonnie who looked away from me.

"Just get us out of here." Bonnie replied emotionlessly and Klaus rose an eyebrow at her.

"You're wanting to leave him strung up and bleeding out but also leave with your friend who helped kill your mother?" Klaus asked in some disbelief as he looked over her. "Loyal friend you are, little witch." He stated in astonishment. Bonnie looked between Damon and I but didn't give any response as she looked away from us. "But as you wish." Klaus replied, leading us out the door. Once Bonnie and I left, I pulled out my phone and quickly speed dialed Elena.

"Bonnie, I am sorry. We haven't exactly talked about any of that yet." I stated in defeat and Bonnie turned towards me.

"I understand why you did it... What I don't understand is why it had to be you." She replied quietly, obviously still hurting by it.

"I did it because Elena needed it to not be Stefan." I stated honestly. "And I needed it to not be Damon. If anyone was going to get the backlash for it, it was going to be me. It should've been. I'm half Mikaelson." I admitted quietly and she looked at me with understanding now. Bonnie stepped toward me and gave me a hug and I sighed, hugging her back tightly.

"I forgive you." Bonnie reassured, pulling away from me and giving me a small smile. I smoked back at her before my phone started ringing and I grabbed it from my bag, answering.

"Elena?" I asked as Bonnie and I walked down the mansion steps to our cars.

"Mariana, hey. Where have you been?" Elena asked in a somewhat confused and anxious voice.

"I've been at the Mikaelson mansion with Bonnie. Elena, Klaus has Damon." I warned, only to hear an awkward silence which made me raise an eyebrow. "Elena?" I added, looking at Bonnie in confusion.

"K—Klaus should be dead. They should all be dead—We just killed Finn." Elena countered in disbelief and I felt my eyes widen.

"No, Elena. Klaus forced Bonnie to do a spell that unlinked all the siblings—And I helped her. He's still alive." I warned and Bonnie gestured her head toward her car before she unlocked it and waved at me.

"Okay, Mari. Where's Damon?" Elena asked in concern as she sighed from the phone and I scoffed, reaching my car.

"In Klaus' mansion. It's bad, Lena—He threatened Jeremy. And Bonnie's mom." I stated in disappointment and anger.

"Is she okay?" Elena asked in a worried voice and I looked back over at Bonnie to see her get in her car and close the door.

"Would you be?" I countered and looked away as she started driving off. "I'll be at the Salvatore house in less than an hour. We can come up with a plan to save Damon then, Okay?" I asked with a short nod before I quickly hung up and got into my car.

I parked my car in the driveway and got out. I walked up the walkway and up the porch of the boarding house before furrowing my eyebrows to see the front door wide open. I moved through the doorway with caution as I didn't hear anyone inside. "Hello?" I asked, walking fully into the house to see Caroline, Elena and Stefan standing in the living room. I looked over the bodies that they were all staring at below them. Sage, the woman who was with Finn earlier was desiccated in the floor while another male vampire was laying beside her. "What the hell?" I stayed in disbelief and confusion as I closed the door behind me and walked into the living room.

"They just.. died." Caroline informed, obviously taken aback and I looked at Stefan who was pacing the floor. "Sage and this Troy guy just died within an hour of Finn—Why?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest as she looked up at Stefan.

"Were they bitten by a hybrid, or—" Elena started but I cut her off as I knelt down beside the bodies, examining them closely.

"Hybrid bites don't look like that." I pointed out as I looked over the blood around Sage's mouth. It wasn't from feeding but from convulsing almost.

"Maybe Sage was just so in love with Finn she died of sadness." Caroline suggested innocently and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No, that doesn't explain Troy." Elena countered as she gestured her head toward him.

"It's the blood. The bloodline." Stefan replied quietly to himself and I looked at him from over my shoulder as he stood with his hands on his hips. "It has to be—think about it. Finn turned Sage, Sage turned Troy. They're all apart of the same vampire bloodline that originated with Finn." He pointed out and I slowly stood from the floor and folded my arms over my chest.

"So, when an original dies, every vampire turned from their bloodline dies along with them?" Caroline asked uneasily as she furrowed her eyebrows while I went through it in my head.

"That would mean.. if the originals die, so do all of you." I stated, looking at Caroline and Stefan in confusion before shaking my head in annoyance. "Esther didn't just want to kill her children. She wanted to kill the entire vampire species." I pointed out in disbelief.

Elena and I sat on the living room floor and piled books into the chair beside the couch as Caroline came in from the backyard. "Vampire disposal? Not my strong suit." Care admitted with a sigh as she dusted her hands off. "Where'd Stefan go?" She asked and I stood from the floor and walked over to the alcohol table.

"Went to trade the stakes for Damon." Elena answered, making Caroline furrow her eyebrows and sit on the coffee table in front of her.

"All of them?" Caroline asked in an anxious tone and I scoffed, pouring myself a glass of bourbon.

"No, not all of them. We still have enough to kill three out of the four. If we can figure out who to save." I informed with a small sigh and sipped the glass of whiskey I made before Caroline scoffed.

"Oh. How are we supposed to do that?" She asked as she shook her head in annoyance and Elena sighed, plopping a book down in the chair.

"No idea." Elena admitted honestly as I walked over to them and sat on the couch, crossing my legs and putting the glass of bourbon in my lap.

"You were turned with Damon's blood. And Damon and Stefan were turned by Katherine, and we know that Katherine was turned by Rose." I pointed out as I thought of all the information we already knew.

"Well, who turned Rose?" Caroline asked with a shrug and I sighed, shaking my head at her.

"We don't know." Elena countered, plopping more books down on the chair beside her. "But it can only lead back to one original, and if the odds are in our favor, hopefully it won't be Klaus. So then we can still kill him." She added in a hopeful tone and got up from the floor. I slowly nodded in agreement before I furrowed my eyebrows at her in realization.

"Even if Klaus didn't create their bloodline.. We know for a fact that he did turn one of them, Elena." I stated toward her and she furrowed her eyebrows down at me before I looked at Caroline who slowly shook her head in realization as well.

"Tyler." Caroline whispered, furrowing her eyebrows at Elena who slowly shook her head.

"Oh, my god.. If we kill Klaus then Tyler will die." Elena replied in realization.

"Welp. There goes that." I stated with a dry chuckle and downed the rest of my bourbon before I got up from the couch and went to pour more.

-The Next Morning-

I walked through the basement toward the cellar door before I looked through the barred up window. "Alaric?" I asked quietly and watched him look up at me from where he sat against the brick wall, on the bed.

"Yeah? I'm still me." Ric answered and I slowly nodded before I unlocked the cellar door and walked in with a duffel bag. "You know you shouldn't be in here. Defeats the purpose of the whole 'locked up in a cellar' thing." He pointed out sarcastically, making me roll my eyes and drop the duffel bag in front of him.

"Yeah, well. You still need the necessities. Toothbrush, clothes. Some boring books to read and fall asleep to." I countered in amusement as Alaric looked through the bag and took out a book.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?" Alaric asked, reading the title of the book and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? No, I grabbed—" I started before I rolled my eyes and cut myself off. "Damon. Apparently he thinks he's funny." I added in annoyance, making Alaric chuckle.

"At least one of us still has a sense of humor." Ric stated in amusement as he sat back against the wall again and I gave him a fake smile.

"Are you sure that you want to stay in here?" I asked hesitantly as I looked around the cold and small room.

"Oh, no. This is the right place I need to be." Alaric answered with a small sigh. "At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to fess up to where I—or—he hid my white oak stake." He added in defeat and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"We looked everywhere. You—the other you.. Hid it well." I informed with dry scoff and Alaric slowly shook his head.

"What's Klaus going to do if he can't find it?" Alaric asked quietly and I shrugged back, slowly walking around the cellar.

"It's the only thing that'll kill him so—wage war. Murder people. You know, he gets off on that." I stated in annoyance and watched as Alaric looked down in defeat. "Listen.. Stefan and Elena are going to watch over you for awhile. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe. So.. Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up." I informed and looked back at Alaric who tilted his head at me.

"Why are you saying it like you're waiting for me to disapprove?" Alaric asked, looking up at me with a small smile and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know. Probably because Jenna would. Me and Damon—traveling across the country together." I stated in amusement and he chuckled in agreement.

"Well, I won't tell her if you won't." He replied softly and I slowly nodded and sighed, tilting my head at him as I walked back over to the cellar door.

"I don't know. I still don't trust your alter ego so if he tells her, I might have to change tactics." I stated jokingly and he rolled his eyes before I chuckled and walked out of the cellar, shutting and locking the door behind me.

Damon dropped our bags by the door as I put on my coat and he over at looked at me, wearing his leather jacket, ready to go. "Have you ever flown first class?" Damon asked and I scoffed lightly and shook my head.

"Who'd you have to compel for that?" I asked sarcastically, tilting my head at him but he rolled his eyes.

"Please. I used miles." He answered in annoyance and I rose an eyebrow and looked at Elena and Stefan who stood in the living room. Damon grabbed the bags and walked out of the house to put them in the car.

"Be safe. And bring him home." Elena stated, pointing at me and I rolled my eyes and walked over to her, giving her a tight hug.

"Always." I reassured before we pulled away and I looked at Stefan. "You do the same." I stated, gesturing at her and he gave a small nod before I turned back to the door and walked out after Damon.

"There he is." I said in excitement as Damon and I walked through the batting cages. We both stopped beside the batting fence and watched as Jeremy held the baseball bat in hand but missed a few swings as the baseballs sped toward him.

"Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball." Damon stated sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at him in amusement.

"Hey, slugger." I stated loudly and watched as Jeremy turned toward me in confusion.

"Mariana?" He asked in both shock and excitement and I smiled widely at him. His eyes remained on me before drifting to Damon and his smile slowly fell as he took off his batting hat and sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking back at me in worry.

"Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine. All we need to do is find out who sired Rose." Damon pointed out as Jeremy put the metal bat away.

"So you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?" Jeremy asked in a doubtful tone as he furrowed his eyebrows and I slowly nodded in agreement.

"Dead vampire is redundant but yes." Damon answered and Jeremy sighed in defeat as we walked through the batting cages.

"Well, I can't. I could talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them. I didn't know Rose, I've never even met her." Jeremy stated as he put his batting hat away as well and looked between Damon and I.

"What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?" Damon asked sarcastically and I hit him on the shoulder in annoyance.

"Rose spent a long time running from Klaus and she and Damon were close so maybe we can use him as a connection." I suggested and looked up at Damon who sighed and narrowed his eyes at Jeremy.

"Fine, Fine. But can we do this later? My friend just got here—and yes, Damon—I actually have one." Jeremy pointed out as he gestured behind us. "I'll call you when I'm done." Jer added, looking back at me. I gave a small nod and sighed as he kissed me gently on the cheek and started walking away.

"Jer—" I started before I cut myself off once I realized who he was walking towards.

"Hey, man." Jeremy greeted Kol, who was holding a wooden baseball bat and smiled at Jeremy before walking towards us.

"Kol—" I started as Damon turned around just in time for Kol to swing the baseball bat toward his face and Damon groaned, tilting his head back.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Jeremy yelled at Kol as the baseball bat broke in his hand.

"Jer, he's an original." I warned loudly and looked at Damon who was now laying on the ground.

"No hard feelings, mate, but we're not buds." Kol stated with a sigh toward Jer as he grabbed a metal baseball bat from beside him. "You know, I will never get used to aluminum. But hey—at least it won't break." He added, shaking his head at the bat before vamping toward Damon and I widened my eyes.

"Kol, wait—" I started before Damon grabbed the broken wooden bat and shoved it into Kol's chest. Jeremy widened his eyes as Kol fell to the ground motionless.

"Is he dead?" Jeremy asked with furrowed brows as Damon groaned, getting up.

"No, but it'll give us a head start." Damon replied weakly before he grabbed my shoulders and moved me in front of him. "Come on." He reassured, nodding at Jeremy and I as we left quickly.

I grabbed my bags from the trunk of the car before Damon shut it and we moved in the direction of the motel stairs, up to the second floor. "For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop at the motel, not me." Damon stated sarcastically and I scoffed.

"So where are we?" Jeremy asked, ignoring Damon as we walked up the stairs to the second level.

"The corner of somewhere and nowhere, where Kol can't find us." I answered in reassurance as he walked in front of me and shook his head.

"I can't believe Kol was a vampire." Jeremy stated in defeat as he looked over his shoulder at me.

"Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?" Damon countered with a sigh and I rolled my eyes.

"Not helping, ass." I pointed out in annoyance and Damon smirked back at me. We reached the second floor and walked over to our room number before I unlocked the door and walked in. "Well, this should work. Right?" I asked as Jeremy walked in behind me before Damon who shut the door.

"Yeah. It really doesn't matter though." Jeremy shrugged as he put his bags on one of the two beds.

"Alright, Whoopi." Damon replied emotionlessly and closed the curtains on the window. "What do you need? Candles? Incense? Pottery wheel?" He asked in amusement and I sighed at him.

"That's not how it works." I pointed out and put my bags on one of the two beds, making Damon roll his eyes.

"I know, I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one." Damon informed in an obviously bored tone as we took off our coats.

"Alright, you uh—you got a picture of her?" Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow as he stood by the small circle table in the corner before he sat down.

"Picture? Of what, our trip to Disneyland?" Damon scoffed in annoyance and I folded my arms over my chest at him as he looked around the motel. "Come on, Rose. You're not going to actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me." He added in amusement and I groaned in annoyance and sat at the table with Jeremy.

"Alright, tell me something about her." Jeremy suggested and Damon sighed, thinking it over in his head.

"Um... Well." Damon replied, sitting on the bed beside us and I rose an eyebrow. "She did this little thing with her tongue—" He started before I quickly cut him off.

"Something that matters, Damon." I warned in between gritted teeth and he sighed back at me and looked away, thinking about it in silence for a few seconds.

"She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking it in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human." He answered quietly and I rose an eyebrow at him. "And when death came.. She didn't fear it." He added and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I was with her on her last day.. And it definitely wasn't paradise." I stated, leaning back in my chair before I felt a shiver come over me and I looked over at where the cold air was coming from.

"It was in the dream he gave her." Jeremy informed and I looked at him as he looked over at the bed beside the one Damon was sitting on. "She's here." He stated with a deep sigh and sat back in his chair. I looked at Damon who remained silent as I felt the cold move over me and I rose an eyebrow.

"Is she lonely on the other side?" I asked, tilting my head at the coldness.

"She says not to worry. She's happy." Jeremy replied and I slowly nodded as I felt the cold move again.

"Is she still hot?" Damon asked in amusement and I rolled my eyes at him.

"She misses you too." Jeremy replied after a few seconds and I sighed deeply, folding my arms over my chest. I watch Jeremy's face change into confusion as he furrows his eyebrows, looking bee tween us before he cleared his throat. "She, uh—she misses both of you." He added, looking at me and I slowly nodded. "She was sired by someone named Mary Porter." Jeremy stated and I heard Damon chuckle dryly.

"Ah.. Scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?" Damon asked, raising an eyebrow around the room.

"She says sit tight and relax. She'll see what she can find out." Jeremy answered and I slowly nodded as Damon rose an eyebrow.

I unpacked my suitcase as Jeremy sat on the bed beside me, watching the T.V. "So what's up with you and Damon?" Jer asked and I rose an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean? Nothing's up." I replied as I grabbed my toothbrush and a pair of night clothes.

"You sure about that? Because even Rose said something." He countered in a doubtful tone and I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head at him.

"What? What did she say?" I asked, shaking my head in confusion. The motel door opened and I looked over my shoulder as Damon came in with a bucket of ice and bourbon. I looked back at Jeremy who rose an eyebrow at me as Damon shut the door.

"Everything okay in here?" Damon asked, raising an eyebrow and I sighed, nodding back at him.

"Yeah. It's fine." I replied with a shrug and Damon nodded and put the bucket of ice and bottle on the night stand between the two beds.

"Okay, well. I'm going to freshen up. You might want to get some rest. I'm sure Rose will make herself known when when she gets back." Damon stated toward me and I looked at Jeremy who tilted his head at me as Damon walked into the bathroom.

I laid in the opposite bed of Jeremy, trying to sleep before I heard footsteps walking around. I lightly fluttered my eyes open to see a shirtless Damon grab the bottle of bourbon from off of the nightstand. I watched as he walked over to the small table and grabbed a navy blue button up that hung off of one of the chairs. Damon put the shirt over his shoulders but didn't button it as he looked through the curtains on the window beside the table. I looked away from him before back as he took the lid off of the bourbon and poured it into a small plastic cup. I turned my body on my side slowly and watched as Damon sat at the table and put his feet up on the chair across from him. He sighed deeply and looked down at the plastic cup as I slowly trailed my eyes from his boots up his legs, to his bare torso before falling on his face. Damon put the cup to his lips before he downed the bourbon. He rose an eyebrow and scanned his eyes across the room before they landed on mine. I stared back at him for a few seconds before I closed my eyes and hugged the pillow my head was on, closer to me. I opened my eyes again only for them to land on Damon's, staring at him quietly for a few more seconds before he slowly put the plastic cup on the table and quietly came over to me. Damon gently laid down on the empty space next to me and put a hand behind his head, laying on his back while his face was looking at me. "You never told me about that." I whispered to him, making him give me a confused look. "What you did for Rose." I added and he sighed, turning his head to the ceiling.

"It wasn't about you." He replied emotionlessly and I stared at him quietly before giving a light scoff.

"Why don't you let people see the good in you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him while I traced his face with my eyes.

"Because when people see good.. They expect good." He answered quietly before he turned his head back to me. "And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations." He added and I slowly nodded at him as his eyes searched mine. I took a deep breath and looked away from him, turning my body toward the ceiling also before I let my hand fall beside me. I felt Damon's hand lightly graze against mine and I let our fingers wrap themselves together. I looked down at our hands before at Damon's face as he stared at me expectantly almost. I slowly shook my head before I quickly got out of bed and walked out of the motel room, breathing heavily once the fresh air hit my face. I walked away from the door and leant against a vending machine in the hallway as I heard footsteps follow me but stop short.

"Don't." I warned, shaking my head at him but not turning around.

"Why not?" Damon replied quietly and I closed my eyes, trying to ignore him. "Ari." He added gently and I scoffed in annoyance and turned around to face him as he stood feet from me. I stared at him silently for a few seconds, trailing his body again before I quickly walked toward him and closed the distance between us. I grabbed the back of his neck with my hand and met his lips with mine. Damon wrapped his arms around my back and held me against him tightly. We pulled away hesitantly and I looked his face over slowly before he pulled my face back to his. Damon pushed us back to the side of the vending machine and I ran my hands over his shoulders, pulling him deeper into the kiss. He slowly kissed down my jawline to my neck but I grabbed his face with my hands and pulled him back to my lips, closing my eyes.

"Mariana?" A voice asked and I opened my eyes and looked past Damon to see Jeremy.

"Jer." I whispered, pulling myself away from Damon as Jeremy stood in the doorway of the the motel room. He looked between Damon and I in confusion and awkwardness before he cleared his throat.

"Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas." Jeremy stated quietly and I looked at Damon breathlessly as he nodded.

"Okay then. Let's go." Damon replied, looking back at me before he walked into the motel room. Jeremy continued to stare at me in defeat before sighing and walking into the motel room also. I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly ran my fingers across my lips before I gave a small smile.

Jeremy, Damon and I got out of the car and stared at the house in front of us. It looked dark and haunted. Dried up vines and plants surrounded the house, some even went up the sides of it. "This is the address." Jeremy stated as he put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Seems about right." Damon replied, nodding at it and I sighed, looking at Jer from over my shoulder as he stood by the hood of the car.

"Wait here." I warned and looked back at the house as he gave a dry laugh.

"What, why? So you and Damon can go make out some more?" Jeremy argued in annoyance and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Don't be a dick. Listen to your sister." Damon replied calmly to Jeremy. I watched as Jeremy scoffed and looked between Damon and I before he got back in the car. "Thank you." Damon added in annoyance before the two of us walked up to the house. We walked up the steps slowly and cautiously before Damon opened the door and I furrowed my eyebrows at how dark it was. I snapped my finger and a flame appeared from my hand, igniting the house.

"Whoa." I whispered, looking at the piles upon piles of newspapers and books scattered around the room we walked in.

"It's like vampire hoarders." Damon stated with a scoff at the crammed room as he slowly walked forwards.

"Who is this person?" I asked quietly, raising an eyebrow as I followed behind him.

"Scary Mary. Really old. Super creepy." Damon whispered and I furrowed my eyebrows as we walked into a a living room.

"And how do you know her?" I asked as I looked at the walls to see paintings of plants and then back at Damon who looked over his shoulder at me.

"You know.." He answered with an all knowing face and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Of course." I replied in annoyance as I looked at the walls again and he sighed.

"What? I said creepy. Not ugly." Damon pointed out in defense and I rolled my eyes. We both looked up some stairs that stood beside us before a loud noise came from behind us and I jumped, grabbing onto Damon's arm tightly. We both turned around to see a set of white French doors from where the noise came from. Damon rose an eyebrow and walked in front of me toward the doors before he gently opened them. We both walked in slowly before I widened my eyes and looked up at a desiccated female vampire who was pinned to the wall across from us by a familiar wooden baseball bat, that had pierced her heart. "Mary.." Damon whispered to her in defeat.

"Quite contrary." A voice replied before a lamp turned on and we both turned toward Kol who sat in the corner of the room, holding a metal baseball bat over his shoulder. "Shame about Mary.. She used to be a blast." He stated, getting up from the chair and walking over to her as Damon pulled me toward him protectively. "I don't quite know what happened." Kol stated with a smile and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "I fear all the time she spent with my family must have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie." He added with a shrug and I folded my arms over my chest.

"And were you her favorite?" I asked emotionlessly, truing to get information and he rose an eyebrow.

"You mean did I turn her? I think I did. But no, wait—Maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair." Kol countered with a small smirk as he toyed with us and I narrowed my eyes. "I talked to my brother. I know you're trying to figure out where you descended from.. And now you never will." He pointed out and looked over his shoulder at Mary before he hit the baseball bat on the floor a few times. "So.. Where did we leave off?" Kol asked in amusement at Damon before he hit Damon's knee with the bat, making him fall to the floor.

"Kol!" I yelled at him angrily and he vamped over to me.

"Klaus told me you're off limits, cousin. So please, don't test me." Kol warned, narrowing his eyes down at me before he threw me away from him and I groaned, hitting my back against the wall.

"Mariana!" Damon yelled angrily before he got up and vamped at Kol and grabbed him by the throat.

"Don't touch her!" Damon growled through gritted teeth and Kol laughed, throwing Damon away from him as well and he hit the wall hard, breaking a few bones from the sound of it.

"Oh, I've hit a nerve." Kol stated in amusement as he shook his head and I groaned, slowly getting up from the floor and looking at Damon worriedly. "Relax, darling. I just want to get even. I mean, you killed my brother and humiliated me." He pointed out as he walked over to Damon, ready to hit him again.

"But I was the one that daggered you." I stated emotionlessly and Kol looked at me from over his shoulder. "And he was the one that killed a Bennett witch to stop your mother from killing you." I added, breathing heavily and watched as Kol hesitated. He stared at me for a few seconds emotionlessly before he groaned and dropped the bat on the floor.

"Klaus warned me about you." Kol stated in annoyance and I slowly backed away from him. "Told me that you're the part of our family that challenges him to be good. You challenge Rebekah.. Elijah." He added quietly, slowly walking over to me and I narrowed my eyes at him once he stood directly in front of me.

"Mariana." Damon stated weakly from the floor but I ignored him as I stared up at Kol quietly.

"Why do you think we can be changed?" Kol asked demandingly, narrowing his eyes down at me and I slowly shook my head.

"Because you were human once." I answered honestly and Kol looked taken aback. He stared at me silently before he vamped out of the room and house, leaving us. I let out a breath of relief and looked over at Damon. "Damon." I whispered, moving towards him and helping him up. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, looking him over and he shook his head at me and grabbed my face in his hands, looking me over instead.

"Are you?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows down at me. I sighed and held one of his hands against my cheek gently before I gave a soft nod and he slowly nodded back. "Let's get out of here." He whispered before I put one of his arms around me, holding him up as we both slowly walked out of the house.
