
"To repeat—the animal responsible for terrorizing Mystic Falls, has been caught." The reporter on the television stated as I walked into the kitchen.

"Scum ball. Scum Bucket." Jenna stated hatefully as she eyed the T.V and held a cup of coffee. I rose an eyebrow and leant against the doorway, looking over her curiously.

"Who are you talking to?" Elena asked from behind her, holding a cup of coffee also.

"Him." Jenna answered in annoyance and gestured at the reporter on the screen.

"The news guy?" I asked with a sigh and walked into the kitchen fully.

"Also known as Logan 'scum' Fell." Jenna countered with a scoff while she glared at him. "Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" She asked and I smirked, looking at Elena who chuckled in amusement.

"Oh, no way." Elena stated in laughter back at Jenna. "You and him?" She asked, shaking her head in disbelief. "He's cute." Lena nodded in approval but I gagged.

"He is not cute." Jenna argued as Elena sat down at the table. "There's nothing cute about him." She added in disgust before turning off the T.V. I sighed grabbing a bowl from the cabinet along with some cereal and some milk. "What are you doing with that?" Jenna asked, sipping her coffee while Elena shined an old pocket-watch.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe-deposit box." Elena pointed out. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer next to me before making my way over to the table, seeing that Elena had an entire box full of old belongings in front of her. "Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood that she would loan it to the Founder's council for their heritage's display." Elena added, looking down at the watch as Jenna grabbed a ring from the box.

"Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna asked in confusion and Elena smirked.

"Originally, it was great-great-Grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena pointed out as Jeremy came into the dinning area. I smiled in amusement and shook my head at her, trying to eat my cereal quietly.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth?" Jeremy asked, picking up the pocket watch and looking down at it carefully. "You know, like on eBay." He added but I scoffed and grabbed it back from him, putting it in the box.

"You're not gonna find out." I countered in annoyance and Jeremy rolled his eyes, walking toward the fridge.

"That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away." He stated in protest and Elena rolled her eyes back at him.

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena replied in annoyance as she continued to shine the belongings before the doorbell rang. I watched Elena put everything down and get up from the table quickly. Jenna and Jeremy looked at me in confusion while Elena walked toward the door and I sighed.

'Stefan', I mouthed at the two before rolling my eyes and they slowly nodded in acknowledgment. "They practically hump like bunnies these days." I added sarcastically, eating my cereal quietly again while Jeremy smirked at me in amusement.

The doorbell rang and I walked towards it from the dinning room just as Jeremy came down from the stairs. Jeremy got to the door first, opening it only to scoff in annoyance. He tried to close it again but Tyler put a hand on the door, stopping him. "I'm here for my mom. I'm supposed to pick up a box—" Tyler pointed out in annoyance at him but Elena came from the hallway.

"It's right here." She reassured, walking over to him and handing him the box gently. "Please, be careful." Elena sighed at him as he grabbed the box from her, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, be careful with it, dick." Jeremy added harshly and I smacked him upside the head in annoyance.

"Hey. Not now, okay, guys?" I asked, rolling my eyes and looking back at Tyler who eyed me quietly. "Please?" I added in defeat and Tyler looked back at Jer.

"I'm fine. He's just being a punk." Tyler stated and narrowed his eyes at Jeremy who scoffed.

"I got your punk." Jeremy countered in annoyance and Tyler sighed deeply back at him.

"Look, Ty—maybe you should go." I pointed out once he looked back at me. "Tell your mom than Elena and I will see her tonight." I reassured with a small smile and Tyler slowly nodded. I walked away from the door after closing it and back towards the dinning room where Bonnie sat at the table.

"Okay, Delicate flower vs. Sexy vixen." Bonnie stated, pulling two nail polishes out of a beauty bag that sat in front of her.

"Tough call. Can we mix them?" Elena asked in amusement as she grabbed paper towels and came over to the table.

"Look at you getting all pretty for your date." I stated with a smile as Bonnie searched through her beauty bag.

"You seem happy-ish." Bonnie added in agreement as Elena sat down.

"I am-ish." Elena replied sighing and turning to Bonnie. "Tonight's going to be a good night." She added with a nod and I rose my eyebrow.

"But don't let that stop you from telling her whatever it is you wanted to tell her as soon as you walked in the door." I added sarcastically, watching as Bonnie hesitantly looked up.

"What if I tell you both in the morning?" Bonnie suggested and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't wanna ruin the night." She added in defeat and I rolled my eyes.

"Bonnie, out with it." Elena stated pressed impatiently and she sighed deeply.

"Okay, but it has to go in the vault because Caroline will kill me, if it gets back to Damon that she squealed." Bonnie warned and I furrowed my eyebrows back at her. Elena and I nodded in agreement before intently staring at Bonnie who mentally prepared herself. "Apparently, Stefan has a very interesting back story." She stated and I looked at Elena who furrowed her eyebrows, looking taken aback.

"Uh-huh.." Elena replied uneasily and Bonnie tilted her head at her.

"Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine?" Bonnie asked in an uncertain voice and looked between us carefully.

"I know that they both dated her and that's why they have issues." I informed and watched Elena furrow her eyebrows at me before looking back at Bonnie.

"Yeah, they both dated her—only she chose Damon. And that drove Stefan mad." Bonnie countered and I rose an eyebrow, not understanding. "So he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine. He filled her head with all these lies, until it finally worked and she turned against Damon." She added quietly and Elena slowly shook her head.

"That sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's." Elena argued in protest and I watched the two quietly.

"I just wanted you to know." Bonnie reassured, looking away from her.

"Anyway, his past relationships are none of my business." Elena pointed out with a small shrug as Bonnie unscrewed the lid of the top coat.

"Unless he's a calculative, manipulative liar." Bonnie countered in a matter of fact tone as she put the top coat over her nails and Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "That is your business." She stated as she tilt her head.

"Stefan is none of those things." Elena argued, shook her head insistingly back at Bonnie.

"Yeah? How do you know?" Bonnie snapped, looking at her quietly and I watched Elena sigh as she started to think about it over in her head.

-Time Skip-

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a glass of wine from a waiter before I walked into the Lockwood parlor to see Elena and Stefan. They were looking at a small collection of all of the past history from each Founding Family. "Should you be—" Stefan started in confusion once he saw me but I put a finger up and downed the entire glass. I let out a heavy sigh and looked at him challengingly but he chuckled.

"What's that?" I asked, gesturing at an old paper with feather handwriting as it hung up on the wall inside of an old picture frame.

"The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founders council celebration." Elena quoted, off of the document. "Wow, look—it's the original guest register." She said, giving a wide smile to Stefan who watched with a questionable look of unease on his face. "Look at all of these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood—" Elena started before cutting herself off as she stared in confusion. "—Is that Damon Salvatore?? A-and Stefan Salvatore?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at Stefan who opened his mouth to speak but got cut off.

"The original Salvatore brothers." Damon stated, coming in from behind us and we turned to see him and Caroline, arms entwined together. "Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually." He informed smugly. I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest.

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan pointed out, shaking his head but Damon rose his eyebrow.

"It's not boring." I argued, nodding in approval and Elena gestured at me in agreement as well.

"Mariana's right—I'd love to hear more about your family." Elena said, smiling sweetly at Stefan and I shrugged.

"I just want to know about the tragic ending." I countered sighing lightly, making Damon smirk back at me.

"Well, I'm bored. I want to dance—and Damon won't dance with me." Caroline stated as she looked at him in amusement but also not.

"Mm-mm." Damon replied, shaking his head at her in disinterest and I watched Caroline slowly sigh.

"Can I just—borrow your date?" She asked, looking at Elena innocently.

"Oh, uh.." Elena started, giving a small and nervous laugh before looking at Stefan.

"I don't really dance." Stefan replied with a small smile and shrugged it off.

"Oh, sure he does. You should see him—The waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk." Damon countered, smirking at his brother. "He does it all." He added, tilting his head while Stefan narrowed his eyes back.

"You wouldn't mind would you, Elena?" Caroline asked with a small smile and I smirked a bit. Elena sighed deeply, obviously and clearly very annoyed.

"Well, it's up to Stefan." Elena replied, looking at him but Caroline chuckled.

"Well, sorry but I'm not taking no for an answer." Caroline stated with a chuckle before dragging Stefan to the main dance floor and Elena cleared her throat as she watched them leave.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Elena informed before walking away to find a waiter.

"How's the cheerleading squad?" Damon asked as he turned to look at me and I shook my head.

"More bearable everyday." I answered sarcastically and looked away from him and at the collection again.

"I want to apologize for trying to kiss you the other night. I was a world-class jerk.. There are no excuses." Damon stated in defeat and I tilted my head at him as I saw the somewhat sincere look on his face.

"Well.. it was kind of amusing for me at least." I countered with a soft chuckle before I grabbed another glass of champagne and started drinking it.

"Stefan told me about Coach Tanner. Really sucks for something to happen on the night of the big game." Damon pointed out in disbelief and I rose my eyebrow.

"Really? Because I don't see Stefan telling you a lot—Especially by the way you two act. So much tension." I scoffed, looking away from him and he slowly nodded, putting his hands in his suit pockets.

"Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry." Damon replied with a light shrug. "And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers." He added, gesturing at the document hanging on the wall beside us. "The Salvatore name was practically royalty in this town. Until the war that is. There was a battle here—" He started but I cut him off.

"The battle of Willow-creek." I answered with a nod and Damon looked at me quizzically.

"Right." He replied, tilting his head at me and I shrugged.

"We talked about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside." I informed and Damon pointed at me in amusement.

"What the history books left out, was the people who were killed." Damon stated, walking over to a replication of the old Fell church—the same one from the story he was telling. "They weren't there by accident. They were believed to be Union sympathizers. So some of the founders on the confederacy side wanted them rounded up and burned alive." He pointed out and I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he stared down at the church. "Stefan and Damon had someone they loved very much in that church—And when they went to rescue them, they were shot. Murdered in cold blood.." Damon stated emotionlessly and I slowly crossed my arms over my chest as I noticed his face fall.

"Who was in the church that they wanted to save?" I asked, watching him look up at me again.

"A woman, I guess." Damon replied with a shrug and I stared at him silently. "Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman?" He asked, tilting his head as we stared at each other quietly before I cleared my throat and looked away from him.

"I should go find Elena." I stated slowly, nodding my head before I walked past him and out of the room.

I sighed in annoyance as I walked aimlessly around the Lockwood manor. Thankfully, not bumping into Tyler at all throughout the night. "Elena, it's me again. I'm still at the party. Where are you?" I asked into the phone as I kept getting sent straight to her voicemail box. I hung up and put my phone in my purse while I carried around my heels, walking around outside away from the party. I looked to my left and saw the bright lights shining as the party was still going. Definitely too many people for my liking. As I kept walking around the Lockwood manor, I saw someone standing still from in front of me and I furrowed my eyebrows at them. "Caroline?" I asked, noticing her figure from behind but she didn't turn to look at me. "Thank god it's you. I can't find Bonnie or Elena anywhere. I'm practically sure that they're avoiding me." I added in defeat as I got closer to her. Caroline didn't reply, making me furrow my eyebrows until I now stood beside her. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking her over as the scarf she wore around her neck seemed more tightened.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Caroline answered but her voice broke as she finally turned to look at me. She held her clutch in her hand, whitening her knuckles while other one fumbled at the scarf.

"Caroline, what happened?" I asked, watching her breath become uneven and more heavy.

"I'm fine." She lied, her voice breaking even more now and I slowly shook my head in concern.

"No, you're shaking—Caroline, what—" I started as I put a hand on her arm reassuringly and felt her body heave heavily as she breathed and shook from under me.

"I'm fine—I'm fine." Caroline repeated in defeat but her eyes deceived her as they started glazing over.

"Caroline, come here." I stated, hugging her tightly before she sobbed into me and I rubbed her back soothingly.

-Time Skip-

I woke up and groggily walked into my bathroom only to see Vicki brushing her teeth as she stood in one of Jeremy's T-shirts. She looked at me, obviously not expecting me to walk in on her. She avoided my eyes as an uncomfortable tension loomed around us. "Uh sorry—I'm almost done." She stated awkwardly and I slowly nodded and backed out of the bathroom.

"No.. Take your time." I replied, giving a small smile before shutting the bathroom door quickly. I shook my head, trying to remove the image from my brain as I threw on a black tank-top and blue jeans along with my converse. I grabbed my bag and finally brushed my teeth and did my hair after it was safe to do so, before I went downstairs. "Jenna?" I asked, walking into the kitchen to see her sitting at the kitchen island and drinking coffee in peace. "Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and she nodded back, clearly not too concerned.

"And you have no objections?" Elena asked skeptically as she came in from behind me, waiting for her to protest.

"He could be crafty about it; At least make an effort to sneak her in and out." Jenna shrugged, not seeing the big deal. I scoffed and moved over to the mug cabinet, grabbing one and shutting the cupboard aggressively, slamming it. "Right... Tyler and Vicki—" She started, looking at me innocently but I cut her off.

"Aaaand we're changing the subject." I stated emotionlessly before Jenna cleared her throat.

"Well, just so you know, I'm not going to be home for dinner." She pointed out with a smirk as she wrote in her notebook.

"Oooh. Who's the lucky guy? Logan 'Scum' Fell? He was practically groveling at the Founders party." I stated in amusement and watched her roll her eyes.

"Serves him right. I'm just going to show up and torture him." Jenna informed innocently and I scoffed, leaning my back against the counter.

"With us girls, showing up and torturing them is never enough." I replied in amusement and she nodded in agreement before looking at Elena.

"Have you heard from Stefan?" Jenna asked, tilting her head at Elena who sighed in response.

"Not since he left his very vague message on my phone.. 'Hey, uh, Elena—I have something I have to do.. I'll explain in a few days.'." Elena quoted all too perfectly as she poured cereal into a bowl.

"Have you called him?" I asked curiously and watched her put the bowl of cereal down in annoyance and scoff.

"No, and I'm not going to." She snapped and I slowly nodded and exchanged a glance with Jenna.

"Are you okay with it?" Jenna asked softly, not wanting to annoy her.

"No, I'm not okay with it." She stated in defeat. "But I'm not gonna cry about it either." Elena added emotionlessly and I smiled, tilting a reassuring head at her. "You know—I was gonna write in my diary this morning but then I thought 'what am I going to write?'—I mean, I'm not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning just because of some guy." She stated before shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

"Ok then..." Jenna replied awkwardly, exchanging another glance with me and I cleared my throat, unsure of what to say.

"I'll be fine." Elena added with a stern nod before walking out of the kitchen with her cereal in hand. I sighed deeply and shook my head as I stood up from the counter.

"And that is why I am single." I pointed out sarcastically, making Jenna chuckle in agreement.

"The sexy studs car wash is tomorrow. The football team and the Pep band have committed." Caroline stated, coming into school and handing out flyers to everyone she saw in the halls. "Well, not all of the band. Just the ones who can pull off a bikini." She added in amusement, chuckling with two other cheerleaders who helped her. I looked away from Elena and Bonnie as the three of us stood beside my locker. "I want on-your-face-sexy. I mean, it's a fundraiser for gods sake." Care sighed in annoyance as she walked further down the hall, not paying much attention to those around her.

"Unbelievable.. It's like nothing happened." Elena stated in disappointment and shook her head at Bonnie and I.

"She's in denial." Bonnie informed, looking between us and I rolled my eyes, closing my locker.

"In denial about what? Having a boyfriend who likes to leave bite marks all over her body?" I asked, looking back at Caroline who chuckled and smiled widely, as if not even effected by the abuse.

"Hey." A voice stated, coming up beside us and we all turned to see Stefan. I watched Elena stand up straight and stare back at him, holding a very swift poker face.

"Hey, you know, I gotta go—Be somewhere right now." Bonnie stated awkwardly and I opened my mouth to speak but she quickly walked away. I was about to walk after her but Elena grabbed my arm, holding me back.

"And there goes my shot at an escape." I stated in annoyance before looking at Stefan and giving him a small smile.

"Stay." Elena stated in a quiet and nervous tone from beside me. I pulled my arm from her and leant my back against my locker.

"I'm so sorry I haven't called." Stefan stated in apology as he looked down at her. Elena narrowed her eyes back at him and I felt sorry for the guy.. somewhat.

"No worries." Elena replied, showing him a clearly fake smile. "I'll live." She added emotionlessly, acting like it didn't phase her but it definitely did.

"I was dealing with Damon." Stefan pointed out and I tilted my head at him.

"And did you? Deal with Damon?" I asked in a tense tone, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes—Yeah." Stefan replied awkwardly as he nodded back at us.

"For four days?" Elena countered in her snippy tone as she tilted her head at him, as if catching him in a lie.

"You have every right to be angry with me, but can I explain it all to you? Please?" He asked in defeat as he rose an eyebrow at her.

"Sure. When?" Elena answered, sighing back in some boredom and he furrowed his eyebrows, thinking it over.

"I have to be home after school—So the Grill? Four O'clock?" He asked, looking her over carefully and she slowly nodded.

"Okay." Elena agreed emotionlessly and Stefan nodded, showing her a small smile.

"Thanks." He stated with a sigh of relief as Caroline came over to us finally.

"Stefan? Where's Damon? He has some serious apologizing to do." Care stated with a nervous chuckle and I rolled my eyes back at her.

"He's gone, Caroline." Stefan answered emotionlessly and I furrowed my eyebrows back at him.

"When's he coming back?" Caroline asked, her face still holding a smile as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"He's not coming back." He stated quietly and Elena furrowed her eyebrows but didn't ask. "I'm sorry." He added with a soft nod and looked at Elena once last time before walking away.

"This is a good thing, Caroline." Elena reassured with a nod as she put a hand on Caroline's shoulder while she took a deep breath.

"I know that." Care replied quietly and I slowly nodded at her before walking away also.

I heard a knock on the door and I moved towards it, answering it quickly before Elena got a chance to. "Hey, come in." I stated, gesturing Stefan inside and closing the door behind him.

"Is she upstairs?" He asked and I nodded in response but moved down the hall and into the kitchen where I had everything sprawled out for him.

"I hope you're actually as good at cooking as you said you were." I stated sarcastically and nodded at all of the ingredients that I had set out on top of the kitchen island.

"Chicken.. pasta.. mozzarella." Stefan stated, taking note as he looked over all of the ingredients, counting them and swiftly making a memory of where they all were.

"Chicken Parmesan. Elena's favorite." I informed with a nod, making Stefan furrow his eyebrows up at me. He took his jacket off and put it on the chair beside him before he folded his arms over his chest.

"Thank you, Mariana.. This means a lot." He said with a smile and I tilted my head back at him.

"You make her happy.. And after the past few months we have had—" I started, cutting myself off in defeat. Stefan stared at me knowingly, waiting for me to finish but I sighed and looked away. "Just.. don't burn down the house." I added in amusement, making him chuckle.

"Please. Cooking is a specialty of mine. My Italian roots demand it." He reassured with a nod and I smiled back at him.

"Well then, I won't stand in your way." I replied, nodding quickly and moving back towards the hall. "Make sure to save me some." I added as I pointed a stern finger back into the kitchen and heard him laugh in response before I walked up to my room.

-Time Skip-

"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay you laters." Caroline warned as she eyed me carefully and I slowly sighed, tilting my head at her. "We are not running a charity here." She added sternly and I smiled.

"No, we're not." I agreed sarcastically as I counted the money in my hand before putting it into the register.

"Hey." Elena said, coming over to me with Stefan beside her and I smiled at the two.

"The event is called sexy studs, just so you know." Caroline pointed out, rolling her eyes at the sweatshirts they were both wearing before she walked away in annoyance.

"Did we just get scolded?" Stefan asked, looking between Elena and I as he watched Caroline walk away from us.

"And judged, yeah." I answered in a matter of fact tone and Elena rolled her eyes.

"Wow." Elena stated with a sigh and I tilted my head in amusement at the two.

"I'm sorry, but you and your boy-toy are gonna have to strip." I informed and watched as Elena smirked before looking at Stefan.

"I think you gotta go first." Stefan gestured expectantly and she smiled back at him and slowly nodded.

"Okay." Elena agreed seductively, taking off her sweatshirt while Stefan took off his. Elena groaned in annoyance and defeat as her sweatshirt got stuck over her arms. "Ugh—Sorry. So not sexy." She stated with a sigh and in some amusement before taking the sweatshirt off fully, revealing her tangled mess of hair. Stefan chuckled down at her and put his hands on both sides of her face gently.

"I disagree." Stefan reassured, kissing her softly and I smiled at them only before I rolled my eyes at myself.

"Ugh—now go away before I get sick on the job." I stated sarcastically at the two, making them chuckle and walk away from me.

"Caroline put you on register?" A voice asked from behind me and I turned to see Tyler in a black tank top and blue swim trunks, walking over.

"Would it be sad if I told you that I volunteered?" I asked in defeat and Tyler rose his eyebrow at me in some amusement.

"What? Didn't want to make other girls jealous once they saw you in a bathing suit?" He countered jokingly and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Why are you even here, Tyler?" I asked, looking back at the register as he moved in front of me.

"Maybe I wanted to help out for the good of the school." He replied with a smirk and I tilted my head, looking him up and down slowly.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but—It's called sexy studs for a reason, Lockwood. No shirts allowed." I pointed out, looking back down at the register before hearing him scoff.

"Oh, and what about you? Since you're working the register, same rules don't apply?" He asked challengingly and I rose an eyebrow and looked back up at him to see his chest was now bare. I shrugged in defeat and took off my shirt also, revealing the black bathing suit underneath.

"Better?" I asked in annoyance, watching as he eyed me carefully.

"I think it's getting there." Tyler answered with a chuckle and I stared at him in confusion as he walked away.

I looked around the parking lot curiously, not seeing Elena at any of the cars stationed across the pavement. I saw Bonnie who washing a car along with Stefan and Matt but I didn't see either Caroline or Elena. "Hey, Emily?" I asked, looking at one of the cheerleaders to my left. "Can you man register? I gotta go look for my sister." I informed and watched her nod in agreement and take over for me. I smiled in thanks before I moved away from the lawn and over to Jenna who was waiting for her car to get done.

"Hey, Mar. Having fun?" Jenna asked with a smile once she saw me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, it's a blast." I answered sarcastically, hearing her chuckle in amusement. "Have you seen Elena? She like disappeared and she was supposed to come relieve me for my break." I stated as I folded my arms over my chest. Jenna rose an eyebrow and discreetly looked around us for prying eyes before she nodded.

"She told me not to tell anyone, but... She left with Logan to go to the station. Something about an over-due assignment she needed to finish." Jenna answered and I felt my eyebrows furrow.

"Thanks.." I replied quietly and looked over my shoulder. My eyes scanned the car wash slowly before they fell on Stefan who was looking around him curiously, probably searching for Elena. I quickly looked back at Jenna who rose an eyebrow at me, clearly knowing something was off.

"There wasn't really an over-due assignment, was there?" Jenna asked with a sigh and I put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"Jeremy doesn't take wood-shop and Elena doesn't not finish her assignments." I answered in a matter of fact tone before I moved away from her and back towards the register. Stefan's eyes found me and he moved over to me once I sat back down at the register again and took over for Emily.

"Hey. Have you seen Elena?" He asked and I looked back up at him and rose an eyebrow.

"Uh, no. Not that I think of it." I answered with a shrug before I smiled and greeted the next customer in line.

"Do you think she went home?" Stefan asked with a sigh and I looked back at him and tilted my head.

"Not sure." I answered and he slowly nodded and grabbed his sweatshirt that he left on the table.

"Thanks." He replied, going to walk away but I stopped him.

"Hey." I stated and watched as he looked back at me confused. "I'm not just saying this for you—but for her.. Elena is big on trust. So whatever you're holding back from her and for whatever reasons—The more you try to hide it, the more she won't stop until she figures it out." I warned, folding my arms over my chest and watched his body tense up. "She's kinda annoying that way." I added jokingly, trying to lighten his mood a bit before I looked away from him and greeted the next person that was in line.

I walked up the stairs in exhaustion, going to my room but stopping as I saw Elena's door open. I rose an eyebrow and went towards it, peering in to see her standing in front of her dresser, running her hands through her hair in deep thought. "How did the research for the paper go?" I asked, tilting my head at her and watched as she jumped and looked over at me startled. I furrowed my eyebrows at her expression as she breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. "Stefan was looking for you. He seemed worried." I added in a softer tone. Elena breathed heavily in response and clenched her fists before grabbing her car keys that sat in front of her.

"We need to go." She stated quickly, not giving me any explanation as she walked past me and down the stairs in a hurry.

"And where are we going, Elena? Is there another paper you forgot to do?" I asked sarcastically, following her out of the house and shutting the door behind us before we got into her car. "Hello?" I asked again in annoyance as she started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

"It's hard to explain, Mar—like almost impossible." She stated breathlessly and I rose an eyebrow, watching her expression tense up.

"Try me." I replied softly, wanting her to open up to me.

"I went to the news station." Elena stated, shaking her head as she drove and let silence somewhat fall over us.

"Okay?" I asked, waiting for her to elaborate but she stared at the road in front of her, as if frozen.

"Yesterday when I went to the Grill to meet up with Stefan—" Elena started, cutting herself off as she took a breath. "There was an older man, Tiki's grandfather." She informed, speeding down the road and onto the highway. "He thought he recognized Stefan from years ago. I asked Stefan about it but he ignored it—I let it go until I ran into the same man at the car wash today." Elena added nervously and I let out a sigh as I looked out the window.

"Why are you telling me all this, Elena?" I asked impatiently and watched her slowly shake her head and grip the steering wheel tighter.

"Tiki's grandfather told me that he knew Stefan and Damon from when he was living at the Boarding house, Mariana." Elena pointed out emotionlessly and I shrugged back at her.

"Okay? So he's known them for a few years." I replied in annoyance, not getting the point.

"A few years is ten or less, Mariana. Tiki's grandfather said that he lived in the Boarding house in June of 1953." Elena informed and I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding. "I thought he was crazy—just some old man who wasn't remembering correctly but in June of 1953, Joseph Salvatore died from an animal attack.. Joseph was Stefan's uncle." She added, breathing heavily and I slowly ran my hand along my forehead in frustration.

"What are you saying, Elena?" I asked, looking at her fully to see her knuckles white from the grip that she had on the wheel.

"There was a news video from that day.. And Stefan is in it." She informed and I narrowed my eyes at her, wondering if she had literally came to a breaking point.

"Elena, I'm sure—" I started in defense but she quickly cut me off.

"Come on, Mariana. Think about it. The fact that Stefan is so vague about his past? Don't deny what is right in front of you." Elena stated in frustration and I scoffed, looking away from her.

"And what is right in front of me, Hmm?" I asked in annoyance and shook my head at her in disbelief as I looked out the window again.

"The fact that Stefan never grows old? Never gets hurt?" Elena asked, breathing heavily as she shook her head, thinking it over carefully. "Girls bitten—Bodies drained of blood—" She started but I cut her off.

"Please, don't tell me what I think you're suggesting, Elena. Just don't." I warned, looking at her skeptically as I felt my brain was about to explode just thinking about the mere possibility.. But it was a very low possibility. There was no way.

"Come on, Mariana." Elena scoffed in response and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking out the window as we pulled up to the Boarding house and Elena parked.

"Elena, what are you doing?" I asked with a sigh as she got out of the car. I groaned and unbuckled also before getting out and following after her as she walked up to the door. "Elena—Dammit." I groaned in annoyance as the two of us now stood on the front step, staring at the door in uncertainty. I watched Elena narrow her eyes at it and quickly turn away, rethinking her decision over in her head. She was about to walk away when the door flung open and we both turned in surprise to see Stefan. I watched him furrow his eyebrows down at us both, clearly taken aback as the knowing look of fear showed on Elena's face.

"What are you?" Elena asked in a demanding voice, full of anger and emotion as she clenched her jaw. Stefan stared back at her, dumbfounded while I remained silent and watched the two of them.. waiting for either of them to say anything.
