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y/n <3: bab
y/n <3: where r u i'm waiting at the entrance

y/n <3: ??

y/n <3: i'm going to ur classroom ok??

y/n let the phone sit for a minute before texting izuku.

n/n: izu-kun!
n/n: is there something up w katsuki?
n/n: he's not responding

n/n: izuku?

she let out a huff, pushing away all of her doubts.

y/n: bb i'm coming to ur classroom ok??

she placed her phone in her skirt pocket and started walking from the front gate back into u.a.

she opened the door, peeking her head in to see the few students left.

"uhm..yo?" heads turned at her appearance.

"hey, it's y/n!" uraraka rushed over to the door and pulled y/n over.

"oh! hey ura-chan."

"who's this?" a cute green haired girl croaked.

"a friend of deku! we met early in the school year and she transferred here after the sports festival but we never had the time to talk!"

"isn't she the one who interrupted class?" a tall girl with a ponytail tilted her head slightly.

"YYY/N!!" mina jumped on top of y/n, bringing her to the floor, y/n hugging back.


uraraka looked down slowly.

"you two know each other?"

"y/n! ashido!" kirishima helped the two of the them up.

"yeah! totally~ y/n and i are like besties basically." mina waves her hand to uraraka and the few other girls standing by.

y/n laughed a little and rubbed the nape of her neck.

"y/n why'd you come to visit us?"

"oh! uhm katsuki wasn't responding to my texts. where is he?"

"...y/n." mina suddenly grabbed her hand.

"..you don't know?" kirishima's voice turned soft.

"what would i not know?" she looked around, the people that were talking happily to her earlier were now avoiding eye contact.

"i'm not stupid so don't make me feel like it!" her voice got increasingly louder. "what do i not know?"

"y/n..bakugou got seriously injured during finals." kirishima took a deep breath.

"..what? but the robots—"

"the teachers lied to us. bakugou ended up fighting all might with midoriya."

y/n froze for a second before immediately leaving the room to the infirmary, terrible thoughts seeping into her head with every shaky inhale.

"y/n!" kirishima ran after y/n, who was speeding up.. "i'm sorry you had to find out this way, i thought for sure you already knew!"

"all might did a number on him, but he's not going to die!" mina caught up. "the two of them won!"

"it's fine, thanks for telling me." her pace quickened. "i'd like to be alone."

"y/n, i understand but please come to us if you need anything!" the two of them stopped behind her, facing the door of the infirmary.

"your breathing isn't stable right now, just calm down before you see him, alright?"

she nodded with a deep breath and opened the door to the infirmary, closing it on kirishima's and mina's faces.

she turned around slowly.

she knew katsuki paired with izuku was a terrible choice on the teacher's part. she always hoped the two of them would get along but finals was not the time. not when they had their grades at stake.

she treasured them both but she knew they had problems. specifically katsuki for reasons she could never understand. and even when she knew she would never comprehend how exactly his thought process worked, she tried her best to relieve him and make him feel better. but even then she couldn't force them to like each other.

and for the two dysfunctional people to fight their idol. the person who inspired them to even be at this school.

she grasped her blazer where her heart was, begging for it to calm down. she couldn't freak out again and again every time they got hurt.

she gasped at her two closest friends being wrapped in bandages. they looked awful.



the two of them were surprised by her sudden appearance and the watering of her eyes that made it almost impossible to see them.

"you idiots! you big fat flaming morons!" she ran up to the both of them at separate beds and gave them each a hug respectively.


"save it, please! i want to know every detail but right now i'm just glad you're okay." she wiped all of her tears with her blazer sleeve before taking it off.

"you're..you're not freaking out?" izuku glanced at her up and down.

"i almost did." she laughed nervously.

"that's great, y/n." katsuki spoke to her with a voice that only she could recognize. "i'm proud of you."

her eyes started watering again and she jumped into the small hospital bed with him, careful not to lay on any bandaged parts.

"i'm proud of you both! i cant believe you beat all might!"

"well, we ended up like fucking this." katsuki grumbled.

"it might've been easier if kachaan wanted to work together but i'm glad we could work it out!"

"really?" y/n looked over to izuku while her her was rested on katsuki's chest. "you guys got to work together?"

"i didn't fucking want to."

"well i know that, but i'm glad you guys did. i'm so happy that you guys could make it work—!"

all might slid open the door to the infirmary, directing the attention of all three students.

"hello, young midoriya and young bakugou. and young..?"


"young y/n." he repeated. "i'm here to talk to my students could you please step out?"

"y-you can talk in front of her." izuku spoke up.

"yeah it's not a big fucking deal. let her stay." he held onto her waist.

"i see, very well." he cleared his throat. "i would just like to say i am very sorry for the damage i caused you. it has been brought to my attention i went too hard on the two of you, and you ended up in a dangerous situation thanks to my carelessness. i am glad, though, because the both of you passed beautifully!" he rested both of his hands on his hips and glanced at the two of them with his signature smile. "good job young midoriya and young bakugou!"

katsuki nodded and izuku stayed stuttering a thank you and apology.

"i'm really glad the two of you worked together." y/n spoke quietly to katsuki.

"i...i thought i could do it all on my own."

"because you've done everything else like that. but him helping you won't make you weak. sometimes you need help and i think it's awesome you could do it."

"i told him i'd rather lose than work with him."

y/n sat up a little to look at him face to face.

"so it took a little trouble. what matters is that you did work with him and you did win. izuku isn't the type of person to hold grudges, i'm sure he forgives you. you did fine, baby."

"probably." he grumbled. "you ready for me to be gone for a couple weeks over the summer?"

"ugh i totally forgot you told me about that."

"we've always spent the summer together. you gonna be fine, dummy?" his eyes followed all might and izuku leaving the infirmary together.

"we've been living together for awhile now. i'll just take that as compensation. you're lucky i'm so lenient. plus it's for training."

"oh yeah? and if you weren't so kind?" he smirked.

"you'd be in major trouble.."

"ooh i'm so fucking scared!" he fake winced and turned back to his annoyed resting face. "shiver me timbers, dunce."

"ugh you're the worst." she laid back on his chest.

"says you." he lifted her face and sprinkled kissed all over her lips and face.

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10k reads+almost 500 votes ( ˘ ³˘)♥
i didn't expect anyone to rly like this so i'm so happy that it got that much attention?? i love everyone sjsahahdh forreal >.<

muah {consensual kiss on the cheek <3}

++if i were 2 make another fic who would u want it 2 b ab? i'm wondering cos i have a few ideas but i nvr stick 2 them,, ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ helpp?
^im thinking a mina x reader?
