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"achoo!" y/n sneezed into her her elbow as she finished putting on her shoes. katsuki turned around slowly with a glare.

"y/n.." he growled. "what the fuck was that?"

y/n laughed and sputtered a little.

"well—i—it was probably like allergies and shit, you know?" she laughed.

"let me feel your forehead."

"no need! i'm totally sure it's just pollen haha."



"let me feel your fucking forehead." he pulled her before she could jerk back and pressed the back of his hand onto her burning forehead.

"fuck! you're fucking hot."

"ahaha! thanks suki~"

"fuck you." he took his hand away from her forehead. "you're staying home today."

"whaat? no! i'm okay! i'll just take some ibuprofen and i'll be fine."

"idiot." he slung her over his shoulder with a grunt and started walking back to his room. "you're fucking heavy."

"fuck you, suki!"

he swung open the door to his room and set her down on his bed. he took off her blazer and pulled down on her tights.

"ooh~ not so fast katsuki we have school~"

he shoved his palm on her forehead and glared at her.

"you're burning up everywhere get changed or i'll do it for you. and how many times will i have to repeat myself? you're not going to fucking school."

"ugh." she unbuttoned her undershirt and stripped from her skirt as katsuki left the room. she quickly changed back into pajamas and laid back down with a pout.

in truth, she had already taken cold medicine and purposely didn't cuddle with katsuki the night before because there was a high probability she was going to catch a cold and he would feel her temperature. she just didn't want katsuki to say "i told you so" and be ridiculed forever on how he's always right. which he usually is, but y/n brushed it off. screw him.

he came back with dayquill, soup, and water and set it down on his nightstand.

"i'm running a little late, but take this," he gave her measured out dayquill, which she gave a disgusted look. "drink all of this water and all of the soup and text me to order you food or some shit."

"i can do that by myself."

"just do what i ask." he huffed. he took out a thermometer and held it up to y/n who opened her mouth.

"103.6? jesus fucking lord." (39.8 celsius)

"ah.." y/n mustered a sheepish smile at katsuki's harsh glare.

"my shit parents went to work already, so call me if you need anything. use the laptop, xbox, whatever! just lay down." he grumbled and let a light blanket on top of her.

"oh!" he left quickly and came back with a wet towel and placed it on her forehead.

"change this when it gets warm. it's the only time you're allowed to get out of bed except to eat, go to the bathroom, or fill up your water, got it?"

"okay, mom."

"fuck you." he grumbled. "not to say i fucking told you you were going to catch a cold by dancing in the rain like a fucking dumbass, but i fucking told you so you fucking moron."

"...words hurt."

"i hate you, goodbye. i'll bring mcdonald's home." he stood in the doorway of his bedroom.

"..can i have a kiss goodbye?"

"are you an idiot? i don't want to catch your disgusting germs."

"okay then..can you tell shinsou to give you my homework?"

"yeah." he was about to leave when he glanced at her from behind. her pouting was so fucking irritating. who let y/n be so cute?

he gave her a quick peck on the lips and walked out.

"thank you!" he could hear her voice from his room.

"only morons catch colds!" he shouted. "you're dumb if you thought me kissing you was going to do anything!"

y/n snickered because he was the only one thinking that but waved it off.

she felt pretty drowsy.

nappy time! only after she eats this soup tho~

throughout the day, katsuki texted y/n relentlessly checking up on her.

sukii <3: yo wtf r u doing rn

sukii <3: u sleeping or something

sukii <3: r u rly still sleeping u fucking idiot
sukii <3: oi text me back

sukii <3: it's midday y/n wake the fuck up
sukii <3: r u ignoring me or something
sukii <3: and i'm not checking up on you because i care or something stupid

sukii <3: i care is that what u wanna hear
sukii <3: text me back moron

sukii <3: u get kidnapped or something?

sukii <3: i got ur homework from that stupid control dude
sukii <3: there's a shit ton lmao good luck w that 😹

sukii <3: i just sneezed i hate ur dumbass
sukii <3: i'll kill you
sukii <3: i hate ur fucking guts
sukii <3: hello this is his teacher,, bakugou had his phone taken away please don't call until after school hours because nobody will answer

y/n snickered at the last series of texts from katsuki and got up from the bed to redo the cold towel.

so much for "only morons catch colds." she only laughed harder thinking about how much she'd tease him about it. and not only that, but he got his phone taken away too. katsuki ain't slick 😾,,

she lazed the rest of the day in his room watching anime and eating light food until she thought it was late enough after school so she could facetime katsuki.

"hey hey hey!" she spoke and stared at the spike of his hair and his ear. ugh he wasn't fully in frame.

"you sound good. what's your temperature?"

"uhm it went down a little but i still have a fever. do you have one?"

"hell no. i told you only morons get colds. do i look like a moron to you?"

"well i don't know, i can't see your face!"

he turned the camera to him with a glare.

"fuck. you."

"ah! no moron! all clear, sir."

"i'm getting mcdonald's for you shut the fuck up."

"mmmm!" she started dreaming about the wonderful taste of fast food after eating nothing but saltine crackers and soup all day. "buuut! katsuki didn't you say you sneezed?"

"...it was allergies."

they both stayed home together the next day because katsuki did in fact have a fever and is in fact a moron :)

y/n sniffed her nose for the fifth time this episode and katsuki was fed up. he took the pillow underneath his head and smashed it on his stomach where y/n's head laid.

"ack!" she jumped and took the pillow off. "what was that for?"

"blow your nose, dumbass you sound like a vacuum or some shit!"

"well i can hear the soup in your tummy!"

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ty for all the comments i laugh at every one omg! <3

++posting at 3am because it's the only time i can be alone 😼
