chapter 13- "she came back"

i hate you i love you- olivia o'brien & gnash
but i can't put
nobody else above you
loved you first- one direction
all this time to finally say it
but now i see your hearts been taken
and nothing could be worse

"i can't wait for this party!" i squeal with excitement "we are gonna be the best hottest ones there." violet says while winking at me.
we were going to the party as hot ass frat boys and ethan and grayson were going as hot "werewolves " i guess.
last week something big happened. Grace came to apologize to me and violet ethan and grayson. we were all hanging out at my house and then we heard a knock at the door. i open the door expecting it to be postmates but it wasn't grace was standing there clearly crying and looked scared. i genuinely felt bad so i let her come in and sit and talk with us she told us what happened.

"he hurt me." "what do you mean. grace you can to talk to us." ethan says worriedly.
"i wouldnt help him again to get you guys to breakup." she paused and i could see chills going all over her body "he pretended to forgive me and later we were just chilling. all of a sudden his hands start going up my shorts because they were looser." she sniffles and i knew what was coming i scoot closer and hold her hand and rub her back.
"i told him to stop because i wasn't in the mood.
he told me i was always in the mood and next thing i knew we were having sex"
we were all in shock but i was also not surprised because he did the same to me but only violet and ethan knew.
"he was on top of me and i couldn't move. i didn't want him to and i was very scared and couldn't say anything."
after that she apologize for being a bitch and we all forgave her. she apologized tome and ethan especially because of what she did.
i decided to tell them my story with him too. ethan and violet already knew so they were already supportive. grayson. and alex however. were mad and angry they both were before but no was they are angrier then ever.
"i'm going to kill him!" he yells
"why haven't you told me Emma? and why don't you two tell the police?" alex says calmly looking at me with tears in his eyes. i remember looking to grace and see her shake her head
"we can't." i looked at her confused. i wanted to now that i know i wasn't the only one. "i went home after that happened and he texted me and told me that he would do it again if i told anyone."
"WHAT?" "ethan please." i say calming ethan down.
"we can beat him up."
alex says. "no we aren't doing that." "fine." grace suddenly cut in "let's go to the police it's enough evidence i still have the text.
so we all agreed it was a good thing to do to go the police and so we did . the next day we arrived and told them both our stories.
the police told us they were going to talk to jack about it and hopefully he tells he truth.
we haven't heard anything since and we keep going back to the police
"there's nothing we can do about it."

we arrived to the party and i instantly saw ethan and grayson with amazing werewolf face painting.
damn did my boyfriend look hot
i go up to him and his friends and everyone instantly
stares at me.
"why are you guys all staring at me?"
"you look hot as fuck." "so does violet." grayson says grabbing onto her waist.
"but guys quit staring." we all laugh and me gray vi and e all go into the kitchen to get a drink.
"water please." ethan handed me a water and himself one too. "you feel uncomfortable i can tell." violet was right there was a lot of alcohol and everywhere i look people were taking shots.
"let's go outside." i grab ethans hand and we go out to the front and sit on the swinging bench while gray and violet sat on the chair together.
we just were sitting and talking and having a good time. there were speakers out side some and violet were dancing like nobody was watching.
jack was there also but he was doing his own thing and every once in awhile i would see him around another girl. grace didn't come. and i don't think she'll be ready to go to the same party as jack for a long time.
"NEW GIRL NEW GIRL NEW GIRL." we all look into the windows of the house and see a cute blonde girl taking shots. i look at everyone and violet just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to dancing. grayson and ethan however and staring at each other and ethan looked like he saw a ghost instead of an actual person.
"who is she." i stop dancing and go up to ethan. "uh- um-" he stutters.
then it clicked
is that- no it can't be. the girl turns around so i saw her face.
it is.
"ethan what is she doing here." "i have no idea. i swear." grayson steps in and defends ethan "em i swear to you she was all the way at a transfer school in europe we had no contact. Ethan didn't know she was coming back."
i look over at ethan and he stands there shaking and staring at her. i look back at ava in the window and see she's standing in the front living room doing the same.
she comes running out. "ethan!" she goes up to ethan and wraps her arms around him.
he does the same eventually taking it all in by closing his eyes.
it felt like forever but they finally stopped hugging.
she goes over to grayson and gives him a quick hug and then goes up to me and violet.
"hi i'm ava."
"hi i'm violet and this is-"
"emma. ethans girlfriend." i say with the fakest smile.
"ha well nice to meet you. and nice to see you ethan." she starts walking over to him. "yeah why'd you come back." "just a visit my grandparents for a couple months." ok at least she's not staying.
"but i've realized that i missed this place hella a lot so i think i'll finish my senior year here."
spoke too soon.
she winked at him and walked back into the party.
"violet we should go back home." "i'll come with." ethan says grabbing my wrist. "no it's ok i'm tired and violet and i are gonna go to breakfast tomorrow morning." "okay- can me and gray come tomorrow morning." "maybe. depends on my mood." i give him a quick peck and leave with violet.
why am i hurting?
maybe because is ex girlfriend who he loved so much came back from europe? should i be mad?
i'm hurt.
what if he goes back to her?
he'll probably be happier.
