14- "i always have"

a/n:also i'm changing my format as u can see the way the title is lol.

Emma's POV
it's been a week since ava has been here. she sits with us at lunch and it's awkward because ethan is the only one who talks to her.
speaking of, he asked me if it was okay if he could hangout with her tonight to reconnect.
he had all fucking week.
i didn't want to be a petty bitch so of course i said yes and he said he would hangout with me until he has to pick her up.
she has her own damn car.
"you trust me right?" "yeah" i lie.
he could tell i was off because clearly i was. he was gonna end up fucking her and i couldn't stand that thought.
i'm glad she's like ok, but i'm not ok with the fact she's back.

"babe. trust me. nothing is gonna happen." he beds down and grabs his keys while giving me a quick peck on my lips. "okay." is all i day opening my front door. "have fun!" i day with the fakest smile plastered on my face.
"but i won't have too much fun. i promise"
don't pink swear on that.

Ethan POV
"you ready?" "yep!" ava responds.
i really hope she doesn't try anything on me tonight. but i have a feeling something is gonna happen
we get in the car and she can tell i'm nervous like somethings up
which is true.
"ethan." she touches my shoulder which makes my breath hitch, she notices and brings her hand back to her lap, "nothing is gonna happen, i swear"
i smile softly, still having a bad feeling in my stomach.
maybe it's because i'm basically going on a date with someone who isn't even my girlfriend.
someone who left me scared, hopeless, heartbroken.

Graysons POV
me and violet walk into a party with a lot of shitfaced people already. we wanted to have fun tonight, let loose.
something was on my mind and it want violet.
i had a feeling for someone else and they were on the tip of my tongue.
violet tells me she's gonna go and talk with some people she already knew. i went to go take shots.

after a couple shots later i was apart of the shit faces clan now.
violet saw that i was clearly way to drunk and asked if i wanted to go home.
"yo, babe i think it's time to go back home." for some reason this made me pissed, seeing her face and not—
it made me fucking pissed.
"leave me alone." i saw throwing my arm out of her hand. "what the fuck gray." "you go home. i'm having fun"
she walks out and for some reason i feel free.
i think i feelings for emma.

Emma's POV
i was bored all night.
staring at the ceiling wondering if ethan and ava are fucking right now.
my phone starts to ring, hoping it's ethan calling me to tell me that he's coming home because ava isn't worth it and he loves me.
it was grayson...
that's weird. i pick up anyways
"hey gray what's up?" "emma? c-c-can i come overrrrr?" his slurred words, he was so wasted. "i'll come get you bud." "you mean baby righttt??"  wtf i thought to myself. shouldn't he be with vi? "where's vi?" "oh fuck her just come pick me up babygirl, Connor Dile's house" the line went dead and i was confused. i didn't want him to make any more bad decisions and i went to pick him up, hoping he would forget our conversation we just had was.

i make it to the big house party and i can hear the music from two streets away already
i pull up, keep my car running and go inside to get gray.
i push through people throwing up, making out, and too many sweaty bodies.
i spot grays gray beanie with his plaid jacket and jeans on.
"GRAY!" i yell over the speakers. "eeemmmmaaaa" he slurrs while putting his arm around me .
i try my best to carry him out to my car.
on our way out he throws up in the bush in front of the house. "fuck." he says while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
i place him in the passenger seat and close his door.
"you okay?" i say reaching over putting his seatbelt on. "yeah." he says plainly, i could tell he was sobering up.
it was silent the whole car ride until he broke it.
"emma?" "yeah gray?" "i meant what i said on the phone earlier, but like less douchebag like."
i was shocked. he's dating my
best friend. how can he like me?  dating his twin brother. who's also out with his ex right now. "i like you emma, always did. yeah violet is such a cool girl and so sweet and pretty but, it's you." i was stunned i just sat there confused.
why didn't he tell me earlier?
"i'm sorry" he simply said. "i made it worse didn't i." "no not at all" i say truthfully.
we stopped at a stop sign and for gray and e's house you turn left. mine you turn right.
i turned right tonight.
grayson just simply looked at me. and shrugged his shoulders. "we aren't gonna fuck." he left out a small chuckle which made my heart soft. "figured. we are both still dating someone." i smile and look at him.
he's my best friend. why does he have to like me.
one night won't hurt right? who knows ethan is with ava. i didn't promise ethan anything..
